İhale No | 2013/79675 |
Sektör | Matbaa, Yayıncılık Hizmet ve Kırtasiye Malzemeleri |
İdare | SAKARYA ÜNİVERSİTESİ İdari ve Mali İşler Daire Başkanlığı |
İhale Tipi | Mal Alımı |
İhale Usulü | Açık İhale |
İhale İli | Sakarya |
İşin İli | Sakarya |
Yayın Tarihi | 24 Ağustos 2015 |
İhale Tarihi | 9 Temmuz 2013 10:30 |
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Saü Rektörlüğü 441 Adet Yabancı Dilde Yayın Kitap Alımı İşi. alımı 4734 sayılı Kamu İhale Kanununun 19 uncu maddesine göre açık ihale usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler aşağıda yer almaktadır:
İhale Kayıt Numarası | : | 2013/79675 |
1-İdarenin | ||
a) Adresi | : | Sakarya Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Esentepe Kampüsü SERDİVAN SAKARYA SERDİVAN/SAKARYA |
b) Telefon ve faks numarası | : | 2642955191 - 2642955186 |
c) Elektronik Posta Adresi | : | ihale@sakarya.edu.tr |
ç) İhale dokümanının görülebileceği internet adresi (varsa) | : | https://ekap.kik.gov.tr/EKAP/ |
2-İhale konusu malın
a) Niteliği, türü ve miktarı | : | İhalenin niteliği, türü ve miktarına ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiye EKAP’ta (Elektronik Kamu Alımları Platformu) yer alan ihale dokümanı içinde bulunan idari şartnameden ulaşılabilir. |
b) Teslim yeri | : | Sakarya Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Dairesi Başkanliğı |
c) Teslim tarihi | : | Malın/İşin teslim süresi 90 takvim günüdür. Malın/İşin teslim süresi 90 takvim günüdür. Sözleşmenin imzalandığının,idare tarafından yüklenicinin kendisine veya tebligat için gösterdiği adrese yapılacak işe başlama talimatının tebliğinden itibaren mal teslim edilecek/ işe başlanacaktır.Yüklenici ürünü sözleşmeyi mütaakip 90 gün içerisinde 1 defada tamamı teslim edilecektir. |
3- İhalenin
a) Yapılacağı yer | : | Sakarya Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü İdari ve Mali İşler Dairesi Başkanlığı |
b) Tarihi ve saati | : | 09.07.2013 - 10:30 |
4. İhaleye katılabilme şartları ve istenilen belgeler ile yeterlik değerlendirmesinde uygulanacak kriterler:
4.1. İhaleye katılma şartları ve istenilen belgeler:
4.1.1. Mevzuatı gereği kayıtlı olduğu Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odası ya da ilgili Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Odası belgesi; Gerçek kişi olması halinde, ilk ilan veya ihale tarihinin içinde bulunduğu yılda alınmış, ilgisine göre Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odasına ya da ilgili Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Odasına kayıtlı olduğunu gösterir belge, Tüzel kişi olması halinde, ilgili mevzuatı gereği kayıtlı bulunduğu Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odasından, ilk ilan veya ihale tarihinin içinde bulunduğu yılda alınmış, tüzel kişiliğin odaya kayıtlı olduğunu gösterir belge,
4.1.2. Teklif vermeye yetkili olduğunu gösteren imza beyannamesi veya imza sirküleri; Gerçek kişi olması halinde, noter tasdikli imza beyannamesi, Tüzel kişi olması halinde, ilgisine göre tüzel kişiliğin ortakları, üyeleri veya kurucuları ile tüzel kişiliğin yönetimindeki görevlileri belirten son durumu gösterir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesi, bu bilgilerin tamamının bir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesinde bulunmaması halinde, bu bilgilerin tümünü göstermek üzere ilgili Ticaret Sicil Gazeteleri veya bu hususları gösteren belgeler ile tüzel kişiliğin noter tasdikli imza sirküleri,
4.1.3. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen teklif mektubu.
4.1.4. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen geçici teminat.
4.1.5 İhale konusu alımın tamamı veya bir kısmı alt yüklenicilere yaptırılamaz.
4.2. Ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler: |
İdare tarafından ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir. |
4.3. Mesleki ve Teknik yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler: |
İdare tarafından mesleki ve teknik yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir. |
5.Ekonomik açıdan en avantajlı teklif sadece fiyat esasına göre belirlenecektir.
6. İhaleye sadece yerli istekliler katılabilecektir.
7. İhale dokümanının görülmesi ve satın alınması:
7.1. İhale dokümanı, idarenin adresinde görülebilir ve 100 TRY (Türk Lirası) karşılığı İdari ve Mali İşler Dairesi Başkanlığı İhale Şube Müdürlüğü adresinden satın alınabilir.
7.2. İhaleye teklif verecek olanların ihale dokümanını satın almaları veya EKAP üzerinden e-imza kullanarak indirmeleri zorunludur.
8. Teklifler, ihale tarih ve saatine kadar Sakarya Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü İdari ve Mali İşler Dairesi Başkanlığı adresine elden teslim edilebileceği gibi, aynı adrese iadeli taahhütlü posta vasıtasıyla da gönderilebilir.
9. İstekliler tekliflerini, mal kalem-kalemleri için teklif birim fiyatlar üzerinden vereceklerdir. İhale sonucu, üzerine ihale yapılan istekliyle her bir mal kalemi miktarı ile bu mal kalemleri için teklif edilen birim fiyatların çarpımı sonucu bulunan toplam bedel üzerinden birim fiyat sözleşme imzalanacaktır.
Bu ihalede, işin tamamı için teklif verilecektir.
10. İstekliler teklif ettikleri bedelin %3’ünden az olmamak üzere kendi belirleyecekleri tutarda geçici teminat vereceklerdir.
11. Verilen tekliflerin geçerlilik süresi, ihale tarihinden itibaren 90 (doksan) takvim günüdür.
12. Konsorsiyum olarak ihaleye teklif verilemez.
Cetvel Adı | Miktar | Birim |
1100Words You Need to Know | 1 | Adet |
400Must-Have Words for the TOEFL | 1 | Adet |
ABrief History of Analytic Philosophy: From Russell to Rawls | 1 | Adet |
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AlgebraicDesign Theory | 1 | Adet |
Americanphilosophic naturalism in the Twentieth century | 1 | Adet |
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AnIntroduction to Human Resource Management | 1 | Adet |
AnIntroduction to Islamic philosophy | 1 | Adet |
AnIntroduction to Scientific Research Methods in Geography | 1 | Adet |
AnIntroduction to Scientific Research Methods in Geography andEnvironmental Studies | 1 | Adet |
AnIntroduction to the Philosophy of Language | 1 | Adet |
AnIntroduction to the Philosophy of Science | 1 | Adet |
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AnalyticalPolitical Philosophy: From Discourse, Edification | 1 | Adet |
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Approachesto Human Geography (textbook) | 1 | Adet |
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Art,Origins, Otherness: Between Philosophy and Art | 1 | Adet |
Aspectsof Knowing: Epistemological Essays | 1 | Adet |
Ausführungvon Stahlbauten | 1 | Adet |
Averroesand his philosophy | 1 | Adet |
Ayer:The Great Philosophers | 1 | Adet |
Bangs,Crunches, Whimpers, and Shrieks: Singularities and Acausalities inRelativistic Spacetimes | 1 | Adet |
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Barth,Derrida and the Language of Theology | 1 | Adet |
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Beyondconfrontation: transforming the new world order | 1 | Adet |
BeyondHegel and dialectic : speculation, cult, and comedy | 1 | Adet |
Biographicaldictionary of twentieth century philosophers | 1 | Adet |
Biologyand the Foundations of Ethics | 1 | Adet |
BlackSkin, White Masks | 1 | Adet |
BlockDesigns: A Randomization Approach, Volume I | 1 | Adet |
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Bolzano`sTheoretical Philosophy: An Introduction | 1 | Adet |
BosniaRemade: Ethnic Cleansing and Its Reversal | 1 | Adet |
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CambridgeIELTS 8 Student`s Book with Answers: Official Examination Papersfrom University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations | 1 | Adet |
CambridgeVocabulary for IELTS Advanced Band 6.5+ with Answers and Audio CD | 1 | Adet |
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Cellularmanufacturing systems : an integrated approach | 1 | Adet |
CharacterTheory of Finite Groups 9783110154214 | 1 | Adet |
CharacterTheory of Finite Groups 9780486680149 | 1 | Adet |
Charactersand Cyclotomic Fields in Finite Geometry | 1 | Adet |
CheckYour English Vocabulary for IELTS: All you need to pass your exams | 1 | Adet |
ChinesePerceptions of the U.S.: An Exploration of China`s Foreign PolicyMotivations | 1 | Adet |
ChineseStrategic Culture and Foreign Policy Decision-Making:Confucianism, Leadership and War | 1 | Adet |
Class,culture and social change : on the trail of the working class | 1 | Adet |
Classicsof philosophy | 1 | Adet |
CodeDesign for Dependable Systems | 1 | Adet |
CodingTheory and Design Theory: Part I | 1 | Adet |
Coding,Cryptography and Combinatorics | 1 | Adet |
Cognition:InternationalEdition | 1 | Adet |
CognitivePsychology:Mind and Brain: United States Edition | 1 | Adet |
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Colonialism/Postcolonialism | 1 | Adet |
CombinatorialDesigns | 1 | Adet |
CombinatorialDesigns and Tournaments | 1 | Adet |
Combinatoricsof finite geometries | 1 | Adet |
CommonLISP: A Gentle Introduction to Symbolic Computation | 1 | Adet |
CommonMistakes at IELTS Advanced: And How to Avoid Them | 1 | Adet |
ConceptualIssues in Evolutionary Biology | 1 | Adet |
ConductingEffective Personnel Investigations: A Manual for Public SectorEmployees | 1 | Adet |
Confessionsof a Confirmed Extensionalist and Other Essays | 1 | Adet |
Constructivism,Narrative and Foreign Policy Analysis [Paperback] | 1 | Adet |
ContemporaryIsrael: Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy, and SecurityChallenges | 1 | Adet |
CriticalSystemic Praxis for Social and Environmental Justice:Participatory Policy Design and Governance for a Global Age | 1 | Adet |
Cryptographyand Coding | 1 | Adet |
DasUrteil / Die Verwandlung | 1 | Adet |
DecisionsAnd Dilemmas: Case Studies In Presidential Foreign Policy MakingSince 1945 | 1 | Adet |
Departingfrom Frege: Essays in the Philosophy of Language | 1 | Adet |
Desigingand conducting mixed method research | 1 | Adet |
Designof Coldformed Steel Structures | 1 | Adet |
Designingand Conducting Mixed Methods Research | 1 | Adet |
DeviantLogic: Some Philosophical Issues | 1 | Adet |
Diagnosticand Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition(DSM-5(TM) | 1 | Adet |
Dictionaryof atheism, skepticism & humanism | 1 | Adet |
DigitalDesign: Principles and Practices Package: International Version | 1 | Adet |
Dilthey:Philosopher of the Human Studies | 1 | Adet |
Dissemination | 1 | Adet |
EconomicGeographies | 1 | Adet |
Electromagneticshielding | 1 | Adet |
ElementaryLinear Algebra | 1 | Adet |
Encyclopediaof Geographic Information Science | 1 | Adet |
Encyclopediaof Geography (Reference) | 1 | Adet |
Encyclopediaof Global Studies | 1 | Adet |
Encyclopediaof Global Warming and Climate Change, Second Edition (Reference) | 1 | Adet |
Entrepreneurship:Theory, Process, and Practice | 1 | Adet |
Essenceof Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis | 1 | Adet |
EssentialReadings in World Politics (Fourth Edition) (The Norton Series inWorld Politics) | 1 | Adet |
FeministPostcolonial Theory: A Reader | 1 | Adet |
FiniteFields with Applications to Coding Theory, Cryptography andRelated Areas | 1 | Adet |
FiniteFields: Theory, Applications, and Algorithms | 1 | Adet |
FiniteGeometries | 1 | Adet |
FiniteGeometries and Designs | 1 | Adet |
ForeignAffairs Strategy: Logic for American Statecraft | 1 | Adet |
ForeignExchange, The Complete Deal: A Comprehensive Guide to the Theoryand Practice of the Forex Market | 1 | Adet |
Formand transformation : a study in the philosophy of Plotinus | 1 | Adet |
Foundationsof Galois Theory | 1 | Adet |
Foundationsof Projective Geometry | 1 | Adet |
FrankfurtSchool Perspectives on Globalization, Democracy, and the Law | 1 | Adet |
FromHegel to Marx : studies in the intellectual development of KarlMarx | 1 | Adet |
Fundamentalsof aluminium metallurgy : production, processing and applications | 1 | Adet |
Fundamentalsof Information Theory and Coding Design | 1 | Adet |
Gardner`sArt through the Ages: A Global History, Enhanced Edition, Volume I | 1 | Adet |
Gardner`sArt through the Ages: A Global History, Enhanced Edition, VolumeII | 1 | Adet |
GentleIntroduction To Support Vector Machines in Biomedicine, A - Volume2: Case Studies | 1 | Adet |
Geographiesof Consumption | 1 | Adet |
Geographiesof Nature | 1 | Adet |
Geography | 1 | Adet |
Glasbau2013 | 1 | Adet |
GlobalTrends in Human Resource Management | 1 | Adet |
Globalisation,the Global Financial Crisis and the State | 1 | Adet |
GroupBeliefs: A Conception for Analyzing Group Structure, Processes,and Behavior | 1 | Adet |
Habitationsof Modernity: Essays in the Wake of Subaltern Studies | 1 | Adet |
Handbookof Cultural Geography (Reference) | 1 | Adet |
HealthPolicy Issues: An Economic Perspective | 1 | Adet |
HealthPolitics and Policy | 1 | Adet |
HeatTransfer Performance of Nanofluids: Applications in FacilityHeating | 1 | Adet |
Howto Master the IELTS: Over 400 Questions for All Parts of theInternational English Language Testing System | 1 | Adet |
HRMand Performance: Achievements and Challenges | 1 | Adet |
HumanGeography (Reference) | 1 | Adet |
HumanResource Management in the Public Sector | 1 | Adet |
HybridGeographies | 1 | Adet |
HypergraphTheory: An Introduction (Mathematical Engineering) | 1 | Adet |
IELTSAcademic Module - How to Maximize Your Score | 1 | Adet |
IELTSTask 2: How to write at a 9 level: A Brief eBook by Ryan T.Higgins | 1 | Adet |
IELTSTrainer Six Practice Tests with Answers and Audio CDs (3) | 1 | Adet |
IELTSWriting Questions: IELTS academic and general writing questionsfor students and educators. | 1 | Adet |
Imageand Logic: A Material Culture of Microphysics | 1 | Adet |
ImageProcessing: Principles and Applications | 1 | Adet |
ImmanuelKant`s Critique Of Pure Reason | 1 | Adet |
InfectionControl in Clinical Practice | 1 | Adet |
Ingenieurholzbaunach Eurocode 5/Konstruktion, Berechnung, Ausführung | 1 | Adet |
Intelligencepower in peace and war | 1 | Adet |
InternationalConflict Management | 1 | Adet |
InternationalOrder and the Future of World Politics | 1 | Adet |
InternationalOrder in a Globalizing World | 1 | Adet |
InternationalOrders | 1 | Adet |
InternationalRelations with Student Website Pincode | 1 | Adet |
InternationalRelations, Political Theory and the Problem of Order: BeyondInternational Relations Theory? | 1 | Adet |
InternationalRelations: Perspectives, Controversies and Readings | 1 | Adet |
InternationalSecurity: Problems and Solutions | 1 | Adet |
InternationalTrade Disputes and EU Liability | 1 | Adet |
Introductionto Combinatorial Designs | 1 | Adet |
Introductionto Graph and Hypergraph Theory | 1 | Adet |
Introductionto International Human Resource Management | 1 | Adet |
Introductionto the code of maimonides: mishneh torah | 1 | Adet |
IntroductoryLectures on Rings and Modules | 1 | Adet |
IslamicModernism, Nationalism and Fundamentalism: Episode and Discourse | 1 | Adet |
Israel`sSecret Wars: A History of Israel`s Intelligence Services | 1 | Adet |
IssuesIn International Relations | 1 | Adet |
JavaPersistence with Hibernate | 1 | Adet |
JohannWolfgang Goethe - Briefe. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe /Im Auftragder Klassik Stiftung Weimar Goethe- und Schiller-Archiv / Anfang1785 - 3. S | 1 | Adet |
Kantand the Foundations of Analytic Philosophy | 1 | Adet |
Kant:Natural Science | 1 | Adet |
KaplanIELTS | 1 | Adet |
KeyConcepts and Techniques in GIS | 1 | Adet |
KeyConcepts in Development Geography | 1 | Adet |
KeyConcepts in Economic Geography | 1 | Adet |
KeyConcepts in Geography (textbook) | 1 | Adet |
KeyConcepts in Planning | 1 | Adet |
KeyConcepts in Political Geography | 1 | Adet |
KeyConcepts in Urban Geography | 1 | Adet |
KeyMethods in Geography (textbook) | 1 | Adet |
KeyTexts in Human Geography (textbook) | 1 | Adet |
KnowingPoverty: Critical Reflections on Participatory Research and Policy | 1 | Adet |
KompaktwissenWissenschaftliches Arbeiten | 1 | Adet |
Labor,Economy, and Society | 1 | Adet |
Lectureson Modules and Rings | 1 | Adet |
Lehr-und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik - aktuell.Lösungsschlüssel | 1 | Adet |
Leibniz | 1 | Adet |
Liberalizationand Foreign Policy | 1 | Adet |
LinearAlgebra and Geometry | 1 | Adet |
LinearAlgebra and Projective Geometry | 1 | Adet |
LinguisticPhilosophy: The Central Story | 1 | Adet |
LocalEconomic Developmen | 1 | Adet |
Low-WageWork in the United Kingdom | 1 | Adet |
Maintainingthe Sublime: Heidegger and Adorno | 1 | Adet |
MakingEmployment Rights Effective: Issues of Enforcement and Compliance | 1 | Adet |
MakingForeign Investment Safe: Property Rights and National Sovereignty | 1 | Adet |
MakingSense of Multivariate Data Analysis | 1 | Adet |
MakingWar and Building Peace: United Nations Peace Operations | 1 | Adet |
Managingin the Public Sector: A Casebook in Ethics and Leadership | 1 | Adet |
Manualof High Risk Pregnancy & Delivery | 1 | Adet |
MaterialGeographies | 1 | Adet |
Measurementsof Nanofluids Properties and Heat Transfer Computation:Correlations for Nanofluids Properties | 1 | Adet |
Mindsets:The Role of Culture and Perception in International Relations | 1 | Adet |
MinimumWages, Pay Equity, and Comparative Industrial Relations | 1 | Adet |
MoralMovements and Foreign Policy (Cambridge Studies in InternationalRelations) | 1 | Adet |
Mosby`sNursing Video Skills: Physical Examination and Health Assessment,2e | 1 | Adet |
Mosby`sOncology Nursing Advisor [Kindle Edition] | 1 | Adet |
NanofluidsProperties and Their Applications | 1 | Adet |
Nanofluids:Science and Technology | 1 | Adet |
NationalFactors and Employment Relations in Japan | 1 | Adet |
NeoMuslimintellectuals in the West and their contributions to Islamicthought and the formation of Western Islam | 1 | Adet |
NewEssays on the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory | 1 | Adet |
OfficialGuide to the TOEFL Test With CD-ROM | 1 | Adet |
OncologyNursing, 5e | 1 | Adet |
OptimalControl And Estimation | 1 | Adet |
Orderand Justice in International Relations | 1 | Adet |
Orthorexianervosa: Real construct or newest social trend? | 1 | Adet |
Palestineand the Palestinians: A Social and Political History | 1 | Adet |
ParticipatoryPractice: Community-based Action for Transformative Change | 1 | Adet |
Peaceand Conflict Studies | 1 | Adet |
PeopleSkills for Policy Analysts | 1 | Adet |
Perspectiveson Genetic Discrimination | 1 | Adet |
PhysicalExamination and Health Assessment, 6e (Jarvis, PhysicalExamination and Health Assessment) | 1 | Adet |
PlantingHatred, Sowing Pain: The Psychology of the Israeli-PalestinianConflict | 1 | Adet |
Plato`sPhilebus | 1 | Adet |
PoliticalGeography | 1 | Adet |
Politicsand Practice in Economic Geography | 1 | Adet |
Populationand Society (textbook) | 1 | Adet |
Power& Responsibility: Building International Order in an Era ofTransnational Threats | 1 | Adet |
PowerTransitions: Strategies For the 21st Century | 1 | Adet |
PracticeExercises for the TOEFL with Audio CDs | 1 | Adet |
PractisingHuman Geography (textbook) | 1 | Adet |
Presidentsand Foreign Policy: Countdown to Ten Controversial Decisions | 1 | Adet |
Principlesof International Politics: War, Peace, and World Order | 1 | Adet |
Principlesof sociology : Canadian perspectives | 1 | Adet |
ProbabilityTheory: The Logic of Science | 1 | Adet |
Problemof Increasing Human Energy | 1 | Adet |
Problemsin Group Theory | 1 | Adet |
ProgrammingPython | 1 | Adet |
Progressin Post-War International Relations | 1 | Adet |
ProjectiveGeometries over Finite Fields | 1 | Adet |
ProjectiveGeometry | 1 | Adet |
ProjectiveGeometry: An Introduction | 1 | Adet |
ProvincializingEurope: Postcolonial Thought and Historical Difference | 1 | Adet |
Psychiatric Nursing 6th edition | 1 | Adet |
Psychology:TheScience of Behavior: International Edition | 1 | Adet |
PublicHealth Nursing | 1 | Adet |
PublicOpinion and American Foreign Policy, Revised Edition | 1 | Adet |
PublicParticipation and Better Environmental Decisions: The Promise andLimits of Participatory Processes for the Quality ofEnvironmentally Related | 1 | Adet |
PublicPolicy and Higher Education: Reframing Strategies for Preparation,Access, and Success | 1 | Adet |
PublicPolicy in an Uncertain World: Analysis and Decisions | 1 | Adet |
PublicProgram Evaluation: A Statistical Guide | 1 | Adet |
QualitativeGIS | 1 | Adet |
Qualitativeinquiry: Thematic, narrative, and artsinformed perpsectives. | 1 | Adet |
QualitativeResearch Methods for the Social Sciences:International Edition | 1 | Adet |
QualitativeResearch: An Introduction to Methods and Designs | 1 | Adet |
QuantitativeGeography | 1 | Adet |
QuestionsOf Modernity (Contradictions of Modernity) | 1 | Adet |
Quinein Dialogue | 1 | Adet |
Rational,Ethical and Spiritual Perspectives on Leadership | 1 | Adet |
Readingson How the World Works: Current Issues in International Relations | 1 | Adet |
Reallexikonder deutschen Literaturwissenschaft | 1 | Adet |
Regimesof Ethnicity and Nationhood in Germany, Russia, and Turkey | 1 | Adet |
Regionalismin World Politics: Regional Organization and International Order | 1 | Adet |
Religionand Foreign Affairs: Essential Readings | 1 | Adet |
Remakingthe Global Economy | 1 | Adet |
Reshapingnational intelligence for an age of information | 1 | Adet |
Rethinkingthe World: Great Power Strategies and International Order (CornellStudies in Security Affairs) | 1 | Adet |
Revisitingthe Frankfurt School: Essays on Culture, Media and Theory | 1 | Adet |
Ruleof Experts: Egypt, Techno-Politics, Modernity | 1 | Adet |
RuralDevelopment | 1 | Adet |
RuralGeography | 1 | Adet |
Schiller,Friedrich- Maria Stuart - Die Schaubühne als moralische Anstalt betrachtet | 1 | Adet |
Scholasticism: crosscultural and comparative perspectives | 1 | Adet |
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SocialMobilization in the Arab/Israeli War of 1948: On the Israeli HomeFront | 1 | Adet |
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