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İhale No 2017/343352
Sektör Matbaa, Yayıncılık Hizmet ve Kırtasiye Malzemeleri
İdare Gazi Üniversitesi Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı
Şikayet Bedeli 39.403,00 TL
Yaklaşık Bedel 6.573.254 TL'den küçük
İhale Tipi Mal Alımı
İhale Usulü Açık İhale
İhale İli Ankara
İşin İli Ankara
Yayın Tarihi 24 Temmuz 2017
İhale Tarihi 15 Ağustos 2017 10:00


1.500 / 1 yıl
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3.000 / 1 yıl
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994 Adet Yabancı Dilde Kitap alımı 4734 sayılı Kamu İhale Kanununun 19 uncu maddesine göre açık ihale usulü ile ihale edilecektir.  İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler aşağıda yer almaktadır:

İhale Kayıt Numarası : 2017/343352
b) Telefon ve faks numarası : 3122022901 - 3122022938
c) Elektronik Posta Adresi : hikmet.colakoglu@gazi.edu.tr
ç) İhale dokümanının görülebileceği internet adresi (varsa) : https://ekap.kik.gov.tr/EKAP/

2-İhale konusu malın

a) Niteliği, türü ve miktarı : 994 Adet Yabancı Dilde Basılı Kitap Alımı
Ayrıntılı bilgiye EKAP’ta yer alan ihale dokümanı içinde bulunan idari şartnameden ulaşılabilir.
b) Teslim yeri : Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı
c) Teslim tarihi : Sözleşme imzalandıktan sonra 30 gün içerisinde sözleşme konusu mallar idareye teslim edilecektir.

3- İhalenin

a) Yapılacağı yer : Gazi Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Toplantı Salonu Bandırma Sok. 30/A Teknikokullar/ANKARA
b) Tarihi ve saati : 15.08.2017 - 10:00

4. İhaleye katılabilme şartları ve istenilen belgeler ile yeterlik değerlendirmesinde uygulanacak kriterler:
4.1. İhaleye katılma şartları ve istenilen belgeler:
4.1.2. Teklif vermeye yetkili olduğunu gösteren imza beyannamesi veya imza sirküleri; Gerçek kişi olması halinde, noter tasdikli imza beyannamesi, Tüzel kişi olması halinde, ilgisine göre tüzel kişiliğin ortakları, üyeleri veya kurucuları ile tüzel kişiliğin yönetimindeki görevlileri belirten son durumu gösterir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesi, bu bilgilerin tamamının bir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesinde bulunmaması halinde, bu bilgilerin tümünü göstermek üzere ilgili Ticaret Sicil Gazeteleri veya bu hususları gösteren belgeler ile tüzel kişiliğin noter tasdikli imza sirküleri,
4.1.3. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen teklif mektubu.
4.1.4. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen geçici teminat.
4.1.5 İhale konusu alımın tamamı veya bir kısmı alt yüklenicilere yaptırılamaz.

4.2. Ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler:
İdare tarafından ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir.
4.3. Mesleki ve Teknik yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler:
İdare tarafından mesleki ve teknik yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir.

5.Ekonomik açıdan en avantajlı teklif sadece fiyat esasına göre belirlenecektir.

6. İhale yerli ve yabancı tüm isteklilere açıktır.

7. İhale dokümanının görülmesi ve satın alınması:
7.1. İhale dokümanı, idarenin adresinde görülebilir ve 80 TRY (Türk Lirası) karşılığı Gazi Üniversitesi Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı Teknikokullar/ANKARA- T.C. Halk Bankası Gazi Üniversitesi Şubesindeki TR200001200129400006100001 IBAN nolu banka hesabına dosya bedelini yatırıp, dekontun aslını Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığına teslim ederek alınabilir. adresinden satın alınabilir.
7.2. İhaleye teklif verecek olanların ihale dokümanını satın almaları veya EKAP üzerinden e-imza kullanarak indirmeleri zorunludur.

8. Teklifler, ihale tarih ve saatine kadar Gazi Üniversitesi Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı adresine elden teslim edilebileceği gibi, aynı adrese iadeli taahhütlü posta vasıtasıyla da gönderilebilir.

9. İstekliler tekliflerini, mal kalem-kalemleri için teklif birim fiyatlar üzerinden vereceklerdir. İhale sonucu, üzerine ihale yapılan istekliyle her bir mal kalemi miktarı ile bu mal kalemleri için teklif edilen birim fiyatların çarpımı sonucu bulunan toplam bedel üzerinden birim fiyat sözleşme imzalanacaktır.
Bu ihalede, kısmı teklif verilebilir.

10. İstekliler teklif ettikleri bedelin %3’ünden az olmamak üzere kendi belirleyecekleri tutarda geçici teminat vereceklerdir.

11. Verilen tekliflerin geçerlilik süresi, ihale tarihinden itibaren 90 (doksan) takvim günüdür.

12. Konsorsiyum olarak ihaleye teklif verilemez.
13. Diğer hususlar:
İhale, Kanunun 38 inci maddesinde öngörülen açıklama istenmeksizin ekonomik açıdan en avantajlı teklif üzerinde bırakılacaktır.


Cetvel Adı Miktar Birim
#Republic: Divided Democracy in the Age of Social Media 1 adet
100 million years of food : what our ancestors ate and why it matters today 1 adet
61 Hours (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
75 Years Of DC Comics: The Art Of Modern Mythmaking 1 adet
A course in English language teaching 1 adet
A Dramatic Approach to Reading Comprehension: Strategies and Activities for Classroom Teachers 1 adet
A History of Ottoman Economic Thought: Developments Before the Nineteenth Century (The Routledge History of Economic Thought) 1 adet
A History of Seating, 3000 BC to 2000 Ad: Function Versus Aesthetics 1 adet
A Modern Guide to Fingerings for the Flute 1 adet
A new American picture / Doug Rickard. 1 adet
A practitioner’s guide to maritime boundary delimitation 1 adet
A Short History of Migration 1 adet
A Social Geography of the City (Harper & Row series in geography) 1 adet
A theory of interpretation of the European convention on human rights 1 adet
A Wanted Man (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Academic Inbreeding and Mobility in Higher Education 1 adet
Act and crime : the philosophy of action and its implications for criminal law 1 adet
Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, Video-Enhanced Pearson eText -- Access Card 1 adet
Adhäsivbrücken 1 adet
Adlerian Counseling and Psychotherapy 1 adet
Administrative sanctions in the European Union 1 adet
Advanced Electric Drive Vehicles (Energy, Power Electronics, and Machines) 1 adet
Advanced Electroporation Techniques in Biology and Medicine 1 adet
Advanced Textbook on Gene Transfer, Gene Therapy and Genetic Pharmacology: Principles, Delivery and Pharmacological and Biomedical Applications of ... (Icp Textbooks in Biomolecular Sciences) 1 adet
Advances in Nature of Science Research: Concepts and Methodologies 1 adet
Advances in tourism destination marketing : managing networks 1 adet
Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media 1 adet
Advertising from the Mad Men Era 1 adet
Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles 1 adet
Aizanoi, Dokimion und Anatolien: Stadt und Land, Siedlungs- und Steinmetzwesen vom späteren 4. bis ins 6. Jahrhundert n. Chr. (Archaologische Forschungen) (German Edition) 1 adet
All the light we cannot see : a novel 1 adet
Almost All about Unit Roots: Foundations, Developments, and Applications (Themes in Modern Econometrics) 1 adet
An Improbable War? The Outbreak of World War I and European Political Culture before 1914 1 adet
An Introduction to Engine Testing and Development 1 adet
An Introduction to Order Statistics (Atlantis Studies in Probability and Statistics) 1 adet
An Introduction To Post-Colonial Theory 1 adet
An Introduction to Practical Laboratory Optics 1 adet
Ancient civilizations and ruins of Turkey 1 adet
Animal liberation : the definitive classic of the animal movement 1 adet
Animal rights and human obligations 1 adet
ANSYS Tutorial Release 13 1 adet
APA Handbook of Career Intervention (APA Handbooks in Psychology) 1 adet
Application of Behavior Analysis in Leisure Contexts: An Introductory Learning Manual 1 adet
Application of Integer Programming in Airline Crew Scheduling: Basics,Mathematical model, solution method and practical application 1 adet
Applications of self-regulated learning across diverse disciplines : a tribute to Barry J. Zimmerman 1 adet
Applied Biophysics for Drug Discovery 1 adet
Applying Maths in the Chemical and Biomolecular Sciences: An Example-Based Approach 1 adet
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Teaching Library) 1 adet
Approaches to Social Research 1 adet
Approximation by Multivariate Singular Integrals (SpringerBriefs in Mathematics) 1 adet
Approximation Theory and Approximation Practice (Applied Mathematics) 1 adet
Arbitration Under Tax Treaties 1 adet
Archaeomineralogy (Natural Science in Archaeology) 1 adet
Architektur und Liturgie: Akten des Kolloquiums vom 25. bis 27. Juli 2003 in Greifswald (Spatantike - Fruhes Christentum - Byzanz) (German Edition) 1 adet
Arduino and Kinect Projects: Design, Build, Blow Their Minds (Technology in Action) 1 adet
Argument-driven inquiry in chemistry : lab investigations for grades 9-12 1 adet
Arrowheads of the Neolithic Levant: A Seriation Analysis (Dissertation Series (American Schools of Oriental Research)) 1 adet
Art and Text 1 adet
Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye 1 adet
Art, Biology, and Conservation: Biodeterioration of Works of Art 1 adet
Asiatic Russia:imperial power in regional and International Contexts 1 adet
Assessment and grading in classrooms 1 adet
Avoid Food-Drug Interactions 1 adet
Bad Luck and Trouble (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Barbara Kruger 1 adet
Basic and applied thermodynamics 1 adet
Basic Arduino Projects: 26 Experiments with Microcontrollers and Electronics 1 adet
Beach processes and sedimentation 1 adet
Becker's World of the Cell 1 adet
Becoming Human: Innovation in Prehistoric Material and Spiritual Culture 1 adet
Beginning Android Games 1 adet
Behavior analysis for effective teaching 1 adet
Behavioral neurobiology : an integrative approach 1 adet
Beyond New Media Art 1 adet
Bibliography of English Books About Iraq: A Selected Bibliography of Books Published in English about Iraq & Mesopotamia 1800 - 2000 1 adet
Bilingual: Life and Reality 1 adet
Biochemie der Elemente: Anorganische Chemie biologischer Prozesse 1 adet
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Wood (Springer Series in Wood Science) 1 adet
Bioenergy from Wood: Sustainable Production in the Tropics (Managing Forest Ecosystems) 1 adet
Bioinorganic chemistry : a practical course. 1 adet
Biomimetic and bioinspired nanomaterials 1 adet
Biomolecular thermodynamics: from theory to application / Douglas Barrick 1 adet
Bionanotechnology: Biological Self-assembly and Its Applications 1 adet
Bioorganic Chemistry Laboratory Experiments: Custom Edition for BCH 3023 University of North Florida 1 adet
Bioorganikum 1 adet
Biophysical approaches determining ligand binding to biomolecular targets : detection, measurement, and modelling 1 adet
Biophysical Chemistry 1 adet
Biophysics of DNA 1 adet
Biophysics: An Introduction 1 adet
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms 1 adet
Blueprints Surgery 1 adet
Böswillig unterlassener Erwerb im Annahmeverzug des Arbeitgebers 1 adet
Brain compatible strategies 1 adet
Brake Design & Safety 1 adet
Bringing ABA into your inclusive classroom : a guide to improving outcomes for students with autism spectrum disorders 1 adet
Building Design Portfolios: Innovative Concepts for Presenting Your Work (Design Field Guide) 1 adet
Burn Your Portfolio: Stuff they don't teach you in design school, but should 1 adet
But Why? Teacher's Manual: Developing philosophical thinking in the classroom 1 adet
Byzantinische Malerei. Bildprogramme - Ikonographie - Stil: Symposion in Marburg vom 25. bis 29. Juli 1997 (Spatantike - Fruhes Christentum - Byzanz) (German Edition) 1 adet
CAE Design and Failure Analysis of Automotive Composites 1 adet
Capillary electrophoresis of nucleic acids (Methods in Molecular Biology) 1 adet
Car Suspension and Handling (Premiere Series Books) 1 adet
Care of Collections (Leicester Readers in Museum Studies) 1 adet
Career Counseling Casebook : A Resource for Students, Practitioners, and Counselor Educators 1 adet
Career, Work, and Mental Health: Integrating Career and Personal Counseling 1 adet
Case Study Research: Design and Methods (Applied Social Research Methods) 1 adet
Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera (volume6) Chrysomeloidea 1 adet
Causation and responsibility: An essay in law, morals, and metaphysics 1 adet
Causes, laws, and free will : why determinism doesn't matter 1 adet
Cavity-Enhanced Spectroscopy and Sensing 1 adet
Cell biology by the numbers 1 adet
Cell Membranes 1 adet
Cellular analysis by atomic force microscopy 1 adet
Cellular and Subcellular Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols 1 adet
Central axis depth dose data for use in radiotherapy departments 1 adet
Characterization of Nanoparticles Intended for Drug Delivery 1 adet
Charta der Grundrechte der Europa¨ischen Union : unter Einbeziehung der vom EuGH entwickelten Grundrechte, der Grundrechtsregelungen der Vertra¨ge und der EMRK : Kommentar 1 adet
Chemical Metallurgy 1 adet
Chemistry education and contributions from history and philosophy of science 1 adet
Chestnut's Obstetric Anesthesia: Principles and Practice 1 adet
Children, play, and development 1 adet
Chiral Separations: Methods and Protocol 1 adet
Christliche Archaologie compact (German Edition) 1 adet
Cindy Sherman 1 adet
Cinemeducation: A Comprehensive Guide to Using Film in Medical Education 1 adet
Cinemeducation: Using Film and Other Visual Media in Graduate 1 adet
Circular dichroism and the conformational analysis of biomolecules / edited by G.D. Fasman. 1 adet
Circular Dichroism: A Tool for Characterizing Nanoparticles and Bio-Molecules 1 adet
Civil disobedience : protest, justification and the law 1 adet
Classical and Modern Methods in Summability 1 adet
Classics of organization theory 1 adet
Cleaning Painted Surfaces: Aqueous Methods 1 adet
Climate time series analysis : classical statistical and bootstrap methods 1 adet
Cognitive load theory 1 adet
Cognitive Neuroscience (PSY 381 Physiological Psychology) 1 adet
Colouring the Past: The Significance of Colour in Archaeological Research 1 adet
Comedy: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) 1 adet
Complete Casting Handbook : Metal Casting Processes, Metallurgy, Techniques and Design 1 adet
Complex Analysis with MATHEMATICA 1 adet
Compounding sterile preparations 1 adet
Comprehensive Chiroptical Spectroscopy, 2 Volume Set 1 adet
Comprehensive Cytopathology, 4e 1 adet
Computational methods of neutron transport 1 adet
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications (Texts in Computer Science) 1 adet
Conceptual physics 1 adet
Concise guide to the moths of great Britain and Ireland 1 adet
Conflicting Conceptions of Curriculum (Series on contemporary educational issues) 1 adet
Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts 1 adet
Conservation of Building and Decorative Stone 1 adet
Conservation of Mosaics: In Situ, in Buildings and in Museums 1 adet
Conservation of Painting: Research and Innovations 1 adet
Conservation Science 2002 1 adet
Contact Linguistics: Bilingual Encounters and Grammatical Outcomes 1 adet
Core Assessment and Training 1 adet
Corrective and distributive justice : from Aristotle to modern times 1 adet
Corrosion And Metal Artifacts: A Dialogue Between Conservators And Archaeologists And Corrosion Scientists 1 adet
Cost of living index numbers: Practice, precision, and theory (Statistics, textbooks and monographs v. 11) 1 adet
Counseling the Procrastinator in Academic Settings 1 adet
Covering the '60s: George Lois, the Esquire Era 1 adet
Create Only Student Study Guide/Solutions Manual to accompany General, Organic & Biological Chemistry 1 adet
Creating robust vocabulary : frequently asked questions and extended examples 1 adet
Creativity in Human Evolution and Prehistory (Theoretical Archaeology Group) 1 adet
Crew Scheduling System - The Case of Ethiopian Airlines: Presentation, analysis and recommendation 1 adet
Critical management studies 1 adet
Cultural Heritage and Value Creation: Towards New Pathways 1 adet
Culture, Heritage and Representation: Perspectives on Visuality and the Past (Heritage, Culture and Identity) 1 adet
Curriculum design : a handbook for educators 1 adet
Curriculum development theory and practice. 1 adet
Cyanotype: historical and alternative photography 1 adet
Cytology: Diagnostic Principles and Clinical Correlates 1 adet
Damn Good Advice (For People with Talent!): How To Unleash Your Creative Potential by America's Master Communicator, George Lois 1 adet
Dance in the Hollywood musical 1 adet
Das Bauhandwerkerpfandrecht: Systematische Darstellung der Praxis (German Edition) 1 adet
Data structures and algorithms in python 1 adet
Dating For Dummies. 1 adet
Dead Poets Society 1 adet
Death Rituals, Social Order and the Archaeology of Immortality in the Ancient World: 'Death Shall Have No Dominion' 1 adet
Defending animal rights 1 adet
Deleuze and the schizoanalysis of literature 1 adet
Deliberation, Democracy, and the Media 1 adet
Dependence Modeling with Copulas 1 adet
Der Beitritt Der Europaischen Union Zur Emrk: Vom Defizitaren Kooperationsverhaltnis Zum Umfassenden Emrk-rechtsschutz Durch Den Egmr? 1 adet
Design After Dark the Story of Dancefloor Style 1 adet
Design Basics (with CourseMate Printed Access Card) 1 adet
Designing Pleasurable Products: An Introduction to the New Human Factors 1 adet
Destinations: Cultural Landscapes of Tourism (Routledge Advances in Tourism) 1 adet
Developing self-regulation of learning and teaching skills among teacher candidates (SpringerBriefs in Education) 1 adet
Developing Technology-Rich Teacher Education Programs: Key Issues 1 adet
Diagnostic Medical Parasitology 1 adet
Dicey, Morris & Collins on the Conflict of Laws: Mainwork & Supplement 1 adet
Dictionnaire critique de la République 1 adet
Die Anrechnung anderweitigen Erwerbs im Annahmeverzug des Arbeitgebers 1 adet
Die Christianisierung der spätrömischen Welt: Stadt, Land, Haus, Kirche und Kloster in fr christlicher Zeit (Spatantike - Fruhes Christentum - Byzanz) (German Edition) 1 adet
Die Erwerbsanrechnung Beim Annahmeverzug Des Arbeitgebers: Eine Untersuchung Zu 615 Satz 2 Bgb Und 11 Kschg (Nomos Universitatsschriften - Recht) (German Edition) 1 adet
Die Haftung bei Kapitalanlagen 1 adet
Die Käfer Mitteleuropas, Bd. 4: Staphylinidae 1 adet
Die Käfer Mitteleuropas, Bd. 5: Staphylinidae II 1 adet
Die Organisation der Aufklärung by Strauf, Hendrik 1 adet
Die Prospekthaftung am Grauen Kapitalmarkt nach dem Anlegerschutzverbesserungsgesetz 1 adet
Die Tagfalter der Turkei unter Berücksichtigung der angrenzenden Länder 1 adet
Die Trying (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Diffractional Optics of Millimetre Waves 1 adet
Diffusion bonding of materials 1 adet
Digital Art 1 adet
Digital Processing: Optical Transmission and Coherent Receiving Techniques 1 adet
Dignity, rank, and rights 1 adet
Discovering statistics using R 1 adet
DNA Technology (Topics in Fluorescence Spectroscopy) 1 adet
DNA-binding aromatic drug molecules: Physico-chemical interactions and their biological roles 1 adet
Drawing Archaeological Finds: A Handbook 1 adet
Dress Sense: The Emotional and Sensory Experience of Clothes 1 adet
Drug Delivery in Oncology: From Basic Research to Cancer Therapy, 3 Volume Set 1 adet
Drug design and discovery in Alzheimer's disease / edited by Atta-ur-Rahman, FRS, Honorary Life Fellow, Kings College, University of Cambridge, UK, and Muhammad Iqbal Choudhary, H.E.J. Research Institute of Chemistry, International Center for Chemical and 1 adet
Dynamics of rotor bearing systems 1 adet
Dysphagia: Clinical Management in Adults and Children 1 adet
Early Childhood Mathematics 1 adet
Early Development of Children with Hearing loss 1 adet
Echo Burning (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Economic Theory of Price Indices (Economic theory and mathematical economics) 1 adet
Economics and Biology (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics) 1 adet
Economics and capitalism in the Ottoman Empire 1 adet
Educating People to Be Emotionally Intelligent 1 adet
Educational Adminstration Policy, and Reform 1 adet
Egyptian mythology: A guide to the Gods, Goddesses, and traditions of ancient Egypt 1 adet
Electrochemotherapy, electrogenetherapy, and transdermal drug delivery : electrically mediated delivery of molecules to cells / edited by Mark J. Jaroszeski, Richard Heller, Richard Gilbert. 1 adet
Electromagnetic Waves, Materials, and Computation with MATLAB® 1 adet
Electronic Properties of Materials 1 adet
Electroporation Protocols: Preclinical and Clinical Gene Medicine 1 adet
Elementary quantum chemistry 1 adet
Embellish Chic: Detailing Ready-to-Wear 1 adet
Emotionally Durable Design: Objects, Experiences and Empathy 1 adet
Empires apart: A history of American and Russian imperialism 1 adet
Empirical likelihood 1 adet
EMRK Konvention zum Schutz der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten : Kommentar 1 adet
Encouragement makes good things happen 1 adet
Encyclopedia of food and culture (3 Volume Set) 1 adet
Engaging students: the next level of working on the work 1 adet
English Grammar in Use 1 adet
Entrepreneurial Networks in Local Industrial Development: Empirical Evidences from Turkey 1 adet
Entropy and Information Theory 1 adet
Environmental Communication and the Public Sphere 1 adet
Equality and legitimacy 1 adet
Erbrecht: in a nutshell 1 adet
Essential Genetics: A Genomics Perspective (Jones and Bartlett Titles in Biological Science) 1 adet
Essential laboratory mathematics 1 adet
Essential Principles of Image Sensors 1 adet
Essentials of Conservation and Museology 1 adet
Establishing Continental Shelf Limits Beyond 200 Nautical Miles by Coastal State - A Right of Involvement by Other States 1 adet
Ethnologue: Languages of the World 1 adet
Europaische verfassungen 1789-1990: textsammlung 1 adet
European Convention on Human Rights: Commentary 1 adet
European Federal Criminal Law: The Federal Dimension of EU Criminal Law 1 adet
European Non-marine Molluscs, a Guide for Species Identification 1 adet
European Public Diplomacy: Soft Power at Work 1 adet
European seashells 1 adet
Evaluating Research in Academic Journals: A Practical Guide to Realistic Evaluation 1 adet
Event Sponsorship 1 adet
Event-Cities 3: Concept vs. Context vs. Content 1 adet
Event-Cities 4: Concept-Form 1 adet
Exceptional lives : special education in today's schools 1 adet
Exhibition Design in National Promotion, Graphical Images on Stands: Stands and The Role of Graphical Images on Stands 1 adet
Experiential Marketing : How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, ACT, R arketing : How to Get Customers to Sense, Feel, Think, ACT, R 1 adet
Experiential Marketing: Secrets, Strategies, and Success Stories from the World's Greatest Brands 1 adet
Experiments in Pharmaceutical Chemistry 1 adet
Extended stability for parenteral drugs (Extended stability of parenteral drugs) 1 adet
Fabric Surface Design: Painting, Stamping, Rubbing, Stenciling, Silk Screening, Resists, Image Transfer, Marbling Crayons & Colored Pencils, Batik, Nature Prints, Monotype Printing 1 adet
Fabrics in Fashion Design: The Way Successful Fashion Designers Use Fabrics 1 adet
Facility Management for Physical Activity & Sport 1 adet
Family Therapy: An Overview 1 adet
Fashion and Cultural Studies 1 adet
Fashion and Technology: A Guide to Materials and Applications 1 adet
Fashion Portfolio: Design and Presentation 1 adet
Fashion Thinking: Creative Approaches to the Design Process (Required Reading Range) 1 adet
Fatigue and durability of structural materials 1 adet
Feathers: The Evolution of a Natural Miracle 1 adet
Feminism and Families 1 adet
Feminist Consequences 1 adet
FIDIC : a guide for practitioners 1 adet
Field guide to fiber optic sensors 1 adet
Fifty Great Short Stories 1 adet
Fifty Years of Illustration 1 adet
Financial Engineering with Copulas Explained 1 adet
Financial Markets and Institutions 1 adet
Finding Equilibrium: Arrow, Debreu, McKenzie and the Problem of Scientific Credit 1 adet
Fine Embellishment Techniques: Classic Details for Today's Clothing 1 adet
Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 13 1 adet
Finite Element Simulations with ANSYS Workbench 14 1 adet
First aid for the usmle step 1, 2016 1 adet
Fish Cytogenetic Techniques: Ray-Fin Fishes and Chondrichthyans 1 adet
Flavius Josephus and Flavian Rome 1 adet
Fluid Mechanics in Si Units 1 adet
Fluorescence Lifetime Spectroscopy and Imaging: Principles and Applications in Biomedical Diagnostics 1 adet
Fluorescence Spectroscopy of Biomacromolecules: Brief Handbook in Biological Fluorescence 1 adet
Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Volume 450 (Methods in Enzymology) 1 adet
Fluorescent Methods to Study Biological Membranes 1 adet
Flute Etudes 5-8 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Flute Repertoire 1 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Flute Repertoire 2 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Flute Repertoire 3 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Flute Repertoire 4 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Flute Repertoire 5 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Flute Repertoire 6 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Flute Repertoire 7 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Flute Technique (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Food and nutrition: Customs and culture 1 adet
Food Quality and Consumer Value: Delivering Food that Satisfies 1 adet
Food Toxicology 1 adet
Food, People and Society: A European Perspective of Consumers' Food Choices 1 adet
Foodborne Diseases, Third Edition (Food Science and Technology) 1 adet
For Sale: 200 Innovative Packaging Designs 1 adet
Foucault, governmentality, and organization : inside the factory of the future 1 adet
Foundations of Low Vision: Clinical and Functional Perspectives 1 adet
Fourier Series (Dover Books on Mathematics) 1 adet
Fr christliche Reliquiare im Kontext von Kultstrategien, Heilserwartung und sozialer Selbstdarstellung (SPaTANIKE - FRuHES CHRISTENTUM BYZANZ) (German Edition) 1 adet
Fractal geometry in architecture and design 1 adet
Frailty Models in Survival Analysis 1 adet
Freedom's law: The moral reading of the American constitution 1 adet
From normativity to responsibility 1 adet
From Production to Consumption: The Cultural Industry of Fashion 1 adet
Frontiers of the State in the Late Ottoman Empire: Transjordan, 1850-1921 1 adet
Fundamentals of Automobile Body Structure Design (R-394) 1 adet
Fundamentals of Ceramics 1 adet
Fundamentals of curriculum : passion and professionalism 1 adet
Fundamentals of engineering tribology with applications 1 adet
Fundamentals of Fiber Lasers and Fiber Amplifiers 1 adet
Fundamentals of general, organic, and biological chemistry 1 adet
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer 1 adet
Funny money 1 adet
Geld Und Konjunktur. Band I: Fruhe Und Unveroffentlichte Schriften, 1924-1931 (German Edition) 1 adet
Gender: The Basics 1 adet
Gene Therapy Protocols: Volume 1: Production and In Vivo Applications of Gene Transfer Vectors 1 adet
Gene Therapy Protocols: Volume 2: Design and Characterization of Gene Transfer Vectors 1 adet
General theory of norms 1 adet
Generative Art: A Practical Guide Using Processing 1 adet
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes 1 adet
Geography brainstretchers 1 adet
Geography for life 1 adet
Geography map skill activities: Warm-ups 1 adet
Geography of Settlements 1 adet
Geography, Culture and Education (GeoJournal Library) 1 adet
Geometry of single-point turning tools and drills 1 adet
Geotechnical Finite Element Analysis 1 adet
Geschichte Des Fruhen Christentums Heute: Traditionen - Hintergrunde - Aktuelle Fragen (German Edition) 1 adet
GIS for Homeland Security 1 adet
Global Perspectives on Teacher Motivation (Current Perspectives in Social and Behavioral Sciences) 1 adet
Global Wireless Spiderweb: The Invisible Threat Posed by Wireless Radiation 1 adet
Globalization: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) 1 adet
Gone Tomorrow (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Gouvernance 1 adet
Government birds: air transport and the state in western Europe 1 adet
Grafika : Modern design for advertising and printing 1 adet
Great power rivalry in Central Asia, 1842-1880 (6 Volume set ) 1 adet
Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins in the Museum at Amasya (Ancient Amaseia), Turkey (British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Monographs) 1 adet
Green and ecological technologies for urban planning : creating smart cities 1 adet
Green Economic Structures in Modern Business and Society 1 adet
Green Education: An A-to-Z Guide (The SAGE Reference Series on Green Society: Toward a Sustainable Future-Series Editor: Paul Robbins) 1 adet
Green Your Work: Boost Your Bottom Line While Reducing Your Carbon Footprint 1 adet
Greenhouse gas carbon dioxide mitigation : science and technology 1 adet
Group Insurance 1 adet
Grundgesetz-Kommentar: Band II: Artikel 20-82 1 adet
Grundriss des Erbrechts 1 adet
Guide to the butterflies of the Palearctic Region 1 adet
Guided Wave Photonics: Fundamentals and Applications with MATLAB® (Optics and Photonics) 1 adet
Guitar For Dummies, with DVD 1 adet
Hacking Exposed Wireless 1 adet
Handbook for Markov chain Monte Carlo 1 adet
Handbook for Museums (Heritage: Care-Preservation-Management) 1 adet
Handbook of cephalometric superimposition 1 adet
Handbook of craniomaxillofacial surgery 1 adet
Handbook of Early Advertising Art: Pictorial Volume (Dover Pictorial Archive) 1 adet
Handbook of Imaging in Biological Mechanics 1 adet
Handbook of Life Design: From Practice to Theory and from Theory to Practice 1 adet
Handbook of Literature for the Flute 1 adet
Handbook of Optical and Laser Scanning 1 adet
Handbook of orthodontics 1 adet
Handbook of research in school consultation 1 adet
Handbook of Research on Science Education, Volume II 1 adet
Handbook of Research on Teaching the English Language Arts: Co-Sponsored by the International Reading Association and the National Council of Teachers of Englis 1 adet
Handbook of Research on Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education in the Digital Age 1 adet
Handbook of Socialization, Second Edition: Theory and Research 1 adet
Handbook of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK) for educators 1 adet
Handbook of Transmission Electron Microscopy 1 adet
Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volume 1: Great Economists Since Petty and Boisguilbert 1 adet
Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volume II: Schools of Thought in Economics 1 adet
Handbook on the History of Economic Analysis, Volume III: Developments in Major Fields of Economics 1 adet
Handbuch der Europäischen grundrechte 1 adet
Handbuch philosophischer Grundbegriffe (6 Volumes Set) 1 adet
Harm to others (Moral limits of the criminal law) 1 adet
Harm to self (Moral limits of the criminal law) 1 adet
Harmless wrongdoing (Moral limits of the criminal law) 1 adet
Harrison's principles of internal medicine. (Vol.1 & Vol.2) 1 adet
Hazzard's Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology 1 adet
HDD practice handbook 1 adet
Health Care Benchmarking and Performance Evaluation: An Assessment using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) 1 adet
Heavy-Duty Wheeled Vehicles: Design, Theory, Calculations 1 adet
Hegemony, Mass Media and Cultural Studies: Properties of Meaning, Power, and Value in Cultural Production (Cultural Studies and Marxism) 1 adet
Hellenistische Terrakotten aus Amisos: ein Beitrag zur Kunstgeschichte des Pontosgebietes (Anglistische Und Amerikanistische Texte Und Studien,) (German Edition) 1 adet
Heritage Of Anatolia 1 adet
Heun's Differential Equations (Oxford Science Publications) 1 adet
High Resolution Imaging: Detectors and Applications 1 adet
Hika^ye : Turkish folk romance as performance art 1 adet
Historic Textiles, Papers, and Polymers in Museums (ACS Symposium) 1 adet
History and Humour: British and American Perspectives (History in Popular Cultures) 1 adet
Hold still: a memoir with photographs 1 adet
Hollywood musicals: The 101 greatest song-and-dance movies of all time 1 adet
Homage to Catalonia 1 adet
How Interpretation Makes International Law: On Semantic Change and Normative Twists 1 adet
How muscles learn: teaching the violin with the body in mind 1 adet
How to write and publish a scientific paper 1 adet
How to Write the History of the New World: Histories, Epistemologies, and Identities in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World 1 adet
How We Think: Digital Media and Contemporary Technogenesis 1 adet
How you feel is up to you : the power of emotional choice 1 adet
HTML & CSS: Design and build websites 1 adet
Human Paleontology and Prehistory: Contributions in Honor of Yoel Rak (Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthropology) 1 adet
Human rights and common good 1 adet
Humanistic Geography and Literature: Essays on the Experience of Place 1 adet
Humanitarian and Relief Logistics: Research Issues, Case Studies and Future Trends 1 adet
Humanitarian Logistics: Cross-Sector Cooperation in Disaster Relief Management 1 adet
Humour: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) 1 adet
Hybrid Vehicles: From Components to System 1 adet
ICOM Committee for Conservation: 12th Triennial Meeting, Lyons, France / Ed.Janet Bridgland 1 adet
Identification of essential oil components by gas chromatography/mass spectorscopy 1 adet
Igniting Creativity in Gifted Learners, K-6: Strategies for Every Teacher 1 adet
Illuminating Disease: An Introduction to Green Fluorescent Proteins 1 adet
Imaging and spectroscopic anaIysis of living cells :Edited by, P. Michael Conn 1 adet
Imaginization : new mindsets for seeing, organizing and managing 1 adet
Immunology : mucosal and body surface defences 1 adet
Imperial Classroom: Islam, the State, and Education in the Late Ottoman Empire 1 adet
Implants in the Esthetic Zone: A Step-by-Step Treatment Strategy 1 adet
Improving Leisure Services Through Marketing Action 1 adet
In defense of legal positivism : law without trimmings 1 adet
In Fashion 1 adet
In search of criminal responsibility : ideas, interest and institutions 1 adet
Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain 1 adet
Independence of mind 1 adet
Inequality: What Can Be Done? 1 adet
Inequalties 1 adet
Innovative methods of teaching and learning chemistry in higher education 1 adet
Innovative professional development methods and strategies for STEM education 1 adet
Insall & Scott Surgery of the Knee, (2-Volume Set) 1 adet
Insights into sensory issues for professionals : outstanding articles from the pages of S.I. Focus magazine 1 adet
Instructional-Design Theories and Models, Volume IV: The Learner-Centered Paradigm of Education 1 adet
Instrumentation control, data acquisition and processing with MATLAB 1 adet
Intangible Cultural Heritage in International Law (Cultural Heritage Law and Policy) 1 adet
Intangible Heritage (Key Issues in Cultural Heritage) 1 adet
Integrable Problems of Celestial Mechanics in Spaces of Constant Curvature (Astrophysics and Space Science Library) 1 adet
Integrated Vehicle Dynamics and Control 1 adet
Intention and identity (Collected Essays Volume II) 1 adet
Interactive Art and Embodiment: The Implicit Body as Performance 1 adet
Intergenerational language use and acculturation of Turkish speakers in four immigration contexts 1 adet
Internal Combustion Engine Handbook: Basics, Components Systems, and Perspectivese 1 adet
International Arbitration in Tax Matters 1 adet
International Institutions and Socialization in Europe 1 adet
International Law: Norms Actors Process: Problem Approach 1 adet
International perspectives on teaching and learning with GIS in secondary schools 1 adet
International Regimes (Cornell Studies in Political Economy) 1 adet
Internet Art 1 adet
Introduction to Bioorganic Chemistry and Chemical Biology 1 adet
Introduction to Cardinal Arithmetic (Modern Birkhäuser Classics) 1 adet
Introduction to Data Acquisition with LabView 1 adet
Introduction to Experimental Biophysics: Biological Methods for Physical Scientists 1 adet
Introduction to Fourier optics 1 adet
Introduction to Geometrical Physics, an (Second Edition) 1 adet
Introduction to High-Speed Electronics and Optoelectronics 1 adet
Introduction to jurisprudence and legal theory : commentary and materials 1 adet
Introduction to Materials Management 1 adet
Introduction to Mathematical Physics 1 adet
Introduction to Optical Microscopy 1 adet
Introduction to the philosophy of law : readings and cases 1 adet
Introduction to video and image processing: Building real systems and applications (Undergraduate topics in computer science) 1 adet
Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies: An Interdisciplinary Approach 1 adet
Introductory Foods 1 adet
Inventory management explained: a focus on forecasting, lot sizing, safety stock, and ordering systems. 1 adet
Inverses of Disjointness Preserving Operators (Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society) 1 adet
Investment Treaty Arbitration as Public International Law: Procedural Aspects and Implications 1 adet
Islamic Land Tax - Al-Kharaj: From the Islamic Conquests to the Abbasid Period 1 adet
Iterative Design of Teaching-Learning Sequences: Introducing the Science of Materials in European Schools 1 adet
It's what I do: a photographer's life of love and war 1 adet
Jack Reacher: Never Go Back 1 adet
JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive front-end web development 1 adet
Jenny Holzer (Contemporary Artists (Phaidon)) 1 adet
Jewish Journalism and Press in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey 1 adet
Jordan dyslexia assessment/ reading program: instructor's manual 1 adet
Josephus and the Theologies of Ancient Judaism 1 adet
Journey to the west (Chinese Classics ) 1 adet
Juristische methodenlehre in China Und ostasien 1 adet
Justice in conflict : the effects of the international criminal court's interventions on ending wars and building peace 1 adet
Kant on practical justification : interpretive essays 1 adet
Katzung & Trevor's Pharmacology 1 adet
Key concepts in international relations 1 adet
Killing Floor (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Knight's forensic pathology 1 adet
Knizhnaia kul'tura Kazakhstana i Rossii 1 adet
Kogda ne pomogayut slovari V 3 kh chastyakh 1 adet
Konzept Okklusionsschiene 1 adet
Kut 1916: Courage and Failure in Iraq 1 adet
La médiocratie 1 adet
La sociologie des réseaux sociaux 1 adet
Laboratory Medicine Diagnosis of Disease in Clinical Laboratory 1 adet
Land Value Taxation in Britain: Experience and Opportunities 1 adet
Langman’s medical embryology. 1 adet
Language and Humour in the Media 1 adet
Language development : an introduction 1 adet
Laser Beam Shaping: Theory and Techniques 1 adet
Lasers and electro-optics: fundamentals and engineering 1 adet
Lasers and Optical Engineering 1 adet
Late Antique and Early Christian Gems (Spatantike - Fruhes Christentum - Byzanz) 1 adet
Law and philosophy 1 adet
Law as a moral idea 1 adet
Leaping Ability in Rhythmic Gymnastics Characterictics an Improving Methodologies 1 adet
Lecture notes in labVIEW and data acquisition 1 adet
L'empire des croyances 1 adet
Les clés de l'info: Pour mieux comprendre les médias et l'actualité [Relié] 1 adet
Licht am Ende des Tunnels (German Edition) 1 adet
Life from an RNA World: The Ancestor within 1 adet
Light and Electron Microscopy 1 adet
Light Propagation in Linear Optical Media 1 adet
Lime and Lime Mortars (Building Research Special Report) 1 adet
Linear Algebra for Economists 1 adet
Linear Dichroism and Circular Dichroism: A Textbook on Polarized-Light Spectroscopy 1 adet
Liposomes in analytical methodologies 1 adet
Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy 1 adet
Literary Structure, Evolution, and Value: Russian Formalism and Czech Structuralism Reconsidered 1 adet
Living in the end times / Slavoj Zizek. 1 adet
Logo design. Volume 3 1 adet
Louvre: All the paintings 1 adet
Lurzer Archive Special 200 Best Ad Photographers 2014 - 2015 1 adet
l'utopie de la communication le mythe du village planetaire 1 adet
Macroeconomics and the financial system 1 adet
Magnesium Biomaterials: Design, Testing, and Best Practice 1 adet
Maintaining and Increasing Student and Teacher Motivation in the L2 Context of Japan 1 adet
Maintaining family ties : inclusive practice in foster care 1 adet
Make Me (with bonus short story Small Wars): A Jack Reacher Novel 1 adet
Making of an Egyptian Arab Nationalist: The Early years of Azzam Pasha 1893-1936 1 adet
Making the Great Book of Songs: Compilation and the Author's Craft in Abû I-Faraj al-Isbahânî's Kitâb al-aghânî 1 adet
Male genitalia of butterflies on Balkan 1 adet
Man and beast: photographs from Mexico and India (Southwestern & Mexican photography) 1 adet
Manual Therapy: Nags, Snags, MWMs, etc 1 adet
Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials 1 adet
Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases 1 adet
Mary Ellen Mark on the portrait and the moment: the photography workshop series 1 adet
Masculinities 1 adet
Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Reconstructive Surgery 1 adet
Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Rhinology (Master Techniques in Otolaryngology Surgery) 1 adet
Master Techniques in Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery: Skull Base Surgery 1 adet
MasterClass in Geography Education: Transforming Teaching and Learning 1 adet
Materials Science and Engineering 1 adet
Mathematical analysis, approximation theory and their applications 1 adet
Mathematical Biophysics: Physicomathematical Foundations Of Biology 1 adet
Mathematical Statistics with Applications 1 adet
McGraw-Hill education 500 review questions for the MCAT 1 adet
Meanings of life 1 adet
Measurement of Food Preferences 1 adet
Mechanisms in modern engineering design : a handbook for engineers, designers, and inventors 1 adet
Mechanobiology Handbook 1 adet
Medical Phsiology: Principles for Cinicall Medicine 1 adet
Membrane Spectroscopy 1 adet
Mental health consultation and collaboration 1 adet
Metal Complexes in Tumor Diagnosis and as Anticancer Agents (Volume 42) (Metal Ions in Biological Systems) 1 adet
Metal-Containing Proteins, Macrocycles, and Coordination Complexes in Therapeutic Applications and Disease 1 adet
Metallography 1 adet
Metallointercalators: Synthesis and Techniques to Probe Their Interactions with Biomolecules 1 adet
Metallurgy Fundamentals 1 adet
Metals in Cells 1 adet
Methods for studying DNA/Drug Iiteractions 1 adet
Methods in Lignin Chemistry (Springer Series in Wood Science) 1 adet
Methods in Membrane Lipids 1 adet
Methods of statistical model estimation 1 adet
Metric Patternmaking for Jackets and Coats 1 adet
Microbial and Enzymatic Degradation of Wood and Wood Components (Springer Series in Wood Science) 1 adet
Mithridates VI and the Pontic Kingdom 1 adet
Modeling Business Processes: A Petri Net-Oriented Approach 1 adet
Modern Art in Advertising : Designs for Container Corporation of America 1 adet
Modern Biophysical Chemistry 1 adet
Modern Biophysical Chemistry: Detection and Analysis of Biomolecules 1 adet
Modern Electrodynamics 1 adet
Modern Methods for Robust Regression (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences) 1 adet
Modern Raman spectroscopy: a practical a approach 1 adet
Molecular and Cellular Physiology of Neurons 1 adet
Molecular biology : structure and dynamics of genomes and proteomes 1 adet
Molecular biology of assemblies and machines 1 adet
Molecular Biology of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Volume 107 1 adet
Molecular biology of the cell 1 adet
Molecular biology of the cell, The Problems Book 1 adet
Molecular detection of human parasitic pathogens / Dongyou Liu (Editor) 1 adet
Molecular Spectroscopy Workbench: Advances, Applications, and Practical Advice on Modern Spectroscopic Analysis 1 adet
More to read 1 / compiled, edited and prepared by Canset Cezairlioğlu Türkan, Necmiye Türkan, Hilal Dinçer. 1 adet
More to read 2 / compiled, edited and prepared by Canset Cezairlioğlu Türkan, Necmiye Türkan, Hilal Dinçer. 1 adet
Moths of Europe, Volume 4, Pyralids 2 1 adet
Motion design: Moving graphics for television, music, video, cinema and digital interfaces 1 adet
Motion graphic design and fine art animation: principles and practice 1 adet
Motion graphics: Graphic design for broadcast and film 1 adet
Motivating & Inspiring Teachers: The Educational Leader's Guide for Building Staff Morale 1 adet
Motivating Recreational Reading and Promoting Home-School Connections: Strategies from the Reading Teacher 1 adet
Motor Control and Learning: A Behavioral Emphasis 1 adet
Muckraking!: The Journalism That Changed America 1 adet
Multivariate Data Analysis(7th Edition) 1 adet
Multivariate statistical quality control using R (SpringerBriefs in Statistics) 1 adet
Museum Basics (Heritage: Care-Preservation-Management) 1 adet
Musical Excellence: Strategies and Techniques to Enhance Performance 1 adet
Musker und Phryger: Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte Anatoliens vom 12. bis zum 7. Jahrhundert v. Chr. 1 adet
Muslim women of the Fergana Valley 1 adet
Münchener Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch (BGB).(7. Auflage) 1 adet
Nanoscale Energy Transport and Conversion: A Parallel Treatment of Electrons, Molecules, Phonons, and Photons (MIT-Pappalardo Series in Mechanical Engineering) 1 adet
Nation and Narration 1 adet
Neurodegenerative Diseases 1 adet
Neurotrophic Factors (Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology) 1 adet
New Media in Art (World of Art) 1 adet
Night School 1 adet
Noise and Signal Interference in Optical Fiber Transmission Systems: An Optimum Design Approach 1 adet
Nonlinear Optics 1 adet
Nonlinear Optics and Photonics 1 adet
Nonlinear Optics: Principles and Applications (Optical Sciences and Applications of Light) 1 adet
Nonmelanocytic tumors of the skin 1 adet
Non-Viral Vectors for Gene Therapy, Volume 89: Physical Methods and Medical Translation (Advances in Genetics) 1 adet
Nothing to Lose (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Nuclear Energy: What Everyone Needs to Know 1 adet
Nucleic acids in the gas phase 1 adet
Nucleic acids: curvature and deformation : recent advances and new paradigms 1 adet
Nutrition, fertility, and human reproductive function 1 adet
Obtaining Parameters for Geotechnical Analysis 1 adet
Offense to others (Moral limits of the criminal law) 1 adet
Official Methods of Analysis of AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 20th Edition, Two-volume set (2016) 1 adet
One Shot (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Online Research Methods in Urban and Planning Studies: Design and Outcomes 1 adet
Operative techniques in joint reconstruction surgery 1 adet
Optical Communications: Computational Techniques and Design With Matlab 1 adet
Optical Detection Theory for Laser Applications 1 adet
Optical electronics 1 adet
Optical Fiber Communication Systems with MATLAB® and Simulink® Models, Second Edition 1 adet
Optical Transmission and Networks for Next Generation Internet Traffic Highways 1 adet
Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology 1 adet
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Volume 2, 1 adet
Orchestral Excerpts (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Ordinary differential equations: Theory and applications 1 adet
Organic Chemistry of Museum Objects 1 adet
Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Its Nature, Antecedents, and Consequences 1 adet
Organizational Communication and Sustainable Development: Icts for Mobility 1 adet
Organizational Influence Processes 1 adet
Oriental Rug Repair 1 adet
Orthodontic Functional Appliances: Theory and Practice 1 adet
Orthodontic Treatment of Class III Malocclusion 1 adet
Orthodontic-surgical treatment of dentofacial anomalies : an integrated esthetic-functional approach 1 adet
Orthogonal Polarization in Lasers: Physical Phenomena and Engineering Applications 1 adet
Ottoman Diplomacy: Abd Ulhamid II and the Great Powers, 1878-1888 1 adet
Ottomans, Hungarians, and Habsburgs in Central Europe: The Military Confines in the Era of Ottoman Conquest (Ottoman Empire and It's Heritage) 1 adet
Outlaws of the marsh 1 adet
Overconvergence in Complex Approximation 1 adet
Oxford English for Careers: Nursing 2: Student's Book 1 adet
Oxford English for Careers: Nursing 1: Student's Book 1 adet
Oxford English for Careers: Nursing 2: Teacher's Resource Book 1 adet
Parasitic diseases of the lungs 1 adet
Partners of the Empire: The Crisis of the Ottoman Order in the Age of Revolutions 1 adet
Passage Times For Markov Chains 1 adet
Pediatric Cardiology Board Review 1 adet
Periodization : Theory and Methodology of Training 1 adet
Periodization Training for Sports 1 adet
Permanent Magnet Synchronous and Brushless DC Motor Drives 1 adet
Personal: A Jack Reacher Novel 1 adet
Persuader (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Persuading the People: British Propaganda in World War II 1 adet
Persuasion in the media age 1 adet
Pests: Webster's Timeline History, 2001 - 2007 1 adet
Pharmaceutical Microscopy 1 adet
Pharmaceutics: Drug Delivery and Targeting (Fasttrack) 1 adet
Pharmacology made incredibly easy! 1 adet
Philosophy of punishment 1 adet
Photonic Signals and Systems: An Introduction 1 adet
Photonics: A Short Course 1 adet
Physical chemistry for the life sciences 1 adet
Physical Fitness and Athletic Performance: A Guide for Students, Athletes and Coaches 1 adet
Physical Methods for Inorganic Biochemis 1 adet
Physical Principles in Nucleic Acid Chemistry 1 adet
Physics and Biology: From Molecules to Life 1 adet
Pictograms, icons & signs : a guide to information graphics 1 adet
Pictorial atlas of soil and seed fungi : morphologies of cultured fungi and key to species 1 adet
Pierre Bourdieu, organisation and management 1 adet
Pirates 1660-1730 1 adet
Pirates of Barbary: Corsairs, Conquests and Captivity in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean 1 adet
Plant phenolics and human health : biochemistry, nutrition, and pharmacology 1 adet
Pocket Guide to Biomolecular NMR 1 adet
Poetry, Symbol, and Allegory: Interpreting Metaphorical Language from Plato to the Present 1 adet
Political Islam in the Age of Democratization (Middle East Today) 1 adet
Political Reform in the Ottoman and Russian Empires: A Comparative Approach (Europe’s Legacy in the Modern World) 1 adet
Pollutants in the Museum Environment 1 adet
Population Geography: Tools and Issues 1 adet
Portfolio Design 1 adet
Practical ethics in sport management 1 adet
Practical guide and spectral atlas for interpretive near-infrared spectroscopy 1 adet
Practical Guide to ICP-MS: A Tutorial for Beginners, 1 adet
Practical optical interferometry: imaging at visible and infrared wavelengths) 1 adet
Prehistory of Australia 1 adet
Prehistory: A Very Short Introduction 1 adet
Prehistory: The Making of the Human Mind 1 adet
Preparatory Flute Etudes-Level 4 (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Preparatory Flute Repertoire (Overtones: A Comprehensive Flute Series) 1 adet
Prescott's microbiology 1 adet
Price Index Concepts and Measurement (National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Income and Wealth) 1 adet
Principles of nutritional assessment 1 adet
Principles of Optics: Electromagnetic Theory of Propagation, Interference and Diffraction of Light 1 adet
Principles of physical pharmacy & biophysical chemistry 1 adet
Principles of violin playing and teaching 1 adet
Privacy and Publicity: Modern Architecture as Mass Media 1 adet
Problems and Answers in Wave Optics (PM 216) (Press Monograph) 1 adet
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Intangible Heritage, Indigenous cultural landscapes: Equitably defining the 'authenticity' of the intangible 1 adet
Progress in Modeling and Simulation of Batteries 1 adet
propaganda comment manipuler l'opinion en Démocratie 1 adet
Propaganda, Power and Persuasion: From World War I to Wikileaks 1 adet
Protein-Ligand Interactions: Hydrodynamics and Calorimetry 1 adet
Psychology for language teachers : a social constructivist approach 1 adet
Public Policy: The Essential Readings 1 adet
Punishment 1 adet
Punishment and responsibility: Essays in the philosophy of law 1 adet
Punishment, participatory democracy, and the jury 1 adet
Quantitative Biomedical Optics: Theory, Methods, and Applications 1 adet
Quantitative narrative analysis 1 adet
Quantum Cosmology - The Supersymmetric Perspective - Vol. 1: Fundamentals 1 adet
Quantum Cosmology - The Supersymmetric Perspective - Vol. 2. Advanced Topic 1 adet
Race, Empire and First World War Writing 1 adet
Radiation Proteomics: The effects of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation on cells and tissues: 990 1 adet
Radiocarbon: Calibration and Prehistory 1 adet
Radiography of Cultural Material 1 adet
Random Light Beams: Theory and Applications 1 adet
Reactions and Syntheses: In the Organic Chemistry Laboratory 1 adet
Recent Progress in General Topology I 1 adet
Recent Progress in General Topology II 1 adet
Recent Progress in General Topology III 1 adet
Reconceptualising the Rule of Law in Global Governance, Resources, Investment and Trade 1 adet
Relational-Cultural Therapy 1 adet
Reliability-Based Design of Engineered Wood Structures (Nato Science Series E:) (Volume 215) 1 adet
Representations of Empire: Rome and the Mediterranean World (Proceedings of the British Academy) 1 adet
Revision total hip and knee arthroplasty 1 adet
Rewriting the Nation in Modern Kazakh Literature: Elites and Narratives (Contemporary Central Asia: Societies, Politics, and Cultures) 1 adet
Rhetorical theory: An introduction 1 adet
Rhoton's cranial anatomy and surgical approaches 1 adet
Risk Management for Insurers. 1 adet
Rock stress and earthquake 1 adet
Rogue Lawyer: A Novel 1 adet
Romantic Relationships in Adolescence: Developmental Perspectives: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Number 78 1 adet
Rotordynamics of Gas-Lubricated Journal Bearing Systems 1 adet
Running Blind (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Russia's Foreign Policy: Ideas, Domestic Politics and External Relations (Palgrave Studies in International Relations) 1 adet
Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage (Heritage Matters) 1 adet
Sakamoto Ryoma and the Meiji restoration 1 adet
Scaffolding student learning : instructional approaches and issues 1 adet
Scale development: theory and applications 1 adet
Scent of a dream: travels in the world of coffee 1 adet
Schaum's outline of advanced calculus 1 adet
Schweizerisches Privatrecht: Erbrecht 1 adet
Science Teachers’ Use of Visual Representations 1 adet
Scientific and Engineering C++: An Introduction with Advanced Techniques and Examples 1 adet
Sebastião Salgado: other Americas 1 adet
Selecting, buying, installing and using a modern warehouse management system 1 adet
Self-consciousness 1 adet
Shut your eyes tight 1 adet
Siemens NX 10 surface design: A step by step guide 1 adet
Simulation and Control of Chaotic Nonequilibrium Systems: With a Foreword by Julien Clinton Sprott (Advanced Series in Nonlinear Dynamics) 1 adet
Ski Tips for Kids: Fun Instructional Techniques With Cartoons (Falcon Guides: Skills for the Youngest Learners) 1 adet
Social Change in Aegean Prehistory 1 adet
Social Interaction and L2 Classroom Discourse (Studies in Social Interaction EUP) 1 adet
Social Marketing: Changing Behaviors for Good 1 adet
Social Marketing: Influencing Behaviors for Good 1 adet
Social media, politics and the state : protests, revolutions, riots, crime and policing in the age of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube 1 adet
Social movements and globalization 1 adet
Social Network Analysis and Education: Theory, Methods & Applications 1 adet
Social Network Theory and Educational Change 1 adet
Socialbots and Their Friends: Digital Media and the Automation of Sociality 1 adet
Sociologie des organisations 1 adet
Sociologie des prénoms 1 adet
Sociologie du journalisme 1 adet
Sociologie politique 1 adet
Solutions manual for physical chemistry 1 adet
Soviet Nation-Building in Central Asia: The Making of the Kazakh and Uzbek Nations (Central Asian Studies) 1 adet
Spaces of continuous functions 1 adet
Speckle Phenomena in Optics 1 adet
Spreadsheet modeling & decision analysis 1 adet
Stahlschlüssel - key to steel 2013 1 adet
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing 2014 1 adet
State Responsibility: The General Part 1 adet
Statistical consulting: a guide to effective communication 1 adet
Statistical inference based on the likelihood 1 adet
Statistical Modelling with Quantile Functions 1 adet
Statistical Theories of Mental Test Scores 1 adet
Statuen in der Spätantike (Spatantike-Fruhes Christentum-Byzanz) (German Edition) 1 adet
Stochastic Modeling of Scientific Data (Chapman & Hall/CRC Texts in Statistical Science) 1 adet
Stone Tools in Human Evolution: Behavioral Differences among Technological Primates 1 adet
Storytelling la machine à fabriquer des histoires et à formater les esprits 1 adet
Structural analysis in si units 1 adet
Student Solutions Manual for Winston's Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms, 1 adet
Student Solutions Manual, Mathematical Statistics with Applications 1 adet
Student's Solutions Manual for Physical Chemistry: Principles and Applications in Biological Sciences 1 adet
Study Guide with Solutions Manual for McMurry's Organic Chemistry: With Biological Applications 1 adet
Study of a DNA Biosensor: An Atomic Force Microscopy and Fluorescence Investigation of a DNA Sensor on Crystalline Silicon 1 adet
Supervision and Instructional Leadership : A Developmental Approach 1 adet
Supply Chain Management A Logistics Perspective 1 adet
Surface Plasmon Resonance: Methods and Protocols 1 adet
Sustainable Practices: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications 1 adet
Sustainable Thinking: Ethical Approaches to Design and Design Management (Required Reading Range) 1 adet
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Teacher identity discourses : negotiating personal and professional spaces 1 adet
Teacher Morale, Job Satisfaction and Motivation 1 adet
Teacher Motivation: Theory and Practice 1 adet
Teacher Research in Language Teaching: A Critical Analysis (Cambridge Applied Linguistics) 1 adet
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Teaching and Learning a Second Language: A Guide to Recent Research and its Applications (Continuum Collection) 1 adet
Teaching for success : developing your teacher identity in today's classroom 1 adet
Technical writing : a practical guide for engineers and scientists 1 adet
Techniques and principles in language teaching 1 adet
Techniques in confocal microscopy 1 adet
Text Book of Index Number and Time Series 1 adet
Text Book of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 1 adet
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Textile Futures: Fashion, Design and Technology 1 adet
Thanks for the Memories: A Novel 1 adet
The Adaptive nature of organizational silence: A cybernetic exploration of the hidden factory 1 adet
The Adult Hip (Two Volume Set): Hip Arthroplasty Surgery 1 adet
The Affair (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
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The aptamer handbook : functional oligonucleotides and their applications 1 adet
The Archaeology of Early China: From Prehistory to the Han Dynasty 1 adet
The Art of Computerized Measurement: includes one computer disk 1 adet
The Art of Electronics 1 adet
The Art of Enameling: Techniques, Projects, Inspiration 1 adet
The art of violin playing 1 adet
The Athlete's Clock 1 adet
The Balkan City, 1400--1900 (Publications on Russia and Eastern Europe of the School of International Studies, University of Washington, V. 12) 1 adet
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The case for animal rights 1 adet
The complete CBT guide for anxiety 1 adet
The complete CBT guide for depression and low mood 1 adet
The complete etchings of Rembrandt : reproduced in original size 1 adet
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The consequences of social movements 1 adet
The corporate sponsorship toolkit 1 adet
The Creative Austerity in Today's Advertising 1 adet
The dark side of personality 1 adet
The Dawn of Human Culture 1 adet
The disassembly line : balancing and modeling 1 adet
The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye 1 adet
The Dragonflies of Eastern Mugla Province, Southwest Turkey 1 adet
The Dynamics of Family Policy 1 adet
The Elements of Archaeological Conservation 1 adet
The Elgar Companion to Alfred Marshall 1 adet
The Enemy (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
The Enlightened Eye: Qualitative Inquiry and the Enhancement of Educational Practice 1 adet
The entertainment marketing revolution: Bringing the moguls, the media, and the magic to the world 1 adet
The Expansion of International Society 1 adet
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The Foundations of Social Research: Meaning and Perspective in the Research Process 1 adet
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The Human Brain Book 1 adet
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The Index-Number Problem and Its Solution 1 adet
The individual psychology of Alfred Adler 1 adet
The inner workings of life : vignettes in systems biology 1 adet
The Kind of Schools We Need: Personal Essays 1 adet
The Last 73.4 Thousand Years: Social Relations in Prehistory 1 adet
The Location of Culture (Routledge Classics) (Volume 55) 1 adet
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The Mathematical Theory of Black Holes 1 adet
The meaning of life 1 adet
The Multigenerational Workplace: Communicate, Collaborate, and Create Community 1 adet
The Museum Environment, (Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Conservation and Museology) 1 adet
The neuron : cell and molecular biology 1 adet
The new law of peaceful protest : rights and regulation in the Human Rights Act era 1 adet
The new wildcrafted cuisine : exploring the exotic gastronomy of local terroir 1 adet
The Northern Face of Cyprus: New Studies in Cypriot Archaeology and Art History 1 adet
The Nuclear Energy Option: An Alternative for the 90s 1 adet
The online journalism handbook : skills to survive and thrive in the digital age 1 adet
The Oppositional Imagination (RLE Feminist Theory): Feminism, Critique and Political Theory 1 adet
The organic chemistry of biological pathways 1 adet
The Ottoman Culture of Defeat 1 adet
The Oxford handbook of Japanese cinema 1 adet
The Oxford Handbook of Music Education, Volume 2 (Oxford Handbooks) 1 adet
The Oxford Handbook of Qualitative Research in American Music Education 1 adet
The Oxford Illustrated Prehistory of Europe 1 adet
The Palgrave Handbook of Contemporary Heritage Research 1 adet
The people's guide to spatial thinking 1 adet
The Prajna-pa-ramita:Texts in Old Uyghur 1 adet
The Prehistory of Music: Human Evolution, Archaeology, and the Origins of Musicality 1 adet
The Prehistory of the Mind: The Cognitive Origins of Art, Religion and Science 1 adet
The psycholinguistics of bilingualism / Francois Grosjean and Ping Li , Primary Authors with contributions from Ellen Bialystok ... [et al.]. 1 adet
The Racketeer 1 adet
The Railway 1 adet
The Restoration of Leather Bindings 1 adet
The Rites of Passage 1 adet
The Roman Agricultural Economy: Organization, Investment, and Production (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy) 1 adet
The Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism (Routledge Handbooks) 1 adet
The SCERTS model : a comprehensive educational approach for children with autism spectrum disorders (2 volume set) 1 adet
The Science of the Art of Psychotherapy 1 adet
The Self-Motivation Handbook 1 adet
The Sociology of Childhood 1 adet
The sociology of religion : a substantive and transdisciplinary approach 1 adet
The sociology of tourism: theoretical and empirical investigations (routledge advances in tourism) 1 adet
The Sponsorship Handbook: Essential Tools, Tips and Techniques for Sponsors and Sponsorship Seekers 1 adet
The surveillance of women on reality television : watching The bachelor and The bachelorette 1 adet
The Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds 1 adet
The Systems Thinking Playbook 1 adet
The Thinker's Guide to The Art of Socratic Questioning 1 adet
The Touch of Civilization : Comparing American and Russian Internal Colonization 1 adet
The Transfer of Wallpaintings: A Survey Rooted in Danish Experience 1 adet
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The Undecided College Student: An Academic And Career Advising Challenge 1 adet
The Virgin in the Garden 1 adet
The Water Diviner 1 adet
The Whistler 1 adet
The World Encyclopedia of Calligraphy: The Ultimate Compendium on the Art of Fine Writing-History, Craft, Technique 1 adet
The World of the Fullo: Work, Economy, and Society in Roman Italy (Oxford Studies on the Roman Economy) 1 adet
Theodore Boone Box Set (Kid Lawyer / The Abduction / The Accused / The Activist) 1 adet
Theory and Applications in Mathematical Physics 1 adet
Theory and cases in school-based consultation 1 adet
Theory and measurement of social interest : empirical tests of Alfred Adler's concept / James E. Crandall. 1 adet
Theory of Dimension: Finite and infinite 1 adet
Theory of Peasant Economy 1 adet
THINK Public Relations 1 adet
Thinking Mesolithic 1 adet
Three Kingdoms (Chinese classics, 4 volumes) box set 1 adet
Tineidae I: (Dryadaulinae, Hapsiferinae, Euplocaminae, Scardiinae, Nemapogoninae and Meessiinae) (Microlepidoptera of Europe) 1 adet
Titanate and Titania Nanotubes: Synthesis Properties and Applications 1 adet
Tourism And Intangible Cultural Heritage 1 adet
Tourist's Experience of Place (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) 1 adet
Towards Intelligent Modeling : Statistical Approximation Theory 1 adet
Trade and money 1 adet
Transfection via Nucleofection: Host cell optimization strategies. 1 adet
Translocal geographies 1 adet
Transportrecht 1 adet
Trevor Wye Practice Book for the Flute: Volume 6 - Advanced Practice 1 adet
Trevor Wye's Practice Books for the Flute: Omnibus Edition Books 1-5 1 adet
Tripwire (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
True Triaxial Testing of Rocks 1 adet
Tumors of serosal membranes 1 adet
Tumors of the adrenal glands and extraadrenal paraganglia 1 adet
Tumors of the bones and joints 1 adet
Tumors of the central nervous system 1 adet
Tumors of the gallbladers extrahepatic bile ducts, and vaterien system 1 adet
Tumors of the pancreas 1 adet
Tumors of the peripheral nervous system 1 adet
Tumors of the testis and adjacent structures 1 adet
Tumors of the thyroid glands 1 adet
Tumors of the upper aerodigestive tract and ear 1 adet
Tunnel fire dynamics 1 adet
Tunnelling : a decade of progress : GeoDelft 1995-2005 1 adet
Typography. Advertising. Book Design 1 adet
Ultrafast Diode Lasers: Fundamentals and Applications 1 adet
Uncredited : graphic design & opening titles in movies 1 adet
Understanding Criminal Law 1 adet
Understanding Evolution 1 adet
UNESCO on the Ground: Local Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage (Encounters: Explorations in Folklore and Ethnomusicology) 1 adet
Uses of Heritage 1 adet
Vehicle Noise, Vibration, and Sound Quality 1 adet
Verhaltnismassigkeit: Zur Tragfahigkeit Eines Verfassungsrechtlichen schlusselkonzepts (Recht - wissenschaft - theorie) 1 adet
Vertebrate Fossil Beds In The Cappadocia Region and A New Hominid Site: Sofular 1 adet
Vibrational spectroscopy in life science 1 adet
Village, Steppe and State: The Social Origins of Modern Jordan 1 adet
Vision Science: Photons to Phenomenology 1 adet
Visual C# How to Program 1 adet
Visual language for designers : principles for creating graphics that people understand 1 adet
Visual Research Methods in Fashion 1 adet
Volkerrechtsphilosophie der fruhaufklarung (Politika) 1 adet
Volume 340 Drug-Nucleic Acid Interactions 1 adet
Weaving the web: The original design and ultimate destiny of the world wide web 1 adet
What every violinist needs to know about the body/G7409 1 adet
Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress 1 adet
Without Fail (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Woher kommt das recht? 1 adet
Wolf D. Prix. Coop Himmelb(l)au 1 adet
World Book Encyclopedia 2017, 22 Volume Set 1 adet
World War II Propaganda: Analyzing the Art of Persuasion during Wartime 1 adet
Worth Dying For (Jack Reacher) 1 adet
Zoological Catalogue of Australia Volume 33: Echinodermata: Vol.29.6 1 adet
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