İhale No | 2016/83532 |
Sektör | Matbaa, Yayıncılık Hizmet ve Kırtasiye Malzemeleri |
İdare | Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi İdari ve Mali İşler Daire Başkanlığı |
İhale Tipi | Mal Alımı |
İhale Usulü | Açık İhale |
İhale İli | Kayseri |
İşin İli | Kayseri |
Yayın Tarihi | 21 Mart 2016 |
İhale Tarihi | 19 Nisan 2016 10:00 |
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Türkçe ve İngilizce Dilde Basılı Kitap alımı 4734 sayılı Kamu İhale Kanununun 19 uncu maddesine göre açık ihale usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler aşağıda yer almaktadır:
İhale Kayıt Numarası | : | 2016/83532 |
1-İdarenin | ||
a) Adresi | : | Barbaros Mahallesi Erkilet Bulvarı ( Sümer Kampüsü ) 38100 KOCASİNAN KOCASİNAN/KAYSERİ |
b) Telefon ve faks numarası | : | 3522248800 - 3522248810 |
c) Elektronik Posta Adresi | : | ihale@agu.edu.tr |
ç) İhale dokümanının görülebileceği internet adresi (varsa) | : | https://ekap.kik.gov.tr/EKAP/ |
2-İhale konusu malın
a) Niteliği, türü ve miktarı | : | 1423 Kalem Türkçe ve İngilizce Dilde Basılı Kitap Alımı Ayrıntılı bilgiye EKAP’ta yer alan ihale dokümanı içinde bulunan idari şartnameden ulaşılabilir. |
b) Teslim yeri | : | Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Hizmet Binası Kütüphane ve Dokümantasyon Daire Başkanlığı |
c) Teslim tarihi | : | Sözleşme imzalandığı gün işe başlanacak olup, yerli kitaplar 60 gün,yabancı kitaplar ise 90 gün içerisinde teslim edilecektir.işin süresi 90 (Doksan) takvim günüdür.Taahhüt konusu, malzeme ihtiyaç listesinde beyanı bulunan ve istekli üzerine ihale edilen mallar (Kitaplar), yukarıda belirtilen işin süresi içerisinde kalmak şartı ile istenirse kısım kısım teslim edilebilecektir. (İstekli üzerine bir kısım ihale edilmiş ise malzemenin tamamı tek seferde teslim edilecektir. ) |
3- İhalenin
a) Yapılacağı yer | : | Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi, Sümer Kampüsü Rektörlük Hizmet Binası Genel Sekreterlik Toplantı Salonu Kat:2 Barbaros Mahallesi, Erkilet Bulvarı, Kocasinan KAYSERİ |
b) Tarihi ve saati | : | 19.04.2016 - 10:00 |
4. İhaleye katılabilme şartları ve istenilen belgeler ile yeterlik değerlendirmesinde uygulanacak kriterler:
4.1. İhaleye katılma şartları ve istenilen belgeler:
4.1.1. Mevzuatı gereği kayıtlı olduğu Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odası ya da ilgili Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Odası belgesi; Gerçek kişi olması halinde, ilk ilan veya ihale tarihinin içinde bulunduğu yılda alınmış, ilgisine göre Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odasına ya da ilgili Esnaf ve Sanatkarlar Odasına kayıtlı olduğunu gösterir belge, Tüzel kişi olması halinde, ilgili mevzuatı gereği kayıtlı bulunduğu Ticaret ve/veya Sanayi Odasından, ilk ilan veya ihale tarihinin içinde bulunduğu yılda alınmış, tüzel kişiliğin odaya kayıtlı olduğunu gösterir belge,
4.1.2. Teklif vermeye yetkili olduğunu gösteren imza beyannamesi veya imza sirküleri; Gerçek kişi olması halinde, noter tasdikli imza beyannamesi, Tüzel kişi olması halinde, ilgisine göre tüzel kişiliğin ortakları, üyeleri veya kurucuları ile tüzel kişiliğin yönetimindeki görevlileri belirten son durumu gösterir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesi, bu bilgilerin tamamının bir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesinde bulunmaması halinde, bu bilgilerin tümünü göstermek üzere ilgili Ticaret Sicil Gazeteleri veya bu hususları gösteren belgeler ile tüzel kişiliğin noter tasdikli imza sirküleri,
4.1.3. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen teklif mektubu.
4.1.4. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen geçici teminat.
4.1.5 İhale konusu alımın tamamı veya bir kısmı alt yüklenicilere yaptırılamaz.
4.2. Ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler: |
İdare tarafından ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir. |
4.3. Mesleki ve Teknik yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler: |
İdare tarafından mesleki ve teknik yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir. |
5.Ekonomik açıdan en avantajlı teklif sadece fiyat esasına göre belirlenecektir.
6. İhale yerli ve yabancı tüm isteklilere açıktır.
7. İhale dokümanının görülmesi ve satın alınması:
7.1. İhale dokümanı, idarenin adresinde görülebilir ve 100 TRY (Türk Lirası) karşılığı Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü İdari ve Mali İşler Daire Başkanlığı KAYSERİ adresinden satın alınabilir.
İhale dokümanının posta yoluyla da satın alınması mümkündür. Posta yoluyla ihale dokümanı almak isteyenler, posta masrafı dahil 150 TRY (Türk Lirası) doküman bedelini Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi Strateji Geliştirme Daire Başkanlığı T. Vakıflar Bankası T.A.O./ Düvenönü Şubesi TR25 0001 5001 5800 7298 3877 44 yatırmak zorundadır. Posta yoluyla ihale dokümanı satın almak isteyenler, ihale doküman bedeline ilişkin ödeme dekontu ve adına ihale dokümanı satın alınacak gerçek/tüzel kişiye ait TC Kimlik/Vergi Kimlik numarası bilgisi ile ihale dokümanının gönderileceği adresin de belirtildiği ihale dokümanı talep başvurularını yukarıda yer alan faks numarasına veya yazılı olarak idareye ihale tarihinden en az beş gün önce göndermek zorundadır. İhale dokümanı iki iş günü içinde bildirilen adrese posta yoluyla gönderilecektir. İhale dokümanının posta yoluyla gönderilmesi halinde, postanın ulaşmamasından veya geç ulaşmasından ya da dokümanın eksik olmasından dolayı idaremiz hiçbir şekilde sorumlu tutulamaz. Dokümanın postaya verildiği tarih, dokümanın satın alma tarihi olarak kabul edilecektir.
7.2. İhaleye teklif verecek olanların ihale dokümanını satın almaları veya EKAP üzerinden e-imza kullanarak indirmeleri zorunludur.
8. Teklifler, ihale tarih ve saatine kadar Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi İdari ve Mali İşler Daire Başkanlığı Barbaros Mahallesi Erkilet Bulvarı ( Sümer Kampüsü ) 38100 KOCASİNAN - KOCASİNAN / KAYSERİ adresine elden teslim edilebileceği gibi, aynı adrese iadeli taahhütlü posta vasıtasıyla da gönderilebilir.
9. İstekliler tekliflerini, mal kalem-kalemleri için teklif birim fiyatlar üzerinden vereceklerdir. İhale sonucu, üzerine ihale yapılan istekliyle her bir mal kalemi miktarı ile bu mal kalemleri için teklif edilen birim fiyatların çarpımı sonucu bulunan toplam bedel üzerinden birim fiyat sözleşme imzalanacaktır.
Bu ihalede, kısmı teklif verilebilir.
10. İstekliler teklif ettikleri bedelin %3’ünden az olmamak üzere kendi belirleyecekleri tutarda geçici teminat vereceklerdir.
11. Verilen tekliflerin geçerlilik süresi, ihale tarihinden itibaren 90 (doksan) takvim günüdür.
12. Konsorsiyum olarak ihaleye teklif verilemez.
Cetvel Adı | Miktar | Birim |
Kamu İhale Kanunu ve Kamu İhale Sözleşmeleri Kanunu;Saadettin DOĞANYİĞİT;2016;16;9750229572;;Seçkin Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
İçtihatlı Yükseköğretim Mevzuatı;Kolektif;2015;;9789944313100;;Yalın Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Açıklamalı Devlet Memurları Kanunu;Erdoğan Dedeoğlu;;;9786055412319;;Adalet Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Kamu Alacaklarının Tahsil Usulü Hakkında Kanun;Mahmut Coşkun;;;9789750224249;;Seçkin Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Integrated photonics - Fundamentals;Gines Lifante;2002;;470848685;England;John Wiley & Sons | 1 | adet |
Silicon photonics;Lorenzo Pavesi, David J. Lockwood;2004;;3540210229;Germany;Springer-Verlag | 1 | adet |
Silicon photonics II - components and integration;David J. Lockwood, Lorenzo Pavesi;2011;;9783642105050;Germany;Springer-Verlag | 1 | adet |
Diode Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits;L. A. Coldren, S. W. Corzine, M. L. Masanovic;2012;;9780470484128;USA;John Wiley & Sons | 1 | adet |
Integrated optics - theory and technology;Robert G. Hunsperger;2009;;9780387897745;USA;Springer | 1 | adet |
Biophysical Chemistry Part II;Charles R. Cantor, Paul R. Schimmel;1980;;9780716711902;; | 1 | adet |
Biophysical Chemistry Part III;Charles R. Cantor, Paul R. Schimmel;1980;;9780716711926;; | 1 | adet |
Principles of Protein Structure;G. E. Schulz, R. H. Schirmer;1979;;9780387903347;; | 1 | adet |
Proteins;Thomas E. Creighton;1992;2nd;9780716770305;; | 1 | adet |
Proteins: A theoretical perspective of dynamics, structure, and thermodynamics;Charles L. Brooks III, Martin Karplus, B. Montgomery Pettitt;1988;;9780471529774;; | 1 | adet |
Molecular Modeling and Simulation: An interdisciplinary Guide;Tamar Schlick;2002;;9780387954042;; | 1 | adet |
The Structure of Biological Membranes;Philip L. Yeagle;2011;3rd;9781439809570;; | 1 | adet |
Computer simulation of Liquids;M. P. Allen, D. J. Tidesley;1989;;9780198556459;; | 1 | adet |
Dynamics of Proteins and Nucleic Acids;J. Andrew McCammon, Stephen C. Harvey;1988;;9780521356527;; | 1 | adet |
Computational Biochemistry and Biophysics;Oren M. Becker, Alexander D. MacKerell, Jr., Benoit Roux, Masakatsu Watanabe;2001;1st;9780824704551;; | 1 | adet |
Computational Approaches to Protein Dynamics: From Quantum to Coarse-Grained Methods;Monika Fuxreiter;2014;;9781466561571;; | 1 | adet |
Statistical Physics I;R. Kubo, M. Toda, N. Hashitume;2004;2nd;9783540536628;; | 1 | adet |
Statistical Physics II;R. Kubo, M. Toda, N. Hashitume;2003;2nd;9783540538332;; | 1 | adet |
Organic Chemistry;Brown, Iverson, Anslyn, foote;2013;7th;9781133952848;;Brooks Cole | 4 | adet |
Introduction to Polymers;Robert J. Young, Peter A. Lovell;;second edition;9780748757404;; | 1 | adet |
Molecular Cell Biology;Harvey Lodish, Arnold Berk, Lawrence Zipursky, Paul Matsudaira, David Baltimore, James Darnell;;fourth edition;9780716737063;; | 1 | adet |
Biomineralization;Stephen Mann;;first edition;9780198508823;; | 1 | adet |
Principles of Tissue Engineering;Robert Lanza, Robert Langer, Joseph P. Vacanti;;fourth edition;9780123983589;; | 1 | adet |
Biomaterials: The Intersection of Biology and Materials Science;Johnna S. Temenoff, Antonios G. Mikos;;first edition;9780130097101;; | 1 | adet |
Biofluid Mechanics, Second Edition: An Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Macrocirculation, and Microcirculation (Biomedical Engineering);David Rubenstein, Wei Yin;;second edition;9780128009444;; | 1 | adet |
The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition: Four Volume Set;Joseph D. Bronzino, Donald R. Peterson;;fourth edition;9781439825334;; | 1 | adet |
Bioengineering Fundamentals;Ann Saterbak, Ka-Yiu San;;first edition;9780130938381;; | 1 | adet |
Biochemistry ;Jeremy Berg, J.Tymoczko, L.Stryer ;;6th edition ;9780716746843;; | 1 | adet |
Campbell Biology; Jane B. Reece ;;10th edition;9780321775658;; | 1 | adet |
Molecular biology ; Robert F. Weaver;;5th edition ;9780073525327;; | 1 | adet |
Understanding the Theory and Design of Organizations 11e;Richard L. Daft;;;9781111826628;;Cengage : South Western | 2 | adet |
Structures ;Daniel Schodek;2007;7;9781292040820;London;Pearson | 2 | adet |
Building Structures Illustrated;Francis D. K. Ching;2011;2;9781118458358;Hoboken;John Wiley and Sons | 1 | adet |
Spherical Models;Magnus J. Wenninger;2003;1;9780486409214;Mineola;Dover Publications | 1 | adet |
Form and Forces: Designing Efficient, Expressive Structures;Esward Allen, Waclaw Zalewski ;2009;1;9780470174654;Hoboken;John Wiley and Sons | 1 | adet |
Business: A Practical Introduction;Brian K. Williams, Stacey S. Sawyer, Susan Berston;2013;;9780132334297;ABD;Prentice Hall | 1 | adet |
Business Essentials;Ronald Ebert Ricky Griffin;2015;10;9781292068862;ABD;Pearson | 1 | adet |
Selling Today: Partnering to Create Value, 13/E;Gerald L. Manning Michael Ahearne Barry Reece;2014;13;9780133763508;ABD;Prentice Hall | 1 | adet |
Essentials of Marketing Research, 3rd ed;oseph Hair, Jr., Mary Wolfinbarger, Robert Bush, & David Ortinau;2012;3;9780078028816 ;ABD;McGraw-Hill | 1 | adet |
Selling and Sales Management;David Jobber, Geoffrey Lancaster;2015;10;9781292078007;ABD;Prentice Hall | 1 | adet |
Research Methods in Business Studies;Pervez Ghauri, Kjell Gronhaug;2010;4;9780273712046;;Pearson | 1 | adet |
The Globalization of World Politics- An Introduction to International Relations ;John Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens (edited);2014;;9780199656172;; | 2 | adet |
World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2014 - 2015 (with CourseMate Printed Access Card) 15th Edition; Charles W. Kegley (Author), Shannon L. Blanton (Author);2014;;9781285437279;; | 2 | adet |
International Relations: Perspectives, Controversies and Readings;Keith L. Shimko;2014;;9781285865164;; | 2 | adet |
Business communication for success; Scott McLean;;;9780982361856;; | 2 | adet |
Introduction to Global Politics;Richard W. Mansbach and Kirsten L. Taylor;;;9780415782722;; | 2 | adet |
The Oxford Handbook of International Relations (Oxford Handbooks) 1st Edition ; Christian Reus-Smit (Editor), Duncan Snidal (Editor);;;9780199585588;; | 2 | adet |
Democracy and Development: Political Regimes and Economic Well-being in the World, 1950-1990.;Przeworski, Adam, Michael Alvarez, José Antonio Cheibub, and Fernando Limongi;;;9780521793797;; | 2 | adet |
The IMF and Economic Development;Vreeland, James Raymond;;;9780521016957;; | 1 | adet |
The Political Economy of the United Nations Security Council: Money and Influence;Vreeland, James Raymond and Axel Dreher;;;9780521740067;; | 2 | adet |
Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. Public Affairs;Banarjee, A. & Duflo, E;;;9781610390934;; | 2 | adet |
P. Peace Economics A Macroeconomic Primer for Violence-Afflicted States;Brauer, J. & Dunne,;;;9781601271389;; | 2 | adet |
A Better World, Inc.: How Companies Profit by Solving Global Problems ...Where Governments Cannot;Korngold, A. ;2014;;9781137327659;; | 2 | adet |
Changing Business from the Inside Out: A Tree-Hugger's Guide to Working in Corporations ;Mohin, T.;2012;;9781609946401;; | 2 | adet |
The Power of Impact Investing: Putting Markets to Work for Profit and Global Good;Rodin, J. & Brandenburg, M;2014;;9781613630365;; | 2 | adet |
Peace Through Commerce. Responsible Corporate Citizenship and the Ideals of the United Nations Global Compact;Williams, O;;;9780268044145;; | 1 | adet |
The Art of Public Speaking ; Stephen Lucas;;;9780077778019 ;; | 2 | adet |
Essentials of Business Communication ;Mary Ellen Guffey, Dana Loewy ;;;9781285858913 ;; | 2 | adet |
Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community; R. Putnam;;;9780743203043;; | 1 | adet |
The Eighty Years' Crisis: International Relations 1919-1999; Tim Dunne, Michael Cox, Ken Booth ;;;9780521667838;; | 2 | adet |
New Capitalism in Turkey: The Relationship Between Politics, Religion and Business;Ayse Bugra and Osman SavasKan;;;9781783473120;; | 2 | adet |
Sosyal Politika Yazilari;Ayse Bugra and Osman SavasKan;;;9789750503801;; | 2 | adet |
Devlet - Piyasa Karsitligi Ötesinde ;Ayse Bugra ;;;9789754707724;; | 2 | adet |
State, Market and Organizational Form; Ayse Bugra and Behlul Usdiken;;;9783110154689;; | 2 | adet |
Islamic Globalization: Pilgrimage, Capitalism, Democracy, and Diplomacy ;Robert R Bianchi;;;9789814508438;; | 2 | adet |
Businessmen and the EU: The Case of TÜSIAD ;Özhan Demirkol;;;9783639141696;; | 2 | adet |
Global Politics;Andrew Heywood;;;9781137349262;; | 2 | adet |
Introduction to Global Politics;Steven L. Lamy, John S. Masker, John Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens;;;9780199396009;; | 2 | adet |
Integrated Peacebuilding: Innovative Approaches to Transforming Conflict;Craig Zelizer;;;9780813345093;; | 2 | adet |
Turkey and the Global Economy: Neo-Liberal Restructuring and Integration in the Post-Crisis Era by ;Ziya Onis and Fikret Senses;;;9780415475617;; | 2 | adet |
Democracy, Islam, and Secularism in Turkey ;Ahmet T. Kuru and Alfred Stepan;;;9780231159333;; | 2 | adet |
The Rise of Political Islam in Turkey: Urban Poverty, Grassroots Activism and Islamic Fundamentalism ;Kayhan Delibas;;;9781780765655;; | 2 | adet |
The Emergence of a New Turkey: Democracy and the AK Parti;Hakan Yavuz;;;9780874808636;; | 2 | adet |
Islamism, Democracy and Liberalism in Turkey: The Case of the AKP ;William Hale and Ergun Ozbudun;;;9780415665087;; | 2 | adet |
Shaping Gender Policy in Turkey: Grassroots Women Activists, the European Union, and the Turkish State;Gul Aldikacti Marshall;;;9781438447728;; | 2 | adet |
Do No Harm: How Aid Can Support Peace - Or War; Mary B. Anderson ;;;9781555878344;; | 2 | adet |
Changing the Conversation: The 17 Principles of Conflict Resolution;Dana Caspersen, Joost Elffers ;;;9780143126867;; | 2 | adet |
Perfect Phrases for Conflict Resolution: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Encouraging a More Productive and Efficient Work Environment;Lawrence Polsky Antoine Gerschel;;;9780071756167;; | 2 | adet |
Islamic Political Identity in Turkey;M. Hakan Yavuz;;;9780195188233;; | 2 | adet |
Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey;M. Hakan Yavuz;;;9780521717328;; | 2 | adet |
My Life Story: The Autobiography of a Turkish Businessman ;Vehbi Koc ;;;ASIN: B000EOXQC6;; | 2 | adet |
Uluslararası; Iliskilerde Çatışmadan Güvenlige Hans Günter Brauch Mitat Çelikpala ;Mustafa Aydin Necati Polat Ursula Oswald Spring;;;9786053992530;; | 2 | adet |
Türk Dış Politikası - Cilt 1 (1919 - 1980);Baskın Oran;;;9789750500015;; | 2 | adet |
Türk Dış Politikası Cilt II;Baskın Oran;;;9750500024;; | 2 | adet |
Türk Dış Politikası Cilt 3: 2001-2012;Baskın Oran;;;9789750511424;; | 2 | adet |
Turkish Foreign Policy, 1919-2006 : Facts and Analyses with Documents;Baskın Oran;;;9780874809046;; | 2 | adet |
Bringing Transnational Relations Back In: Non-State Actors, Domestic Structures and International Institutions.;Thomas Risse-Kappen;;;9780521484411;; | 2 | adet |
Transnational Actors in Global Governance: Patterns, Explanations and Implications (Democracy Beyond the Nation;Jönsson and J. Tallberg;;;9780230239050;; | 2 | adet |
The Transnational Governance of Violence and Crime: Non-State Actors in Security;A. Jakobi, K. Wolf;;;9781137334411;; | 2 | adet |
Knowledge Actors and Transnational Governance: The Private-Public Policy Nexus in the Global Agora (Non-Governmental;D. Stone;;;9781137022905;; | 2 | adet |
The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century; Thomas L. Friedman;;;9780312425074;; | 2 | adet |
The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order;Samuel P. Huntington;;;9781451628975;; | 2 | adet |
The Clash of Civilizations?: The Debate: Twentieth Anniversary;Gideon Rose;;;9780876095546;; | 1 | adet |
Rethinking Violence: States and Non-State Actors in Conflict (Belfer Center Studies in International Security) ;Erica Chenoweth (Editor), Adria Lawrence (Editor);;;9780262514286;; | 2 | adet |
Globalization, Security, and the Nation State: Paradigms in Transition (SUNY series in Global Politics);Ersel Aydinli (Editor), James N. Rosenau (Editor);;;B007NIBKPG;; | 1 | adet |
Violent Non-State Actors: From Anarchists to Jihadists (Routledge Studies on Challenges, Crises and Dissent in World Politics);Ersel Aydinli;;;9780415843478;; | 2 | adet |
Gün Gün Drucker;Peter Drucker;;;9786054538744;; | 2 | adet |
The Daily Drucker: 366 Days of Insight and Motivation for Getting the Right Things Done;Peter Drucker;;;9780060742447;; | 2 | adet |
Peter Drucker's Five Most Important Questions: Enduring Wisdom for Today's Leaders; Peter F. Drucker, Frances Hesselbein), Joan Snyder Kuhl ;;;9781118979594;; | 2 | adet |
World Order;Henry Kissinger;;;9780143127710;; | 2 | adet |
International Politics: Enduring Concepts and Contemporary Issues ;Robert J. Art and Robert Jervis;;;9780133807738;; | 2 | adet |
International Relations Theories [Print Replica] Kindle Edition ; Steve Smith, Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki ;;;ASIN: B00DL4NB12;; | 2 | adet |
Research Methods in International Relations ; Christopher Lamon;;;9781446286050;; | 2 | adet |
The Global Transformation: History, Modernity and the Making of International Relations (Cambridge Studies in International Relations);Barry Buzan), George Lawson;;;9781107035577;; | 2 | adet |
Microeconomics;Pindyck, Robert S.; Rubinfeld, Daniel L.:;2015;8;9781292081977;;Pearson | 4 | adet |
Understanding the Process of Economic Change;North, Douglass C.;2010;;9780691145952;;University Press Group Ltd. | 1 | adet |
Political Institutions and Financial Development;North, Douglass C.; Weingast,Barry; Haber, Stephen;2007;;9780804756938;;Stanford University Press | 1 | adet |
Violence and Social Orders;North, Douglass C.; Weingast,Barry; Wallis, John Joseph;2012;;9781107646995;;Cambridge University Press | 1 | adet |
Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance;North, Douglass C.;1990;;9780521397346;;Cambridge University Press | 1 | adet |
Islamic Finance and Law: Theory and Practice in a Globalized World;Balala, Maha-Hanaan;2015;;9781780767673;;I.B. Tauris | 1 | adet |
Heaven's Bankers;Irfan, Harris;2015;;9781472119605;;Little, Brown Book Group | 1 | adet |
Contracts and Deals in Islamic Finance:A User's Guide to Cash Flows, Balance Sheets and Capital Structures;Kureishi, Hussein; Hayat, Mohsin;2015;;9781119020561;;Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | adet |
Islam and Economic Policy ;Wilson, Rodney;2015;;9780748683888;;Edinburgh University Press | 1 | adet |
Economic Development in the Middle East;Wilson, Rodney;2010;2;9780415491273;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle east;Henry, Clement Moore; Springborg, Robert;2010;2;9780521737449;;Cambridge University Press | 1 | adet |
Cooperative Microeconomics: A Game-Theoretic Introduction;Herve Moulin ;2014;;9780691608082;;Princton University Press | 1 | adet |
Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals 12th Edition;George B. Thomas Jr., Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass;;;9780321730787;;Pearson | 9 | adet |
Thomas' Calculus Early Transcendentals 13th Edition;George B. Thomas Jr., Maurice D. Weir, Joel R. Hass;;;9780321884077;;Pearson | 5 | adet |
Calculus 8th Edition Metric Version;James Stewart;2015;;9781285740621;;Brooks Cole | 9 | adet |
Elementary Linear Algebra with Supplemental Applications;Chris Rorres Howard Anton;2014;;9781118677452;;John Wiley & Sons Inc., 11th International student edition edition | 9 | adet |
Who Gets What and Why: The New Economics of Matchmaking and MarketDesign ;Alvin E. Roth ;2016;;9780544705289;;Eamon Dolan/Mariner Books | 1 | adet |
A Course on Cooperative Game Theory;Satya R. Chakravarty,Manipushpak Mitra;2015;;9781107058798;;Cambridge University Press | 1 | adet |
Game Theory;Michael Maschler, Eilon Solan, S. Zamir;2013;1;9781107005488;;Cambridge University Press | 1 | adet |
Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others;Stephanie Dalley;2009;;9780199538362;Oxford; Oxford Paperbacks | 1 | adet |
The Mystery of the Hanging Garden of Babylon;Stephanie Dalley;2013;;9780199662265;Oxford;Oxford university Press | 1 | adet |
De-Coca-Colonization: Making the Globe from the Inside Out;Steven Flusty;2003;;9780415945387;London;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Indefensible Space: The Architecture of the National Insecurity State;Michael Sorkin;2007;;9780415953689;London;Routledge | 1 | adet |
The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo;Saskia Sassen;2001;;9780691070636;Princeton;Princeton University Press | 1 | adet |
The Global Cities Reader (Routledge Urban Reader Series);Neil Brenner, Roger Keil;2006;;9780415323451;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
The Urban Sociology Reader;Jan Lin, Christopher Mele;2012;;9780415323437;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Borderlands: Ethnographic Approaches to Security, Power, and Identity;Hastings Donnan, Thomas M. Wilson;2010;;9780761851233;;University Press of America | 1 | adet |
A Companion to Border Studies;Thomas Wilson, Hasting Donnan;;;9781405198936;;Wiley-Blackwell | 1 | adet |
Border Identities: Nation and State at International Frontiers;Thomas Wilson, Hasting Donnan;;;9780521587457;;Cambridge University Press | 1 | adet |
Borders: Frontiers of Identity, Nation and State;Thomas Wilson, Hasting Donnan;;;9781859732465;;Bloomsbury Academic | 1 | adet |
Deviations;Marc Angélil, Dirk Hebel;;;9783764388324;;Birkhäuser Architecture | 1 | adet |
Pamphlet Architecture 1-10;Steven Holl;;;9781568981260;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
Pamphlet Architecture 11-20;Steven Holl;;;9781616890162;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
Pamphlet Architecture 27: Tooling;Benjamin Aranda, Chris Lasch;;;9781568985473;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
Combinatory Urbanism: The Complex Behavior of Collective Form;Thom Mayne;;;9780983076308;;Stray Dog Cafe | 1 | adet |
Kissing Architecture;Sylvia Lavin;;;9780691149233;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
The Metapolis Dictionary of Advanced Architecture: City, Technology and Society in the Information Age [Hardcover];Willy Müller, Manuel Gausa, Vicente Guallart, Federico Porras;;;9788495951229;;Actar Publishers | 1 | adet |
Rem Koolhaas: Conversations With Students;Rem Koolhaas, Sanford Kwinter;;;9781885232021;;Princeton Architectural Press; Second Edition edition | 1 | adet |
S, M, L, XL;Rem Koolhaas, Bruce Mau;;;9781885254863;;Monacelli Press | 1 | adet |
Luis M. Mansilla + Emilio Tunon: From Rules to Constraints;Mansilla + Tunon;;;9783037782811;;Lars Müller | 1 | adet |
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Holzbau Atlas (Konstruktionsatlanten);Thomas Herzog,Julius Natterer,Michael Volz;;;9783764369842;;Birkhäuser | 1 | adet |
Detail in Contemporary Timber Architecture (ÇOK ÖNCELİKLİ!!!!);Virginia McLeod;;;9781856696418;;Laurence King Publishers | 1 | adet |
Drawing: the motive force of architecture;Peter Cook;;;9780470034811;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
1000 Details in Landscape Architecture: A Selection of the World's Most Interesting Landscaping Elements;Francesc Mola;;;9781770850408;;Firefly Books | 1 | adet |
Radical Landscapes: Reinventing Outdoor Space;Jane Amidon;;;9780500284278;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Facade Construction Manual;Thomas Herzog;;;9783764371098;;Birkhäuser Architecture | 1 | adet |
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An Architecture of Parts: Architects, Building Workers and Industrialisation in Britain 1940 - 1970;Christine Wall;;;9780415637947;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
The Structure Of The OrdinaryForm and Control in the Built Environment;N. J. Habraken;;;9780262581950;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
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The New Mathematics of Architecture;Jane Burry, Mark Burry;;;9780500290255;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Becoming Places;Kim Dovey;;;9780415416375;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Architecture Theory : A Reader in Philosophy and Culture;Andrew Ballantyne;;;9780826464088;;Continuum | 1 | adet |
AAD_Algorithms-Aided Design: Parametric Strategies Using Grasshopper;Arturo Tedeschi;;;9788895315300;;Edizioni Le Penseur | 1 | adet |
Architectural Inventions : Visionary Drawings;Matt Bua;;;9781780670058;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
Byoung Cho;Soon Chun Cho;;;9780500342916;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Lucien Herve : Building Images;Oliver Beer;;;9780892367542;;Getty Publications | 1 | adet |
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Floor Plan Manual Housing;Friederike Schneider, Oliver Heckmann (Eds.);;;9783034607070;;birkhäuser | 1 | adet |
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best of WOHNEN /best of HOUSING Selected housing highlights from DETAIL;Christian Schittich, Steffi Lenzen, Sophie Karst;;;9783920034614;;birkhäuser | 1 | adet |
Tabanlioglu Architects: Transparency and Modernity;Philip Jodidio, Süha Özkan, ;;;9780847843763;;Skira | 1 | adet |
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Clip, Stamp, Fold The Radical Architecture of Little Magazines, 196X 197X;Beatriz Colomina , Craig Buckley;;;9788496954526;;Actar | 1 | adet |
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Mutations;Rem Koolhaas , Stefano Boeri , Sanford Kwinter , Daniela Fabricius , Hans Ulrich Obrist , Nadia Tazi;;;9788495273512;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Sendai Mediatheque;Toyo Ito;;;9788495951038;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Bracket 1 On Farming;Mason White , Maya Przybylski;;;9788492861217;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Bracket 2 Goes soft;Neeraj Bhatia , Lola Sheppard;;;9788415391029;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Requiem For the city at the end of the millenium;Sanford Kwinter;;;9788492861200;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Formless: A Users Guide;Yve-Alain Bois, Rosalind E. Krauss;;;9780942299434;;Zone Books | 1 | adet |
CAD;Jan Krebs;;;9783764381097;;Birkhäuser Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Tendering;Tim Brandt, Sebastian Franssen;;;9783764381103;;Birkhäuser Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Urban Building Blocks;Thorsten Bürklin, Michael Peterek;;;9783764384609;;Birkhäuser Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Project Planning;Hartmut Klein;;;9783764384692;;Birkhäuser Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Design and Living;Jan Krebs;;;9783764376475;;Birkhäuser Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Animate Form;Greg Lynn;;;9781568980836;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
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Ornament: The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity;Antoine Picon;;;9781119965954;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
The Digital Turn in Architecture 1992-2010: AD Reader;Mario Carpo;;;9781119951742;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Material Computation: Higher Integration in Mophogenetic Design;Sou Fujimoto;;;9780470973301;;Academy Press | 1 | adet |
Computation Works: The Building of Algorithmic Thought;Xavier De Kestelier;;;9781119952862;;Academy Press | 1 | adet |
The Innovation Imperative: Architectures of Vitality;Pia Ednie-Brown, Mark Burry;;;9781119978657;;Academy Press | 1 | adet |
Scripting Cultures: Architectural Design and Programming;Mark Burry;;;9780470746417;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Masterplanning the Adaptive City: Computational Urbanism in the Twenty-First Century;Tom Verebes;;;9780415534802;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Animism;Anselm Franke;;;9781933128955;;Sternberg Press | 1 | adet |
Cedric Price: Potteries Thinkbelt: SuperCrit #1;Samantha Hardingham;;;9780415434126;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Bleak Houses;Timothy J. Brittain-Catlin;;;9780262026697;;MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Mobile Architecture;Eduard Böhtlingk;;;9788991111714;;Damdi Publishing Company | 1 | adet |
Utopia Deferred;Jean Baudrillard;;;9781584350330;;mıt press | 1 | adet |
Archigram_Architecture without Architecture;Simon Sadler;;;9780262693226;;mıt press | 1 | adet |
The Favored Circle_The Social Foundations of Architectural Distinction;Garry Stevens;;;9780262692786;;mıt press | 1 | adet |
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Villa;Ackerman, James S.;;;9780500277447;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Mathias Klotz : Architecture and Projects;Miguel Adria;;;9781904313410;;Electa | 1 | adet |
150 Best Terrace and Balcony Ideas;Irene Alegre;;;9780062210289;;Collins Design | 1 | adet |
Kengo Kuma : Works and Projects;Lugi Aline;;;9781904313618;;Electa | 1 | adet |
You are Here;Frances Anderton;;;9780714838304;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Built for Britain : Bridges to Beach Huts;Peter Ashley;;;9780470745953;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
Contemporary Public Space : Un-Volumetric Architecture;Aldo Aymonino;;;9788876242731;;Skira | 1 | adet |
Two Spheres : Physical and Strategic Design in Architecture;Leonard R. Bachman;;;9780415782470;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Swimming Pool : Inspiration and Style from Around the World;Martha Baker;;;9780500512326;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Key Buildings from Prehistory to the Present : Plans, Sections and Elevations;Andrew Ballantyne;;;9781856698375;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
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New Retail;Raul A. Barreneche;;;9780714848624;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Islamic Architecture in Cairo : An Introduction;Doris Behrens-Abouseif;;;9789774242038;;American University in Cairo | 1 | adet |
Materials for Architectural Design 2;Victoria Ballard Bell;;;9781780670898;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
Urban Transformation : Understanding City Design and Form;Peter Bosselman;;;9781597264815;;Island | 1 | adet |
Archidoodle : An Architect's Activity Book;Steve Bowkett;;;9781780673219;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
New Brazilian House;Dominic Bradbury;;;9780500517338;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Perspecta 41 Grand Tour : The Yale Architectural Journal;Gabrielle Brainar;;;9780262512251;;MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Human Experience and Place : Sustaining Identity - Architectural Design;Paul Brislin;;;9781118336410;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
Basics Interior Architecture 01 : Form and Structure;Graeme Brooker;;;9782940373406;;Ava Publishings | 1 | adet |
4dspace : Interactive Architecture;Bullivant;;;9780470090923;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
Talk About Contemporary Architecture;Gilles de Bure;;;9782080301314;;Flammarion | 1 | adet |
JOHNSON WAX ADMINISTRATION BUILDING AND RESEARCH;Brian Carter;;;9780714832821;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Álvaro Siza : The Function of Beauty;Carlos Castanheira;;;9780714868615;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Architects : From A-Z;Paul Cattermole;;;9783791347738;;Prestel | 1 | adet |
Building for Tomorrow : Visionary Architecture from Around the World;Paul Cattermole;;;9780500290903;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Tao of Architecture;Amos Ih Tiao Chang;;;9780691003306;;Princeton University Press | 1 | adet |
Introduction to Architecture; Francis D. K. Ching;;;9781118142066;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
Green Building Illustrated; Francis D. K. Ching;;;9781118562376;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Ungers : Works and Projects 1991-1998;Francesco Dal Co;;;9781904313007;;Electa | 1 | adet |
Sacred Spaces : Turkish Mosques & Tombs;Cross, Mary;2013;;9781593720551;;Quantuck Lane | 1 | adet |
Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture ;Curl, James Stevens;2007;;9780198606789;;Oxford University Press | 1 | adet |
Culture of Building;Davis, Howard;2006;;9780195305937;;Oxford University Press | 1 | adet |
Singapore Shophouse;Davison, Julian;2015;;9789810597160;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
Monsterpieces : Once Upon a Time... of the 2000s!;Duliere, Aude-Line;2010;;9780981985732;;Oro Editions | 1 | adet |
Zed Book : Solutions for a Shrinking World;Dunster, Bill;2008;;9780415391993;;Taylor and Francis | 1 | adet |
Building Type Basics for Senior Living;Eastman, Perkins;2013;;9781118007457;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
Geometry of Design : Studies in Proportion and Composition 2e;Elam, Kimberley;2011;2. baskı;9781616890360;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
Future Systems;Field, Marcus;1999;;9780714838311;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Make Your Own London Landmarks : 5 Models to Construct;Finch, Keith;2014;;9780500517543;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Art-Architecture Complex;Foster, Hal;2013;;9781781681046;;Verso | 1 | adet |
Islam + Architecture;Foster, Sabiha;2004;;9780470090947;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
Design Through Dialogue : Guide for Architects and Clients ;FRANCK, KAREN;2010;;9780470870710;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
101 Things I Learned in Architecture School;Frederick, Matthew;2007;;9780262062666;;MIT Press | 1 | adet |
History of Ottoman Architecture;Freely, John;2011;;9781845645065;;WIT Press | 1 | adet |
Women and the Making of the Modern House;FRIEDMAN, ALICE T.;2007;;9780300117892;;Yale University Press | 1 | adet |
Basics Interior Architecture 05 : Texture + Materials;Gagg, Russell;2011;;9782940411530;;Ava Publishings | 1 | adet |
Closing the Gap : Information Models in Contemporary Design Practice;Garber, Richard;2009;;9780470998202;;Academy Press | 1 | adet |
Patterns of Architecture : Architectural Design;Garcia, Mark;2009;;9780470699590;;Academy Press | 1 | adet |
Steven Holl;Garofalo, Francesco;2003;;9780789310066;;Universe | 1 | adet |
Creative Space : Urban Homes of Artists and Innovators;Gavin, Francesca;2011;;9781856697583;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
Gibbs' Book of Architecture : An Eighteenth-Century Classic;Gibbs, James;2008;;9780486466019;;Dover Publications | 1 | adet |
Building Them Up, Tearing Them Down : Tales of Modern Architecture;Goldberger, Paul;2009;;9781580932649;;Monacelli | 1 | adet |
NEW AUSTRALIA STYLE;GOLLINS, JOHN;2000;;978050028251x;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Bachelor Style : Architecture and Interiors ;Griffiths, Sally;2002;;9781902686187;;Scriptum | 1 | adet |
Gumuchdjian Architects : Selected Works;Gumuchdjian, Philip;2009;;9780955432235;;Eight Books | 1 | adet |
KATHRYN GUSTAFSON : SCULPTING THE LAND 05 ;GUSTAFSON,;1997;;9781888931068;;Spacemaker | 1 | adet |
American Architecture;Handlin, David P.;2004;;9780500203733;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Reflections on Baroque;Harbison, Robert;2003;;9780226316017;;University of Chicago Press | 1 | adet |
1970s is Here and Now;Hardingham, Samantha;2005;;978047001136x;;Academy Press | 1 | adet |
Iran : Past, Present and Future Architectural Design;Hensel, Michael;2012;;978111997450x;;Academy Press | 1 | adet |
Arts and Crafts Houses 1;Hollamby, Edward;1999;;9780714838756;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Sunburnt Cities : The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt;Hollander, Justin B.;2011;;9780415592127;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Secret Lives of Buildings : From the Ruins of the Parthenon to the Vegas Strip in Thirteen Stories ;Hollis, Edward;2010;;9780312655363;;Picador | 1 | adet |
WALTER HOOD : URBAN DIARIES 02 ;HOOD, WALTER;1997;;9781888931035;;Harper Collins Design International | 1 | adet |
Interior Architecture Now;Hudson, Jennifer;2007;;9781856695204;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
Architecture : From Commission to Construction;Hudson, Jennifer;2012;;9781856698238;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
Tadao Ando : Conversations with Students;Hunter, Matthew;2012;;9781616890703;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
New Geographies 6 : Grounding Metabolism;Ibanez, Daniel;2014;;9781934510378;;Harvard University Press | 1 | adet |
Conversations with Frank Gehry;Isenberg, Barbara;2009;;9780307268004;;Knopf | 1 | adet |
Global History of Architecture;Jarzombek, Mark M.;2011;;9780470402571;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
Post-Modern Reader ;Jencks, Charles;1992;;9781854901079;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
Citizens of No Place : A Collection of Short Stories;Jimenez, Lai;2012;;9781616890622;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
Under the Eaves of Architecture, The Aga Khan : Builder and Patron;Jodidio, Philip;2007;;9783791337815;;Prestel | 1 | adet |
Mediterranean Landscape Design : Vernacular Contemporary;Jones, Louisa;2013;;978050029111x;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Constantinopolis/Istanbul : Cultural Encounter Imperial Vision and the Construction of the Ottoman C;Kafescioğlu, Çiğdem;2009;;9780271027760;;Pennsylvania State University Press | 1 | adet |
Wilkinson Eyre Architects : Works;Keyte, Emma;2014;;9780500342989;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Philip Webb : Pioneer of Arts & Crafts Architecture;Kirk, Sheila R.;2005;;9780470868082;;John Wiley | 1 | adet |
History of Architecture 2e;Kostof, Spiro;1995;2. baskı;9780195083798;;Oxford University Press | 1 | adet |
Palaces Of Vienna;Kraus, Wolfgang;2001;;9781850436560;;Tauris Parke | 1 | adet |
Drawing for Architecture;Krier, Leon;2009;;9780262512930;;MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Living in a Nutshell : Posh and Portable Decorating Ideas for Small Spaces;Lee, Janet;2012;;9780062060693;;Collins Design | 1 | adet |
Wright Style : The Interiors of Frank Lloyd Wright;Lind, Carla;1992;;9780500015513;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Ancient Architecture;Lloyd, Seton;2004;;1904313280;;Electa | 1 | adet |
20th-Century World Architecture : The Phaidon Atlas;Lopez, Diana Ibanez;2012;;9780714857060;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Co-Designers : Cultures of Computer Simulation in Architecture;Loukissas, Yanni A;2012;;9780415592284;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Gigon/Guyer Architects : Works 2001-2011;Mack, Gerhard;2012;;9783037782767;;Lars Muller | 1 | adet |
ARCHITECTURE, ACTOR AND AUDIENCE;MACKINTOSH, IAIN;1993;;9780415031837;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Wright-Sized Houses;MADDEX, DIANE;2003;;9780810946262;;Harry N. Abrams | 1 | adet |
Toyo Ito;Maffei, Andrea;2006;;9781904313458;;Electa | 1 | adet |
Architectural Details 2003;magazine, DETAIL;2004;;9780750663758;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
DAM ARCHITECTURE ANNUAL 1997;MAIN,;1997;;3791318497;;Prestel | 1 | adet |
William Morris and Red House : Collaboration Between Architect and Owner;Marsh, Jan;2005;;9781905400010;;Anova Books | 1 | adet |
Urban Coding and Planning;Marshall, Stephen;2011;;9780415441278;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
CONTEMPORARY BRITISH ARCHITECTS ;Maxwell, Robert;1994;;9783791313498;;Prestel-Neues Publishing Company | 1 | adet |
On and By Frank Lloyd Wright : A Primer of Architectural Principles;McCarter, Robert;2012;;9780714863160;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Aalto;McCarter, Robert;2014;;9780714844428;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Gaudi Pop-Ups;McCarthy, Courtney Watson;2012;;9780500516508;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Eero Saarinen;Merkel, Jayne;2014;;9780714865928;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Louis Kahn : Drawing to Find Out : Designing the Dominican Motherhouse;Merrill, Michael;2010;;9783037782217;;Lars Muller | 1 | adet |
New Paris Style;Miller, Danielle;2012;;9780500516300;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Design Excellence;Mojo-Sturmer Associates;2010;;9780982598917;;Hi Marketing | 1 | adet |
Nurturing Dreams : Collected Essays on Architecture and the City;Mulligan, Mark;2012;;9780262518185;;MIT Press | 1 | adet |
ROBERT MURASE : STONE AND WATER;MURASE, ROBERT K.;2003;;9781888931044;;Spacemaker | 1 | adet |
Bio Design : Nature & Science & Creativity;Myers, William;2012;;9780500516270;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Creative Office ;Myerson, Ross;2002;;9781584231250;;Gingko Press | 1 | adet |
States of Architecture in the Twenty-First Century : New Directions from the Shanghai World Expo;Ojeda, Oscar Riera;2010;;9788499363134;;Loft Publication | 1 | adet |
BRYANT PARK : REBIRTH OF NEW YORK CITY'S 04 ;Thomson, William;2006;;9781888931051;;Spacemaker | 1 | adet |
Le Corbusier Redrawn : The Houses;Park, Steven;2012;;9781616890681;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
Wonders of World Architecture : Amazing Structures and How They Were Built;Parkyn, Neil;2002;;9780500510476;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
STOREFRONTS & FACADES 6;Pegler, Martin M.;1996;;9780934590846;;Visual Reference Pub. Inc. | 1 | adet |
Dictionary of Islamic Architecture;PETERSEN, ANDREW;1999;;9780415213325;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Arish : Palm-Leaf Architecture;Piesik, Sandra;2012;;9780500342800;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Professional Practice for Interior Designers 5E;Piotrowski, Christine M.;2013;5. baskı;9781118090794;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Nordic Light : Modern Scandinavian Architecture;Plummer, Henry;2014;;9780500291375;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Detail in Contemporary Bar and Restaurant Design;Plunkett, Drew;2013;;9781780670607;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
JOHN MCASLAN;Powell, Kenneth;1999;;9780500281741;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Great Builders;Powell, Kenneth;2011;;9780500251799;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
URBAN ASIAN HOUSE : Living in the Tropics;Powell, Robert;1998;;9780500341629;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
RETHINKING THE SKYSCRAPER;Powell, Robert;1999;;9780823045532;;Watson-Guptill | 1 | adet |
Constructions;Rajchman, John ;1998;;9780262680967;;MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Talking Architecture : Interviews with Architects;Rauterberg, Hanno;2012;;9783791346847;;Prestel | 1 | adet |
Futurescapes : Designers for Tomorrow's Outdoor Spaces;Richardson, Tim;2011;;9780500515778;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Story of Western Architecture 4e;Risebero, Bill ;2012;4. baskı;9781408128138;;A&C Black | 1 | adet |
Architecture of Paul Rudolph;Rohan, Timothy M.;2014;;9780300149395;;Yale University Press | 1 | adet |
Architect's Pocket Book 4e;Ross, Ann B.;2011;4. baskı;9780080969596;;Routledge Press. | 1 | adet |
Biography of a Building;Rybczynski, Witold;2011;;9780500342763;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Fountains Of Rome;Sanfilippo, Mario;1996;;9780865659827;;Vendome Press | 1 | adet |
Sustainable Landscape Planning : The Reconnection Agenda;Selman, Paul;2012;;9781849712637;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Reading Architecture and Culture : Researching Buildings, Spaces and Documents;Sharr, Adam;2012;;9780415601436;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Room 606 : The SAS House and the Work of Arne Jacobsen;Sheridan, Michael;2011;;9780714861081;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Serve City : Interactive Urbanism;Sonnabend, Regina;2004;;9783936314915;;Jovis | 1 | adet |
All Over the Map;Sorkin, Michael;2013;;9781844672202;;Verso | 1 | adet |
SHoP Architects;Speaks, Michael;2012;;9780500342664;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Digital Architecture Now : A Global Survey of Emerging Talent;Spiller, Neil;2009;;9780500342473;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Visionary Architecture : Blueprints of the Modern Imagination;Spiller, Neil;2008;;9780500286555;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
NOX : Machining Architecture;Spuybroek, Lars;2004;;9780500285190;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Evolution of Designs : Biological Analogy in Architecture and the Applied Arts;Steadman, Philip;2008;;9780415447539;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Pierre KOENIG;STEELE,James;1998;;9780714837536;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Complete Architecture of Balkrishna Doshi : Rethinking Modernism for the Developing World;Steele, James;1998;;9780500280829;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Contemporary California Houses;Steele, James;1999;;9780714838717;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
James Stirling : Buildings And Projects 1950-1974;Jacobus, John;1975;;9780500340646;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
B is for Bauhaus : An A-Z of the Modern World;Sudjic, Deyan;2015;;9780847845514;;Rizzoli Ex Libris | 1 | adet |
Shuhei Endo : Paramodern Architecture;Suzuki, Hiroyuki;2006;;9781904313434;;Phaidon Press | 1 | adet |
Imperial Form 3e : From Achaemenid Iran to Augustan Rome;Tadgell, Christopher;1999;;9781899858408;;Ellipsis | 1 | adet |
Algorithmic Architecture ;Terzidis, Kostas;2006;;9780750667258;;Routledge Press. | 1 | adet |
ACKERMANN : Buildings and Projects 1978-1998;Thiel, Sabine;1998;;9783791319353;;Prestel | 1 | adet |
Sensuous Architecture : Art of Erotic Building;THOMSEN, CHRISTIAN W.;1998;;9783791318073;;Prestel | 1 | adet |
Greece : Modern Architectures in History;Tzonis, Alexander;2013;;9781861893796;;Reaktion | 1 | adet |
Pinecone;Uglow, Jenny;2013;;9780374232870;;Farrar, Straus and Giroux | 1 | adet |
NEW AUTONOMOUS HOUSE;Vale, Brenda;2002;;9780500282878;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Jorge Pardo;Vegh, Christina;2008;;9780714846583;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Houses And Palaces Of Majorca ;Venturi, Francesco;1996;;9781860641411;;Tauris Parke | 1 | adet |
100 Ideas that Changed Architecture;Weston, Richard;2011;;9781856697323;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
Wren ;Whinney, Margaret;1998;;9780500201121;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Concrete;Hall, William;2012;;9780714863542;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Sigurd Lewerentz : 1885-1975;Wilson, Colin St.John;2013;;9781780750033;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
Broadcasting Buildings : Architecture on the Wireless, 1927-1945;Yusaf, Shundana;2014;;9780262026741;;MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Architectural Drawing Course : Understand the Principles and Master the Practices;Zell, Mo;2008;;9780500287286;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Architectural Drawing Course : Tools and Techniques for 2D and 3D Representation;Zell, Mo;2008;;9780764138140;;Barron's | 1 | adet |
Architecture of Von Gerkan, Marg and Partners;ZUKOWSKY, JOHN;1997;;9783791318615;;Prestel | 1 | adet |
Children's Spaces;Dudek, Mark;2005;;9780750654260;;Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
CAD Fundamentals for Architecture;John, Elys;2013;;9781780672823;;Laurence King | 1 | adet |
Vitamin Green;Bolchover, Joshua;2012;;9780714862293;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
House Book Mini;Editors of Phaidon Press;2005;;9780714844909;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
The Architect: Chapters in the History of the Profession;Spiro Kostof;1977;;195020677;;Oxford University Press | 1 | adet |
Architect and Engineer / A Study in Sibling Rivalry;Andrew Saint;2007;;9780300124439;;Yale University Press | 1 | adet |
The Image of the Architect;Andrew Saint;1983;;300030134;;Yale University Press | 1 | adet |
The Storm of Creativity;Kyna Leski;2015;;9780262029940;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Oblique Drawing / A History of Anti-Perspective;Massimo Scolari;2012;;9780262017749;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Why Architects Still Draw;Paolo Belardi;2014;;9780262525480;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Perspectives on Art Education / Conversations Across Cultures;Ed. Mateus-Berr, Ruth / Götsch, Michaela;2015;;9783110444117;;De Gruyter | 1 | adet |
Research Observe Make (ROM) / An Alternative Manual for Architectural Education;Ed. Michelle Howard;2015;;3035604177;;Birkhäuser | 1 | adet |
Interiors and Interiority;Ed. Lajer-Burcharth, Ewa / Söntgen, Beate;2015;;9783110340433;;De Gruyter | 1 | adet |
The Yokohama Project;Michael Kubo;2002;;9788495951182;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Six Canonical Projects by Rem Koolhaas: Essays on the History of Ideas;Ingrid Böck, Rem Koolhaas;2015;;9783868592191;;Jovis | 1 | adet |
Buy Me a Mercedes-Benz: The Book of the Museum;UN Studio;2006;;9788496540378;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Office for Metropolitan Architecture: Seattle Public Library;OMA/LMN;2005;;9788495951632;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Campo Baeza: Complete Works;Oscar Riera Ojeda;2015;;9780500342947;;Thames & Hudson Ltd | 1 | adet |
David Chipperfield Architects;Rik Nys, Fulvio Irace;2014;;9783863351342;;Walther König, Köln | 1 | adet |
Sou Fujimoto Architecture Works 1995-2015;Edited;2015;;9784887063495;;Toto | 1 | adet |
Eduardo Souto De Moura;Antonio Esposito;2013;;9781780750071;;Phaidon Press | 1 | adet |
Hadid: Complete Works 1979 - 2013;Philip Jodidio;2013;;9783836542838;;Taschen | 1 | adet |
Formalism and Historicity / Models and Methods in Twentieth-Century Art;Benjamin H. D. Buchloh;2015;;9780262028523;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Lina Bo Bardi: The Theory of Architectural Practice;Cathrine Veikos ;2014;;9780415689120;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Bunker Archaeology ;Paul Virilio;1997;;1568980159;;Princeton Archit.Press | 1 | adet |
Design, When Everybody Designs / An Introduction to Design for Social Innovation;Ezio Manzini;2015;;9780262028608;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
As Found: The Discovery of the Ordinary: British Architecture and Art of the 1950s, New Brutalism, Independent Group, Free Cinema, Angry Young Men;Claude Lichtenstein;2006;;3907078438;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Roth Time: The Art of Dieter Roth;Dirk Dobke (Author), Bernadette Walter (Author), Dieter Roth (Author), Theodora Vischer (Editor);2003;;870700359;;The Museum of Modern Art, New York | 1 | adet |
Diter Rot or Dieter Roth ;by Daniel Spoerri (Author), Thomas Levy (Editor), Dieter Roth (Artist);2013;;3866788169;;Kerbe | 1 | adet |
Dieter Roth Books + Multiples: Catalogue Raisonne;by Dieter Roth (Author), Dirk Dobke (Author), Thomas Kellein (Author);2004;;500976309;;Edition Hansjorg Mayer | 1 | adet |
Theoretical Discussions of Biography: Approaches from History, Microhistory, and Life Writing;Hans Renders (Editor), Binne de Haan (Editor), Nigel Hamilton (Foreword);2013;;773440925;;Edwin Mellen Pr | 1 | adet |
Manifesto Architecture: The Ghost of Mies ;Beatriz Colomina;2014;;9783956790003;;Sternberg Press | 1 | adet |
Architecture and Embodiment: The Implications of the New Sciences and Humanities for Design; Harry Francis Mallgrave ;2013;;415810205;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
The Sympathy of Things: Ruskin and the Ecology of Design;Lars Spuybroek;2012;;9056628275;;nai010 publishers | 1 | adet |
Picturing Space, Displacing Bodies: Anamorphosis in Early Modern Theories of Perspective ;Lyle Massey ;2007;;271029803;;Penn State University Press | 1 | adet |
Buildings for Music /The Architect, the Musician, the Listener from the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day;Michael Forsyth;1985;;9780262060899;;MIT Press Classics | 1 | adet |
Toward an Aesthetics of Living Beings ;Cord Riechelmann, Brigitte Oetker (Eds.);2015;;9783956791802;;Sternberg Press | 1 | adet |
World of Matter;Inke Arns (Ed.);2015;;9783956790836;;Sternberg Press | 1 | adet |
Speculative Drawing: 20112014 ;Armen Avanessian, Andreas Töpfer;2014;;9783956790447;;Sternberg Press | 1 | adet |
Subjective Atlas Of Mexico;ed. Moniek Driesse, Annelys de Vet;2012;;9786077818403;;Last | 1 | adet |
Subjective Atlas of Palestine;ed. Annelys de Vet;2013;;9789064506482;;nai010 publishers | 1 | adet |
Subjective Atlas Of Hungary;ed. Attila Budjdosó, Annelys de Vet;2011;;9789633040584;;Kitchen Budapest/hvg Koenyvek | 1 | adet |
Subjective Atlas of Serbia;ed. Annelys de Vet;2009;;9788676980208;;Dom Omladine | 1 | adet |
Jutaku: Japanese Houses;Naomi Pollock;2015;;9780714869629;;Phaidon | 1 | adet |
How to Make a Japanese House;Cathelijne Nuijsink;2012;;9789056628505;;nai010 publishers | 1 | adet |
Housing Design: A Manual;Bernard Leupen;2012;;9789056628260;;nai010 publishers | 1 | adet |
Atelier van Lieshout;Jennifer Allen, Aaron Betsky;2007;;9789056624828;;nai010 publishers | 1 | adet |
Japan Towards Totalscape: Contemporary Japanese Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape; Adriaan Geuze, Taro Igarashi, Ian Kerkhof;2001;;9789056621872;;nai010 publishers | 1 | adet |
The Regime of Visibility;Camiel van Winkel;2006;;9789056624255;;nai010 publishers | 1 | adet |
Black Transparency. The Right to Know in the Age of Mass Surveillance;Metahaven;2014;;9783956790065;;Sternberg Press | 1 | adet |
Grounds and Envelopes: Reshaping Architecture and the Built Environment;Michael U. Hensel, Jeffrey P. Turko;2015;;9780415639170;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Retracing the Expanded Field: Encounters between Art and Architecture;Edited by Spyros Papapetros and Julian Rose;2014;;9780262027595;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
A Question of Qualities / Essays in Architecture;Jeffrey Kipnis;2013;;9780262519557;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
The Anatomy of the Architectural Book;Andrev Tavare;2016;;9783037784730;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Europe City / Lessons from the European Prize for Urban Public Space;Ed. Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona CCCB and Diane Gray;2015;;9783037784747;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
A New Nature;Anders Abraham;2015;;9783037784822;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
A Genealogy of Modern Architecture / Comparative Critical Analysis of Built Form;Kenneth Frampton;2015;;9783037783696;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Buckminster Fuller Inc.;Mark Wigley;2015;;9783037784280;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Cutting Matta-Clark;Mark Wigley;2015;;9783037784273;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Eduardo Souto de Moura / Sketchbook No. 76;Eduardo Souto de Moura;2012;;9783037783122;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
The Air from Other Planets;Sean Lally;2013;;9783037783931;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Sketchbook;Sou Fujimoto;2012;;9783037783276;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Insular Insight / Where Art and Architecture Conspire with Nature;Ed. Lars Müller and Akiko Miki;2011;;9783037782552;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Trans-Structures: Fluid Architecture and Liquid Engineering;Matyas Gutai;2015;;1940291445;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Beyond Patronage: Reconsidering Models of Practice;Joyce Hwang, Martha Bohm;2014;;1940291186;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Journeys: How Travelling Fruit, Ideas and Buildings Rearrange our Environment ;Giovanna Borasi;2011;;8492861541;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Oxymoron & Pleonasm Conversations on American Critical and Projective Theory of Architecture;Monika Mitasova;2015;;1940291410;;Actar | 1 | adet |
Citizens of No Place;Jimenez Lai;2012;;9781616890629;;princeton architectural press | 1 | adet |
Post-Ductility: Metals in Architecture and Engineering ;Michael Bell;2012;;9781616890469;;princeton architectural press | 1 | adet |
The Business of Design;Keith Granet;2011;;9781616890186;;princeton architectural press | 1 | adet |
Digital Fabrications;Lisa Iwamoto;2009;;9781568987903;;princeton architectural press | 1 | adet |
The Rhetoric of Pier Luigi Nervi;Alberto Bologna, Roberto Gargiani;2016;;9782940222957;;EPFL Press | 1 | adet |
White City, Black City;Sharon Rotbard;2015;;9780262527729;;Mit Press | 1 | adet |
Qurans of the Umayyads;François Deroche;2014;;9789004255654;;Brill Academic | 1 | adet |
Islamic Architecture in Cairo: An Introduction;Doris Behrens-Abouseif ;1997;;9789004096264;;Brill Academic | 1 | adet |
The Camel and the Wheel;Richard W. Bulliet;1990;;9780231072342;;Columbia University Press | 1 | adet |
Al-Andalus;Jerrilynn D. Dodds (ed.);1992;;9780870996368;;Metropolitan Museum of Art | 1 | adet |
Art and Architecture in the Islamic Tradition;Mohammed Hamdouni Alami ;2013;;9781780765617;;I. B. Tauris | 1 | adet |
Islamic Art and Architecture;Laurelie Rae ;2015;;9781935295815;;Blue Dome Press | 1 | adet |
Islam: The View from the Edge;Richard W. Bulliet;1995;;9780231082198;;Columbia University Press | 1 | adet |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History;Richard Bulliet, Pamela Crossley, Daniel Headrick;2010;;9781439086087;;Wadsworth Publishing | 1 | adet |
The Case for Islamo-Christian Civilization;Richard W. Bulliet;2004;;9780231127967;;Columbia University Press | 1 | adet |
The Citys Pleasures: Istanbul in the Eighteenth Century;Shirine Hamadeh;2007;;9780295986678;;University of Washington Press | 1 | adet |
Picturing History at the Ottoman Court;Emine Fetvacı;2013;;9780253006783;;Indiana University Press | 1 | adet |
Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire;Gabor Agoston (Editor);2008;;9780816062591;;Facts on File | 1 | adet |
The Early Modern Ottomans: Remapping the Empire;Daniel Goffman (Editor);2007;;9780521520850;;Cambridge University Press | 1 | adet |
Another Nature (Harvard GSD Studio Reports);Junya Ishigami;2015;;9781934510445;;Harvard University, Graduate School of Design | 1 | adet |
Sou Fujimoto - Primitive Future;Sou Fujimoto;2008;;9784872751482;;Inax | 1 | adet |
CASE: Toyo ItoSendai Mediatheque;Ron Witte;2002;;9783791325378;;Prestel | 1 | adet |
A Critic Writes: Selected Essays by Reyner Banham;Reyner Banham;1999;;9780520219441;;Centennial Books | 1 | adet |
Soviet Modernism 1955-1991: An Unknown History;Vienna Centre Vcfa;2013;;9783906027142;;University of Chicago Press | 1 | adet |
Buckminster Fuller: Starting with the Universe;K. Michael Hays Dana A. Miller;2008;;9780300126204;;New Haven, Yale University Press | 1 | adet |
Modernism in Serbia: The Elusive Margins of Belgrade Architecture 19191941;Ljiljana Blagojevic;2003;;9780262025379;;MIT Press & Harvard University Graduate School of Design | 1 | adet |
Jorn Utzon: Drawings and Buildings;Michael Asgaard Andersen;2013;;9781616891800;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
Alvar Aalto: Second Nature;Jochen Eisenbrand ;2014;;9783931936938;;Vitra Design Museum | 1 | adet |
Operative Design: A Catalog of Spatial Verbs;Anthony di Mari, Nora Yoo;2012;;9789063692896;;BIS Publishers | 1 | adet |
Conditional Design: An introduction to elemental architecture;Anthony di Mari;2014;;9789063693657;;BIS Publishers | 1 | adet |
Siteless: 1001 Building Forms;François Blanciak;2008;;9780262026307;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Cut and Fold Techniques for Pop-Up Designs;Paul Jackson;2014;;9781780673271;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Cut & Fold Techniques for Promotional Materials;Paul Jackson;2013;;9781780670942;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Architecture Visionaries;Weston, Richard;2015;;9781780675725;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Bricks & Balloons;Melanie Van Der Hoorn;2013;;9789064507960;;nai010 publishers | 1 | adet |
Roman Bezjak: Socialist Modernism;Till Briegleb and Christian Raabe;2015;;9783775731881;;Hatje Cantz | 1 | adet |
Transparency ;Colin Rowe;1993;;9783764356156;;Birkhäuser GmbH | 1 | adet |
Architecture Words 12: Stones Against Diamonds;LINA BO BARDI;2013;;9781907896200;;Architectural Association Publications | 1 | adet |
Cosmic Communist Constructions ;Frédéric Chaubin;2011;;9783836525190;;TASCHEN | 1 | adet |
Culture:City: How Culture Leaves Its Mark on Cities and Architecture Around the World;WILFRIED WANG;2013;;9783037783351;;Lars Müller Publishers | 1 | adet |
Ai Weiwei: Spatial Matters Art Architecture and Activism;Weiwei Ai- Anthony Pins;2014;;9780262525749;;MIT Prees | 1 | adet |
The New Science of Cities;Michael Batty;2013;;9780262019521;;MIT Prees | 1 | adet |
Technology and the Dream: Reflections on the Black Experience at MIT, 19411999;Clarence G. Williams;2001;;9780262232128;;MIT Prees | 1 | adet |
Camps: A Guide to 21st-Century Space;Charlie Hailey;2009;;9780262512879;;MIT Prees | 1 | adet |
Anything;Cynthia Davidson;2001;;9780262541305;;MIT Prees | 1 | adet |
Nationalism And Ethnic Conflict, Revised Edition;Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Coté, Sean M. Lynn-Jones and Steven E. Miller;2001;;9780262523158;;MIT Prees | 1 | adet |
Nine Soviet Portraits;Raymond A. Bauer;1965;;9780262520027;;MIT Prees | 1 | adet |
Project of Crisis: Manfredo Tafuri and Contemporary Architecture;Marco Biraghi;2013;;9780262519564;;MIT Prees | 1 | adet |
Raumpilot ;Thomas Jocher, Sigrid Loch, Arno Lederer, ...;2010;;9783782815444;;Krämer, Karl Stgt | 1 | adet |
Low Rise - High Density (Horizontale Verdichtungsformen im Wohnbau);Helmut Schramm;2004;;9783211203446;;Springer | 1 | adet |
Alsop & Stormer: Selected and Current Works (Master Architect Series III);Alsop & St Ormer Architects;1999;;9781864700015;;Images Publishing Group Pty | 1 | adet |
Diller Scofidio + Renfro: Architecture after Images;Edward Dimendberg;2013;;9780226151816;;University Of Chicago Press | 1 | adet |
Detail in Contemporary Residential Architecture 2;David Phillips and Megumi Yamashita;2014;;9781780671758;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Key Houses of the 20th Century: Plans, Sections and Elevations;Colin Davies;2006;;9780393732054;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Key Urban Housing of the 20th Century: Plans, Sections and Elevations;Hilary French;2008;;9780393732467;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Key Contemporary Buildings: Plans, Sections and Elevations;Rob Gregory;2008;;9780393732429;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Key Buildings of the 20th Century: Plans, Sections and Elevations, 2nd edition;Richard Weston;2010;2. Baskı;9780393733112;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Materials For Architectural Design;Victoria Ballard Bell and Patrick Rand;2006;;9781856694803;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Snøhetta: People, Process, Projects;Snohetta;2015;;9788232800261;;Forlaget Press | 1 | adet |
Av Monographs 177: Snohetta 25 Years 25 Works;AV Arquitectura Viva;2015;;9788460683766;;Avisa | 1 | adet |
Detail in Contemporary Hotel Design;Drew Plunkett and Olga Reid;2013;;9781780672854;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Detail in Contemporary Office Design;Drew Plunkett and Olga Reid;2014;;9781780673400;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Detail in Contemporary Staircase Design;Paul Barton;2014;;9781780673493;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Reading Architecture: A Visual Lexicon;Owen Hopkins;2012;;9781856697361;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Modes of Creativity / Philosophical Perspectives;Irving Singer;2013;;9780262518758;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Design Things;Thomas Binder, Giorgio De Michelis, Pelle Ehn, Giulio Jacucci, Per Linde, Ina Wagner;2011;;9780262016278;;The MIT Press | 1 | adet |
Queer Tahayyül;Özlem Güçlü, Sibel Yardımcı;2013;;9789755706115;;Sel Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Turist Bakışı;John Urry;2009;;9789944795197;;BilgeSu Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Küreselleşen İstanbul'da Bienal;Sibel Yardımcı;2014;;9789750503573;;İletişim yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Demokrasi Arayışında Kent;Kürşat Bumin;2000;;9786055999605;;Çizgi Kitabevi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Asi Şehirler;David Harvey ;2015;;9789753429085;;Metis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Sermayenin Mekanları;David Harvey ;2012;;9789755705743;;Sel Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Kentsel Devrim;Henri Lefebvre;2013;;9789755706160;;Sel Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Çağdaş Sanat ve Kültüralizm;Ali Artun;2015;;9789750511653;;İletişim yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Bildiğimiz Tarımın Sonu;Çağlar Keyder, Zafer Yenal;2015;;9789750511660;;İletişim yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Irk Ulus Sınıf Belirsiz Kimlikler;Etienne Balibar, Immanuel Wallerstein;2013;;9789753420259;;Metis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Dünya Sistemleri Analizi;Immanuel Wallerstein;2011;;9789756165461;;bgst Yayınları | 1 | adet |
İsyan, Devrim, Eleştiri;Bülent Diken;2013;;9789753428941;;Metis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Filmlerle Sosyoloji;Bülent Diken;2014;;9789753427623;;Metis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Nihilizm;Bülent Diken;2011;;9789755396057;;Ayrıntı | 1 | adet |
Yükselen Duvarlar, Zayıflayan Egemenlik;Wendy Brown;2011;;9789753428385;;Metis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Evliya Çelebi'nin Ayak İzlerinde;Heath W. Lowry;2012;;9786055461218;;Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Trabzon Şehrinin İslamlaşması ve Türkleşmesi;Heath W. Lowry;2012;;9789755181165;;Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Osmanlıların Ayak İzlerinde : Kuzey Yunanistan'da Mukaddes Mekanlar ve Mimari Eserleri Arayış Yolcul;Heath W. Lowry;2009;;9789756437858;;Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Erken Dönem Osmanlı Devleti'nin Yapısı;Heath W. Lowry;2010;;9786053991199;;İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Modern İstanbul'un Doğuşu;Murat Gül;2013;;9789755706214;;Sel Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Bedeni, Toplumu, Kainati Yazmak;Irvin Cemil Schick;2014;;9789750509049;;İletişim yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Batının Cinsel Kıyısı : Başkalıkçı Söylemde Cinsellik ve Mekansızlık;Irvin Cemil Schick;2001;;9789753331630;;Tarih Vakfı | 1 | adet |
Olmaya Bırakılmışlık;Martin Heidegger;2013;;9786055279431;;Avesta Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Zanaatkar;Richard Sennett;2009;;9789755395487;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Michel Foucault;Didier Eribon;;;9789755397023;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Biz;Yevgeni İvanoviç Zamyatin;2015;;9789755391243;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Farklılıklar İmparatorluğu - Karşılarştırmalı Tarih Perspektifinden ;Karen Barkey;2013;;9786055691325;;Versus Kitap Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Sinan Çağı;Gülru Necipoğlu;2013;;9786053993087;;İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Sanat Mimarlık Kompleksi;Hal Foster;2013;;9789750511738;;İletişim Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Tasarım;John Heskett;2013;;9789752984950;;Dost Kitabevi Yayınları / Sanat Kitapları Dizisi | 1 | adet |
Kurmaca Nasıl İşler?;James Wood;2013;;9789755395821;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Perspektif - Simgesel Bir Biçim;Erwin Panofsky;2013;;9789753428354;;Metis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Bedenin Tarihi 1 - Rönesans'tan Aydınlanma'ya;A.Corbin;2008;;9789750814235;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Bedenin Tarihi 2 - Fransız Devrimi'nden Büyük Savaş'a;Alain Corbin;2011;;9789750820076;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Bedenin Tarihi 3 - Bakıştaki Değişim 20. Yüzyı;Alain Corbin;2013;;9789750826153;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Uygarlık Süreci Cilt 1;Norbert Elias;2004;;9789754707861;;İletişim yayınları | 1 | adet |
Uygarlık Süreci Cilt 2;Norbert Elias;2015;;9789750500459;;İletişim Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Mimarlık Eleştirisi Örnekleri Seçkisi;;;;9789944892247;;Tmmob Mimarlar Odası | 1 | adet |
VitrA Çağdaş Mimarlık Dizisi:3 - Eğitim Yapıları;Didem Özdel;2015;;9786056100048;;Eczacıbaşı Holding A.Ş | 1 | adet |
Mekanın Üretimi;Henri Lefebvre;2014;;9789755706764;;Sel | 1 | adet |
Gündelik Hayatın Eleştirisi 1;Henri Lefebvre;2012;;9789755705712;;Sel | 1 | adet |
Gündelik Hayatın Eleştirisi 2;Henri Lefebvre;2013;;9789755706283;;Sel | 1 | adet |
İstanbul Haneleri-Evlilik, Aile ve Doğurganlık 1880-1940;Cem Behar;2014;;9789754705218;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Türk Tarih Tezinden Türk-İslam Sentezine;Etienne Copeaux;2006;;9789750504518;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Ankara'nın Kamusal Yüzleri;Güven Arif Sargın;2009;;9789750500824;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Tasarım ve Suç;Hal Foster;2004;;9789750502897;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Ortaçağ Avrupa'sının Ekonomik ve Sosyal Tarihi;Henri Pirenne;2005;;9789750503658;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Ortaçağ Kentleri - Kökenleri ve Ticaretin Canlanması;Henri Pirenne;2006;;9789754700336;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
İskenderiye 1860-1960;I. Yannakakis;2006;;9789750504112;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Babalar Ve Oğullar:Tanzimat Romanının Epistemolojik Temelleri;Jale Parla;2004;;9789754700770;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Efendilik, Şarkiyatçılık ve Kölelik;Jale Parla;2015;;9789750500411;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Türk Romanında Yazar ve Başkalaşım;Jale Parla;2015;;9789750509582;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
İstanbul'la Yüzleşme Denemeleri;Jean-François Perouse;2011;;9789750508677;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Kalküta 1905-1971;Jean-Luc Racine;2003;;9789755706765;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Edessa (Urfa) Kutsal Şehir;Judah Benzion Segal;2002;;9789750500268;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Kamusallığın Yapısal Dönüşümü;Jürgen Habermas;2010;;9789754704952;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Sosyal Devlet;Nadir Özbek;2013;;9789750500718;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Halkevleri: İdeoloji ve Mimarlık;Neşe Gürallar Yeşilkaya;2003;;9789754707229;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Milliyetçi Düşünce ve Sömürge Dünyası;Partha Chatterjee;1996;;9789754705898;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Ulus ve Parçaları;Partha Chatterje;2002;;9789750500725;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nda Yaşamak;Paul Dumont;2011;;9789754707892;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
İstanbul'a Bir Kent Kondu: Ümraniye;Sema Erder;2006;;9789754705386;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Yeni İstanbul Çalışmaları;Ayfer Bartu Candan;2014;;9789753429726;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Hayali Cemaatler;Benedict Anderson;2007;;9789753420266;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Peynir ve Kurtlar;Carlo Ginzburg;2014;;9789753420983;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Tahta Gözler - Mesafe Üzerine Dokuz Düşünce;Carlo Ginzburg;2009;;9789753427036;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Kim Var İmiş Biz Burada Yoğ İken;Cemal Kafadar;2014;5.baskı;9789753427067;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Modernlik Fragmanları;David Frisby;2012;;9789753428392;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Adalet ve Şehir;David Harvey;2003;;9789753423830;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Kültür Fragmanları:Türkiye'de Gündelik Hayat;Deniz Kanıt;2003;;9789753424424;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Akdeniz;Fernand Braudel;2015;;9789753426251;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Kimlik Yanılsaması;Jean-François Bayart;1999;;9789753422499;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Gecekondu Gezegeni;Mike Davis;2007;;9789753426213;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Ten Ve Taş;Richard Sennett;2002;;9789753423748;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Kadınların Sınıfı;Aksu Bora;2005;;9789750503610;;İletişim Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Sanat/Cinsiyet Sanat Tarihi Ve Feminist Eleştiri;Ahu Antmen;2014;;9789750505904;;İletişim Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Faydacı Aklın Eleştirisi;Alain Caille;2007;;9789750504853;;İletişim Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Akın Nalça Kitapları 3;Akın Nalça;2005;;9789759205928;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Başka Bir Estetik;Alain Badiou;2010;;9789753427876;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Mahremiyet ve Kamusallık;Beatriz Colomina;2011;;9789753427852;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Bülent Erkmen Son İşler;Bülent Erkmen;2004;;9789753424684;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Kendilik ve Nesne Dünyası;Edith Jacobson;2015;2.baskı;9799753424782;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Işık Sözcükleri;Eduardo Cadava;2008;;9789753426787;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Bireysellik ve Kültür;Georg Simmel;2015;2.baskı;9789753427319;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Cinsiyet Belası;Judith Butler;2008;;9789753426725;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Tarih ve Tekerrür;Kojin Karatani;2013;;9789753429061;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Metafor Olarak Mimari;Kojin Karatami;2014;3.baskı;9789753425513;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Sedad Eldem ile Söyleşiler;Suha Özkan;2014;;9789750406607;;Literatür Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Öğrencilerle Söyleşiler: Rem KoolHaas;Rem Koolhaas;2014;;9786054793297;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
Archiprix - Türkiye 2004;Yem Yayın;2004;;9789758599547;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
Archiprix - Türkiye 2006 Mimarlık Öğrencileri Bitirme Projeleri Ulusal Yarışması;kollektif;2006;;9758599844;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
Archiprix - Türkiye 2010;Yem Yayın;2010;;9789944757423;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
Lolita;Vladimir Nabokov;2001;;9789754701012;;İletişim Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Paris'ten Modernlik Tercümeleri;Deniz Artun;2012;;9789750504976;;İletişim Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Tanrının Kuraltanımaz Kulları - İslam Dünyasında Derviş Toplulukları (1200-1550);Ahmet T. Karamustafa;2015;;9789750801730;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Albert Garbirel (1833-1972) - Mimar , Arkeolog , Ressam , Gezgin;Albert Gabriel;2006;;9789750811319;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Yeniçerilerin Kahiresi;Andre Raymond;1999;;9789753636575;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Görmek ve Yazmak- Bir Mimar ile Bir Yazar Tartışıyor;Christian de Portzamparc;2015;;9789750817434;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
MODULOR / 2 CİLT;Le Corbusier;2014;;9786054793358;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
PROJELER YAPILAR 1 - KONUTLAR;YEM YAYIN;2014;;9789944757324;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
PROJELER YAPILAR 2 - OFİSLER;YEM YAYIN;2013;;9789944757393;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
PROJELER YAPILAR 3 - EĞİTİM YAPILARI;YEM YAYIN;2011;;9789944757485;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
PROJELER YAPILAR 4 - KÜLTÜR YAPILARI;YEM YAYIN;2011;;9789944757560;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
PROJELER YAPILAR 5 - MÜZELER;YEM YAYIN;2014;;9789944757614;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
PROJELER YAPILAR 6 - PEYZAJ TASARIMI;YEM YAYIN;2012;;9789944757720;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
PROJELER YAPILAR 7 - ULAŞIM YAPILARI;YEM YAYIN;2012;;9789944757980;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
PROJELER YAPILAR 8 - OTELLER;YEM YAYIN;2014;;9786054793273;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
Modern Dünyada Gündelik Hayat;Henri Lefebvre;2013;3.baskı;9789753421911;;Metis | 1 | adet |
Mimarlık Tarihi;Monnier, Gerard;2006;2.baskı;9789752982475;;Dost Kitapevi | 1 | adet |
DALAMAN HAVALİMANI;EMRE AROLAT;2007;;9789758599974;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
MİMARLIK VE YAPI SÖZ./2 Dilde;DOĞAN HASOL;2008;;9789758599356;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
ADIM ADIM TASARIM YÖNTEMLERİ;KARI JORMAKKA;2012;;9789944757621;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
MİMARLIK TEKNOLOJİSİNE GİRİŞ;PETE SİLVER / WİLL MECLEAN;2014;;9786054793402;;YEM yayınları | 1 | adet |
Eski Çağda Harran;Aynur Özfırat;2009;;9789757538721;;Arkeoloji Sanat Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Dil Hapishanesi;Fredric Jameson;2002;;9789750803819;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Çatalhöyük Leoparın Öyküsü;Ian Hodder;2014;;9789750810930;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
İdeoloji Olarak Teknik Ve Bilim;Jürgen Habermas;2010;;9789753631730;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Niteliksiz Adam (2 Cilt Takım);Robert Musil;2011;;2880000011279;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Düzelti;Thomas Bernhard;2011;;9789750821035;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Gündökümü Bir Uyumsuzun Notları II;Tomris Uyar;;;9789750805035;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Bin Dokuz Yüzlerin Başında Berlin'de Çocukluk;Walter Benjamin;2004;;9789750807282;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Ütopya Denen Arzu;Fredric Jameson;2009;;9789753427159;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Deneyim Şarkıları;Martin Jay;2012;;9789753428309;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
En Uzak Sahil-Yerdeniz Üçlemesi 3;Ursula K. Le Guin;2015;;9789753420792;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Son Bakışta Aşk;Walter Benjamin;2014;7.baskı;9789753420105;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Mekanın Poetikası;Gaston Bachelard;2014;;9786053753360;;İthaki Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Batı Kanonu;Harold Bloom;2014;;9786053754039;;İthaki Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Edebiyat Edimleri;Jacques Derrida;2010;;9789756056318;;Otonom Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Gilles Deleuze Felsefede Bir Çıraklık;Michael Hardt;2012;;9789756056462;;Otonom Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
İstisna Hali;Giorgio Agamben;2006;;9789756056053;;Otonom Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Nietzsche;Gilles Deleuze;2011;;9789756056295;;Otonom Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Nietzschelerin Şöleni;Jacques Derrida;2008;;9789756056196;;Otonom Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Bin Makine Toplumsal Hareket Olarak Makinenin Kısa Felsefesi;Gerald Raunig;2013;;9789756056578;;Otonom Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Bergsonculuk;Gilles Deleuze;2006;;9789756056288;;Otonom Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Deleuze ve Guattari;Ronald Bogue;2013;;9789756056585;;Otonom Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Duyuru;Michael Hardt , Antonio Negri;2013;;9789755396873;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
İmparatorluk;Michael Hardt , Antonio Negri;2015;;9789755393322;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Çokluk;Michael Hardt , Antonio Negri;2004;;9789755394338;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Ortak Zenginlik;Michael Hardt , Antonio Negri;2011;;9789755395951;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
19. Yüzyılda Gotik Üslup Üzerine;Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc;2015;;9786058495593;;Janus Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Mimarlık Tarihi Nedir;Andrew Leach;2015;;9786055250539;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Mimarlığın Dört Öğesi Ve İki Konferans;Gottfried Semper;2015;;9786058495579;;Janus Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Mimarlar Neden Hala Çiziyor;Paolo Belardi;2015;;9786058495562;;Janus Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Taşraya Bakmak / Merkez(ler) ve Taşra(lar) Dönüşürken;Ed. Tanıl Bora;2013;;9789750503252;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Mimarlığın İçinde;Vittorio Gregotti;2015;;9786058495555;;Janus Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Dünya Fuarlari;Erik Mattie;2007;;9750166418;;Istanbul Fuar Merkesi Yayinlari | 1 | adet |
Türkiye Coğrafyası;Stéphane De Tapia , Marcel Bazin;2015;;9789750518379;;iletişim Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Mutluluğun Sakıncaları;Elizabeth Farrelly;2015;;9789750831225;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Mimarlık ve Dil;Günther Fischer;2015;;9786058510890;;Daimon Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Floransa ve Bağdat;Hans Belting;2015;;9786055250447;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Rönesans ve Osmanlı Dünyası;Claire Norton;2015;;9786055250560;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Osmanlı Kardeşler;Michelle U. Campos;2015;;9786055250454;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Eski Yakındoğu'da Kent, Bellek, Anıt;Ömür Harmanşah;2015;;9786055250706;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Anadolu'da John Garstang'ın Ayak İzleri;Kolektif;2015;;9789759780272;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Kralın Yeni Aklı;Roger Penrose;2015;;9786055250690;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Antik Kentler;Charles Gates;2015;;9786055250522;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Camera Ottomana;Zeynep Çelik, Edhem Eldem;;;9786055250478;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Turquerie ve Temsil Politikası, 1728-1876;Nebahat Avcıoğlu;2014;;9786055250355;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Osmanlı Laleleri, Osmanlı Kahvehaneleri;Kolektif;2014;;9786055250331;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
İktidar İmgeleri;Scott Redford;2014;;9786055250287;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Geç Osmanlı ve Erken Cumhuriyet Dönemlerinde Okumayı Öğrenmek;Benjamin C. Fortna;;;9786055250188;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Asi'deki Antakya - Antionch On The Orontes;Kolektif;;;9786055250263;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Artamonoff: Bizans İstanbul'u İmgeleri 1930 - 1947;Robert Ousterhout;;;9786055250157;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Kurgu Hedef Tahtasında- Edebiyatın Savunusu;Gregory Jusdanis;;;9786056257575;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Kültürel Eleştri Olarak Antropoloji;Michael M. J. Fischer, George E. Marcus;;;9786055250133;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Biçimlerin Yaşamı;Henry Focillon;;;9786058495586;;Janus Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Resim Üzerine ve Heykel Üzerine;Leon Battista Alberti;;;9786058398702;;Janus Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Kübist Ressamlar - Estetik Düşünceler;Guillaume Apollinaire;;;9786058495517;;Janus Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Resmin İşlevleri;Fernand Leger;;;9786058495524;;Janus Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Sanat Tarihinin Temel Kavramları;Heinrich Wölfflin;;;9786056613906;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Yakın Bakış;Daniel Arasse;;;9786053160182;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Modernizmin Serüveni;Enis Batur;;;9789755707624;;Sel Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Sanatın Büyük Ustaları 4 - Velazquez;Kolektif;;;9786058401884;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Sanatın Büyük Ustaları 3 - Caravaggio;Kolektif;;;9786058401839;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Sanatın Büyük Ustaları 2 - Leonardo da Vinci;Kolektif;;;9786058401822;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Sanatın Büyük Ustaları 1 - Michelangelo;Kolektif;;;9786058401815;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Banksy Duvarın Ardındaki Adam;Will Ellsworth-Jones;;;9786058401846;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Benjamin, Barthes ve Fotoğrafın Tekilliği;Kathrin Yacavone;;;9786058401808;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Sanatın Anlamı;Herbert Read;;;9786058502529;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Bela Tarr Sineması;Andras Balint Kovacs;;;9786058401853;;Hayalperest Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Bellek Tiyatrosu;Simon Critchley;;;9786053160090;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
7/24(Geç Kapitalizm ve Uykuların Sonu;Jonathan Crary;;;9789753429887;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Film Teorisi;Siegfried Kracauer;;;9789753429870;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Şehrin İtirazı;Feride Çiçekoğlu;;;9789753429979;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Yabancı;Richard Sennett;;;9789753429740;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Gözün Vicdanı;Richard Sennett;;;9789755392622;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Kamusal İnsanın Çöküşü;Richard Sennett;;;9789755391052;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Panofsky ve Sanat Tarihinin Kökleri;Micheal Ann Holly;;;9786056280078;;Dedalus | 1 | adet |
İkonoloji Araştırmaları;Erwin Panofsky;;;9786055302221;;Pinhan Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Gotik Mimarlık ve Skolastik Felsefe;Erwin Panofsky;;;9786055272654;;Kabalcı Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Antikçağ Sanat Tarihi;Johann Joachim Winckelmann;;;9786050201970;;Say Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Sanat ve Hayat Üzerine;John Ruskin;;;9786054820160;;Kafka | 1 | adet |
Üç Habitus - Yeryüzü, Kent, Yapı;Jale Erzen ;;;9789750834561;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Çoğul Estetik;Jale Erzen ;;;9789753427920;;Metis Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Gündelik Hayatın Eleştirisi 3;Henri Lefebvre;;;9789755707372;;Sel Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Osmanlı Mimarisinin Temel İlkeleri;Oya Şenyurt;;;9786059093491;;Doğu Kitabevi | 1 | adet |
Mimari Restorasyon Koruma Teknik ve Yöntemleri;Kemal Kutgün Eyüpgiller, Lory Zakar;;;9786056541605;;YEM Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Anıtkabir'in Ötesi - Atatürk'ün Mezar Mimarisi;Christopher S. Wilson;;;9786055250485;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Mimarlığı Görebilmek;Bruno Zevi;;;9786058510876;;Daimon | 1 | adet |
Modern Anıt Kültü;Alois Riegl;;;9786056558801;;Daimon | 1 | adet |
Mimarlığın Arzusu;K. Michael Hays;;;9786054793426;;YEM Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Türkiye'nin ilk Şehir Plancısı;Aron Angel;;;9786056327315;;BoyutYayın Grubu | 1 | adet |
Morphologie - Kent Metaforları;Oswald Mathias Ungers;2013;;9786058672918;;Lemis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Gordon Matta - Clark;Kolektif;;;9786058672901;;Lemis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Çeviride Modern Olan Şehir ve Konutta Türk - Alman İlişkileri;Esra Akcan;;;9789750815751;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Az Yeterlidir;Pier Vittorio Aureli;;;9786058672949;;Lemis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Iannis Xenakis ile Söyleşiler;Balint Andras Varga;;;9786058672925;;Lemis Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Ormanda Kaybolmak;Ertuğ Uçar;;;9789944494779;;Alef | 1 | adet |
Kapadokya'da Gaudi'nin İzinde;Juan Goytisolo;;;9789944494878;;Alef | 1 | adet |
Sıradan Olanın Başkalaşımı;Arthur C. Danto;;;9789755396750;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
İmgeyi Konuşturmak - İngiliz Yazınında Görsel Sanatlar;Özlen Uzundemir;;;9786054238224;;Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Erken Hırıstiyan Sanatı;Guntram Koch;;;9786053963431;;Arkeoloji Sanat Yayınları | 1 | adet |
İmge ve Göz;E. H. Gombrich;;;9789750831713;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Sanat ve Yanılsama;E. H. Gombrich;;;9789751416698;;Remzi Kitabevi | 1 | adet |
Şamanlar ve Semboller;Mihaly Hoppal;;;9789750831904;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Sanat Tarihi Nasıl Yazılır?;Anne D'Alleva;;;9789750406966;;Literatür Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Turquerie - 18.Yüzyılda Avrupa'da Türk Modası;Haydn Williams;;;9789750830402;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Doğan Kuban Yazıları Antolojisi 1. Cilt;Doğan Kuban;;;9789752311459;;BoyutYayın Grubu | 1 | adet |
Sanat Tarihi;Germain Bazin;;;9786055272999;;Kabalcı Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Rönesans Estetiği;Patrizia Castelli;;;9789752984967;;Dost Kitabevi | 1 | adet |
Yeni Sanat Tarihi;Jonathan Harris;;;9789755706016;;Sel Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Anadolu Medeniyetlerinde Hamam Kültürü: Mimari, Tarih ve İmgelem;Kolektif;;;9786055250058;;Koç Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
John Turtle Wood'un Anıları - Efes Kazıları;John Turtle Wood;;;9786053962663;;Arkeoloji Sanat Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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Osmanlı'da Günlük Yaşam Nesneleri;Şinasi Acar;;;9789944757553;;YEM Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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New York Modern Sanat Düşüncesini Nasıl Çaldı;Serge Guilbaut;;;9789755703923;;Sel Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Mekan Meselesi;Kolektif;;;9789944610858;;Tekin Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Paranın Tarihi;Catherine Eaglaton-Jonathan Willims (çev.Fadime Kâhya) ;;;9786053600763;;İş Bankası Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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Yunanca Düşünce Arapça Kültür;Dimitri Gutas (çev. Lütfü Şimşek);;;9789758704361;;Kitap Yayınları | 1 | adet |
İslam Toplumları Tarihi Cilt I;Ira M. Lapidus (çev. Yasin Aktay);;;9789754709575;;İletişim Yayınları | 1 | adet |
İslam Toplumları Tarihi Cilt II;Ira M. Lapidus (çev. Yasin Aktay);;;9789750507274;;İletişim Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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İslam Uygarlıkları Tarihi Cilt II;Corcî Zeydân (çev. Nejdet Gök);;;9789750509957;;İletişim Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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İslam Tarihi (4): Abbasiler Dönemi;Adem Apak;;;9786055623715;;Ensar Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Antik Dünyayı Şekillendiren Kentler;John Julius Norwich;;;9789750831850;;YKY | 1 | adet |
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Fütûhul Büldân;Belâzuri (çev. M. Fayda);;;9786054620159;;Siyer Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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Karanlık Kıta;Mark Mazower;;;9786051711515;;Alfa Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Moderniteyi Yeniden DÜşünmek;Gurminder K. Bhambra;;;9786053994039;;İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yay | 1 | adet |
Anlamın Mantığı;Gilles Deleuze;;;9789758686780;;Norgunk Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Kant Üzerine Dört Ders;Gilles Deleuze;;;9786059872065;;Kabalcı Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
Müzakereler;Gilles Deleuze;;;9789758686285;;Norgunk Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
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İki Delilik Rejimi;Gilles Deleuze;;;9786055809133;;Bağlam Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Anti Ödipus : Kapitalizm ve Şizofreni 1;Gilles Deleuze, F. Guattari;;;9789758589098;;Bilim ve Sosyalizm Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Kutsal İnsan;Agamben;;;9789755393339;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Gelmekte Olan Ortaklık;Agamben;;;9786056321658;;Monokl | 1 | adet |
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Ayrım;Pierre Bourdieu;;;9786058446687;;Heretik Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
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Devlet Üzerine;Pierre Bourdieu;;;9789750517839;;İletişim Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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Biyopolitikanın Doğuşu;Foucault;;;9786053994213;;İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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Komün;Louise Michel;;;9786053140467;;Ayrıntı Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Mimarlığı Değiştiren 100 Fikir;Richard Weston ;;;9789750407000;;Literatür Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
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Kent, Kentsel Siyaset ve Çevre Yazıları 1993-2014;Ruşen Keleş;;;9786053963448;;Arkeoloji Sanat Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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Görsel Sözlükler Mimarlık - İç Mimarlık Seti;Kollektif;;;9789750406980;;Literatür Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Karia Mezar Mimarisi;İsmet Birsel;;;9789753720274;;Sergi Yayınevi | 1 | adet |
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Monet - 500 Görsel Eşliğinde Yaşamı ve Eserleri;Susie Hodge;;;9786053324911;;İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları | 1 | adet |
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Türkiye'de Kırsal Yapıların Dönüşümü;Ertan Özensel;;;9786059108874;;Çizgi Kitabevi | 1 | adet |
Kentin Tozu - Kent Hakkı Üzerine Konuşmalar;Kollektif;;;9786059949309;;Encore | 1 | adet |
Şehir ve Şuur;Nidayi Sevim;;;9786059790062;;Akıl Fikir Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Tarih Boyunca Sanat;Kollektif;;;9789750831720;;Yapı Kredi Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Yaratıcı Çizim ve İllüstrasyon;Peter Gray;;;9789759967857;;Profil Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
LOFT;Ece Ceylan Baba;;;9786054793433;;YEM Yayın | 1 | adet |
Bir Açılış Olarak Mekan;Selim Velioğlu;;;9786054793198;;YEM Yayın | 1 | adet |
Mimari Tasarım;Jane Anderson;;;9789750405976;;Literatür Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Mimarlığın Temelleri;Lorraine Farrelly;;;9789750405761;;Literatür Yayıncılık | 1 | adet |
Global Perspectives on Critical Architecture;Gevork Hartoonian (ed.);2015;;9781472438133;;Asgate | 1 | adet |
Air Structures (Form + Technique);William Mclean, Pete Silver;2015;;9781780674827;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Introduction to Architectural Technology;Pete Silver, Wiiliam McLean;2013;;9781856695664;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Parametric Design for Architecture;Wassim Jabi;2013;;9781780673141;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Innovative Houses: Concepts for Sustainable Living;Avi Friedman;2013;;9781780672939;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Key Buildings of the 20th Century: Plans, Sections and Elevations;Richard Weston;2010;;9781856696593;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Plans, Sections and Elevations: Key Urban Housing of the Twentieth Century;Hilary French;2008;;9781856695640;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Plans, Sections and Elevations: Key Contemporary Buildings;Rob Gregory;2008;;9781856695015;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Morphing: A Guide to Mathematical Transformations for Architects and Designers;Joseph Choma;2015;;9781780674131;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
Drawing for Urban Design;Lorraine Farrelly;2011;;9781856697187;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
The Craftsman;Richard Sennett;2009;;9780300151190;;Yale University Press | 1 | adet |
Together: The Rituals, Pleasures and Politics of Cooperation;Richard Sennett;2013;;9780300188288;;Yale University Press | 1 | adet |
The Culture of the New Capitalism;Richard Sennett;2007;;9788125030669;;Yale University Press | 1 | adet |
Flesh and Stone: The Body and the City in Western Civilization;Richard Sennett;1996;;9780393313918;;W. W. Norton & Company | 1 | adet |
The Conscience of the Eye: The Design and Social Life of Cities;Richard Sennett;1992;;9780393308785;;W. W. Norton & Company | 1 | adet |
The Fall of Public Man;Richard Sennett;1992;;9780393308792;;W. W. Norton & Company | 1 | adet |
The Future of the Past;Steven W. Semes;2009;;9780393732443;;W. W. Norton & Co. | 1 | adet |
Saving Wright: The Freeman House and the Preservation of Meaning, Materials, and Modernity;Jeffrey Chusid;2011;;9780393733020;;W. W. Norton & Co. | 1 | adet |
Pragmatic Sustainability: Theoretical and Practical Tools;Steven A. Moore;2010;;9780415779388;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Old Buildings New Forms;Francoise Bollack;2013;;9781580933698;;The Monacelli Press | 1 | adet |
The Architecture of Additions: Design and Regulations;Paul Spencer Byard;2005;;9780393731767;;W. W. Norton & Co. | 1 | adet |
Preservation is Overtaking Us;Rem Koolhaas, Jorge Otero-Pailos;2014;;9781883584740;New York;Columbia University | 1 | adet |
Architecture Reborn: Converting Old Buildings for New Uses;Kenneth Powell;1999;;9780847821815;;Rizzoli | 1 | adet |
Architecture in Existing Fabric;Johannes Cramer;2007;;9783764377526;;Birkhauser | 1 | adet |
On Altering Architecture;Fred Scott;2008;;9780415317528;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Preservation of Modern Architecture;Theodore H.M. Prudon;2008;;9780471662945;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Greening Modernism;Carl Stein;2010;;9780393732832;;W. W. Norton & Co. | 1 | adet |
Latin America in Construction: Architecture 1955-1980;Barry Bergdoll;2015;;9780870709630;New York;The Museum of Modern Art | 1 | adet |
Latin American Modern Architectures: Ambiguous Territories;Patricio del Real, Helen Gyger;2012;;9780415893466;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Lina Bo Bardi: 100: Brazil's Alternative Path to Modernism;Hatje Cantz;2015;;9783775738538;; | 1 | adet |
Lina Bo Bardi;Zeuler R. M. De A. Lima;2013;;9780300154269;;Yale U Press | 1 | adet |
Modern Architecture in Latin America: Art, Technology, and Utopia;Luis E. Carranza, Fernando Luiz Lara;2015;;9780292762978;;Texas U Press | 1 | adet |
The Economics of Historic Preservation: A Community Leader's Guide, The National Trust for Historic Preservation;Donovan D. Rypkema;2005;;9780891333883;; | 1 | adet |
Preservation Politics: Keeping Historic Districts Vital;Bill Schmickle;2012;;9780759120525;; AltaMira Press | 1 | adet |
The Politics of Historic Districts: A Primer for Grassroots Preservation;Bill Schmickle;2006;;9780759107564;; AltaMira Press | 1 | adet |
Preserving the World's Great Cities: The Destruction and Renewal of the Historic Metropolis;Anthony Max Tung, Clarckson Potter;2001;;9780517701485;; | 1 | adet |
Conservation Skills: Judgement, Method and Decision Making;Chris Caple;2000;;9780415188814;;Routledge | 1 | adet |
Türkiye Kentleşmesinin Toplumsal Arkeolojisi;Erbatur Çavuşoğlu;2014;;9789755399386;İstanbul;Ayrıntı | 1 | adet |
Bir Şehri Yok Etmek (İstanbul'da Kazanmak ya da Kaybetmek);Emine Uşaklıgil;2014;;9789750719639;İstanbul;Can | 1 | adet |
Direnen İstanbul;Haydar Karabey;2014;;9789755398013;İstanbul;Ayrıntı | 1 | adet |
30-Second Architecture: The 50 most significant principles and styles in architecture;Edward Denison, Jonathan Glancey;2013;;ASIN: B010BDHS5A;;Ivy Press | 1 | adet |
50 Architecture Ideas You Really Need to Know;Philiph Wilkinson;2013;;9781435147447;;Sterling | 1 | adet |
50 Art Ideas You Really Need to Know;Susie Hodge;2011;;9781848661325;;Quercus | 1 | adet |
World History 50 Key Milestones You Really Need to Know;Ian Crofton;2011;;9781848661318;;Quercus | 1 | adet |
50 Digital Ideas You Really Need to Know;Tom Chatfield;2011;;9781848661332;;Quercus | 1 | adet |
Introduction to Management Science;Taylor B.W.;2016;12;9781292092911;England;Pearson | 3 | adet |
Operations Management;Heizer J. and Render B.;2013;11;9780132921145;USA;Pearson | 2 | adet |
Big Data: Using SMART Big Data, Analytics and Improve Performance;Marr B.;2015;1;9781449361327;England;John Wiley and Sons | 1 | adet |
Modern ERP: Select, Implement, and Use Today's Advanced Business Systems;Bradford M.;2015;3;9781312665989;; | 1 | adet |
Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach;Wisner J.D and Tan K.C.;2016;4;9781285428314;USA;Cengade Learning Comp. | 1 | adet |
Applications of Fluidization to Food Processing;Peter Smith;2007;;9781119944492;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives in the Food Industry: Fundamentals and Applications;Tanja Wuestenberg;2014;;9781118292334;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Food Oligosaccharides: Production, Analysis and Bioactivity;;2014;F. Javier Moreno (Editor), María Luz Sanz (Editor);9781405197717;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Food Texture Design and Optimization;;2014;Yadunandan Lal Dar (Editor), Joseph M. Light (Editor);9781444332407;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Functional Foods and Dietary Supplements: Processing Effects and Health Benefits;;2014;Athapol Noomhorm (Editor), Imran Ahmad (Editor), Anil K. Anal (Editor);9781118169452;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals and Degenerative Disease Prevention;;2011;Gopinadhan Paliyath, Ph.D. (Editor), Marica Bakovic (Editor), Kalidas Shetty (Editor);9780813817316;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Handbook of Dietary Fiber;;2001; Mark L . Dreher and Susan Sungsoo Cho;9780824789602;;CRC PRESS | 1 | adet |
Hydrocolloids in Food Processing;;2010;Thomas R. Laaman (Editor);9780813821054;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Membrane Technology, Volume 3: Membranes for Food Applications;;2010;Klaus-Viktor Peinemann (Editor), Suzana Pereira Nunes (Editor), Lidietta Giorno (Editor);9780813820767;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Nanotechnology Research Methods for Food and Bioproducts;Graciela Wild Padua, PhD, Qin Wang, PhD;2012;;9783319140230;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Nutraceutical and Functional Food Processing Technology;Joyce I. Boye;2015;;9781489988522;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Phytopharmacy: An Evidence-Based Guide to Herbal Medicinal Products;Sarah E. Edwards, Ines da Costa Rocha, Elizabeth M. Williamson, Michael Heinrich;2015;;9781482299557;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Food Emulsion Products in Nutraceutical and Functional Food Processing ;;2015;Joyce I. Boye;9781118504949;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Imaging Technologies and Data Processing for Food Engineers;;2016;Nesli Sozer;9783319247335;;Springer | 1 | adet |
Foundations of Decision Analysis ;Ronald A.Howard, Ali E. Abbas ;2015;;132336243;;Prentice Hall | 3 | adet |
Medical Decision Making;Harold C. Sox, Michael C.Higgins;2013;;9780470658666;;wiley | 2 | adet |
eVolo 6: Digital And Parametric Architecture;Carlo Aiello;2014;;1938740068;;eVolo | 1 | adet |
Temporal Architecture: eVolo 7;Carlo Aiello;2016;;1938740106;;eVolo | 1 | adet |
Hyperlocalization of Architecture: Contemporary Sustainable Archetypes;Andrew Michler;2015;;1938740084;;eVolo | 1 | adet |
Architecture Xenoculture: eVolo 5;Carlo Aiello;2013;;1938740033;;eVolo | 1 | adet |
Encyclopedia of Caves Sedond Edition;White & Culver;2012;;123838320;;Academic Press | 1 | adet |
Decoding the City: Urbanism in the Age of Big Data1st Edition;Ratti,Offenhuber ;2014;;303821597X;;Birkhauser Verlag AG | 1 | adet |
Data Points: Visualization That Means Something;Nathan Yau;2013;;111846219X;;Wiley | 1 | adet |
Beautiful Visualization: Looking at Data through the Eyes of Experts;Julie Steele;2010;;1449379869;;O'Reilly Media | 1 | adet |
Raw Data: Infographic Designers' Sketchbooks;Steven Heller;2014;;500517452;;Thames and Hudson | 1 | adet |
Vue 7: From the Ground Up: The Official Guide;Ami Chopine,Vladimir Chopine;2009;;240812263;;Focal Press; 1 edition | 1 | adet |
Hypernatural: Architecture's New Relationship with Nature;Blaine Brownell;2015;;1616892722;;Princeton Architectural Press | 1 | adet |
The Future of Architecture in 100 Buildings;Marc Kushner;2015;;1476784922;;Simon & Schuster | 1 | adet |
Archi-Graphic: An Infographic Look at Architecture;Frank Jacobus;2015;;1780676190;;Laurence King Publishing | 1 | adet |
The Fast Guide to Architectural Form;Baires Raffaelli;2016;;9063694113;;Bis Publisher | 1 | adet |
Porous and Deployable Architectural Screens;Sophia Vyzoviti;2011;;9063692692;;Bis Publisher | 1 | adet |
Designing Diagrams: Making Information Accessible through Design;Jan Gauguin;2011;;9063692285;;Bis Publisher | 1 | adet |
DÜŞÜNCE TARİHİ;ORHAN HANÇERLİOĞLU;;;9789751400017;; | 1 | adet |
Basic real analysis;Anthony W. Knapp;;;817632506;;http://www.amazon.com/Basic-Real-Analysis-Anthony-Knapp/dp/0817632506 | 1 | adet |
Basic Algebra;Anthony W. Knapp;;;817632484;;http://www.amazon.com/Basic-Algebra-Cornerstones-Anthony-Knapp/dp/0817632484/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_3?ie=UTF8&refRID=033PTHNJDSS135YYT81B | 1 | adet |
Advanced Real Analysis;Anthony W. Knapp;;;817643826;;http://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Real-Analysis-Anthony-Knapp/dp/0817643826/ref=pd_bxgy_14_img_2?ie=UTF8&refRID=033PTHNJDSS135YYT81B | 1 | adet |
Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications;Gerald B. Folland;;;9780471317166;;http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0471317160.html | 1 | adet |
Basic Abstract Algebra: For Graduate Students and Advanced Undergraduates;Robert B. Ash;;;486453561;;http://www.amazon.com/Basic-Abstract-Algebra-Undergraduates-Mathematics/dp/0486453561/ref=pd_rhf_se_s_cp_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=510kyWZywDL&dpSrc=sims& | 1 | adet |
Complex Variables;Robert B. Ash, W. P. Novinger ;;;486462501;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0486462501/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
A Course in Algebraic Number Theory;Robert B. Ash;;;486477541;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0486477541/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Prime Numbers and the Riemann Hypothesis;Barry Mazur and William Stein;;;1107499437;; | 1 | adet |
Algebra;Thomas W. Hungerford;;;387905189;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0387905189/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Abstract Algebra;David S. Dummit (Author), Richard M. Foote;;;471433349;; | 1 | adet |
A Book of Set Theory;Charles C Pinter;;;486497089;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0486497089/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Diophantine Approximations;Ivan Niven;;;486462676;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0486462676/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Topology;James Munkres ;;;131816292;;www.amazon.com/dp/0131816292/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
The Riemann Zeta-Function: Theory and Applications;Aleksandar Ivic;;;486428133;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0486428133/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Sieve Methods;Heine Halberstam, Hans Egon Richert ;;;486479390;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0486479390/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
A Brief Introduction to Theta Functions;Richard Bellman;;;486492958;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0486492958/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
The Summation of Series;Harold T. Davis;;;486789683;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0486789683/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Inside Interesting Integrals: A Collection of Sneaky Tricks, Sly Substitutions, and Numerous Other Stupendously Clever, Awesomely Wicked, and ;Paul J. Nahin;;;1493912763;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/1493912763/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Lattice Theory: First Concepts and Distributive Lattices;George Grätzer;;; 048647173X;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/048647173X/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Galois Theory;Harold M. Edwards ;;;038790980X;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/038790980X/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Introduction to Coding Theory;J.H. van Lint;;;3540641335;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/3540641335/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Finite Fields;Rudolf Lidl, Harald Niederreiter;;;521065674;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/0521065674/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
Bernoulli Numbers and Zeta Functions;Tsuneo Arakawa, Tomoyoshi Ibukiyama, Masanobu Kaneko;;;4431549188;;http://www.amazon.com/dp/4431549188/ref=rdr_ext_tmb | 1 | adet |
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Introduction to Intersection Theory in Algebraic Geometry;William Fulton;;;821807048;; | 1 | adet |
Algebraic Geometry 2: Sheaves and Cohomology;Kenji Ueno;;;821813579;; | 1 | adet |
Algebraic Geometry 1: From Algebraic Varieties to Schemes;Kenji Ueno;;;821808621;; | 1 | adet |
Modular curves, Arakelov theory, algorithmic applications;Pieter Jan Bruin;;;ASIN: B00GMVRIKQ;; | 1 | adet |
Diophantine Approximations and Value Distribution Theory;Paul Alan Vojta;;;3540175512;; | 1 | adet |
Heights of Polynomials and Entropy in Algebraic Dynamics;Graham Everest (Author), Thomas Ward;;;1852331259;; | 1 | adet |
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Algebraic Graph Theory;Norman Biggs;;;521458978;; | 1 | adet |
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Eigenspaces of Graphs ;Dragos Cvetkovic (Author), Peter Rowlinson (Author), Slobodan Simic;;;521057183;; | 1 | adet |
Coffee Culture: Local Experiences, Global Connections (Routledge Series for Creative Teaching and Learning in Anthropology);Catherine M. Tucker;;;9780415800259;; | 1 | adet |
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Internet and Emotions (Routledge Studies in Science, Technology and Society);Tova Benski,...;;;9780415819442;; | 1 | adet |
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Mistresses: a History of the Other Woman;Elizabeth Abbott;;;9781590204436;; | 1 | adet |
Mainstream Polygamy: The Non-Marital Child Paradox In The West (SpringerBriefs in Anthropology);Dominique Legros;;;9781461483069;; | 1 | adet |
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Batılılaşma Devri Türk Edebiyatı;Orhan Okay;2012;;978-975-995-015-6;;Dergah | 1 | adet |
Hikaye Tahlilleri;Mehmet Kaplan;2012;;978-975-995-288-4;;Dergah | 1 | adet |
Şiir Tahlilleri-2;Mehmet Kaplan;20111;;978-975-995-126-9;;Dergah | 1 | adet |
TÜRK EDEBİYATI ÜZERİNDE ARAŞTIRMALAR 3Tip Tahlilleri;Mehmet Kaplan;1996;;978-975-7462-17-9;;Dergah | 1 | adet |
Edebiyat Kuramları ve Eleştiri;Berna Moran;;;978-975-547-070-45;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
Roman ve Hayat;M. Fatih Andı;;;978-605588233;;Akademik Kitaplar | 1 | adet |
Türk Romanına Eleştirel Bir Bakış, Cilt 1-2-3;Berna Moran;;;;;İletişim | 1 | adet |
100 Soruda Türkiyede Roman ve Toplumsal Değişme;Fethi Naci;;;;; | 1 | adet |
Roman ve Yaşam ;Fethi Naci;;;;;YKY | 1 | adet |
Yüz Yılın 100 Türk Romanı;Fethi Naci;;;9944881661;;İş Bankası Kültür Yay. | 1 | adet |
Eleştirel Okuma;Emin Özdemir;;;9789754949162;;Bilgi | 1 | adet |
Türk Romanında Kurtuluş Savaşı,; A. Ömer Türkeş;;;9754585091;;Türkiye İş Bankası Yayınları | 1 | adet |
Türk Romanında Millî Mücadele;Aytekin Yaka;;;;;Ankara Ü DTCF Yay. | 1 | adet |
Jet Grouting: Technology, Design and Control;Paolo Croce, Alessandro Flora, Giuseppe Modoni;2014;;ISBN 9780415526401;;CRC press | 1 | adet |
Principles and Practice of Ground Improvement;Jie Han;2015;;ISBN-10: 1118259912;;John Wiley & Sons | 1 | adet |
Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes;I. M. Idriss , R. W. Boulanger ;2008;;ISBN-10: 193288436X;;Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (September 8, 2008) | 1 | adet |
Ground Improvement, Third Edition;Klaus Kirsch (Editor), Alan Bell (Editor);2012;;ISBN-10: 0415599210;;CRC Press; 3 edition (November 28, 2012) | 1 | adet |
Seepage, Drainage, and Flow Nets;Harry R. Cedergren ;1997;;ISBN-10: 047118053X;;Wiley-Interscience; 3 edition (January 25, 1997) | 1 | adet |
Geotechnical Laboratory Measurements for Engineers 1st Edition;hn T. Germaine (Author), Amy V. Germaine (Author);2009;;ISBN-10: 0470150939;;Wiley; 1 edition (June 2, 2009) | 1 | adet |
Earth Anchors, Second Edition 2nd Edition;Braja M. Das (Author), Sanjay Kumar Shukla (Author);2013;;ISBN-10: 1604270772;;J. Ross Publishing; 2 edition (May 28, 2013) | 1 | adet |
Deformation Analysis in Soft Ground Improvement;Authors: Chai, Jinchun, Carter, John Phillip;2011;;978-94-007-1720-6;;Springer Netherlands | 1 | adet |
Ground Improvement Case Histories, 1st Edition;Indraratna & Chu & Rujikiatkamjorn ;2015;Print Book ISBN :;9780081001929;;Elsevier | 1 | adet |
Design and Form: The Basic Course at the Bauhaus and Later;Johannes Itten;1975;;978-0442240394;;Van Nostrand Reinhold | 1 | adet |
The Modern Language of Architecture ;Bruno Zevi;1978;;978-0295955681;;University of Washington Press | 1 | adet |
Before the Bauhaus: Architecture, Politics, and the German State, 1890-1920;John V. Maciuika;2008;;978-0521728225;;Cambridge University Press | 1 | adet |
Objects of Desire: Design and Society Since 1750;Adrian Forty;1992;;978-0500274125;;Thames & Hudson | 1 | adet |
Red Dog by Louis de Bernieres ;Vintage Boos USA;;;978-0099429043;; | 1 | adet |
Blueback by Tim Winton;Picador;;;978-0330361620;; | 1 | adet |
The Chrysalids by John Wyndham;NYRB Classics;;;978-1590172926;; | 1 | adet |
The Stories of Omer Seyfettin - The Lover - The Honest Shepherd - The Blood Brothers byNur Ucer;Kelime Yayinlari;;;978-9944343305;; | 1 | adet |
The Stories of Omer Seyfettin - Spring and Butterflies - The Bastinado - The Wave of Love byNur Ucer;Kelime Yayinlari;;;978-9944343299;; | 1 | adet |
Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English;Douglas Biber;;;978-0582237261;; | 1 | adet |
Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English Workbook (Grammar Reference);Pearson Education;;;978-0582539426;; | 1 | adet |
International Handbook of English Language Teaching (Part 1);Springer;;;978-0387463001;; | 1 | adet |
International Handbook of English Language Teaching (Part 2);Springer 1. edition;;;978-1402013324;; | 1 | adet |
The Art of War bySun Tzu;Shambhala Publications;;;978-1590302255;; | 1 | adet |
A People's History of the United States byHoward Zinn;Harper Perennial Modern Classics;;;978-0060838652;; | 1 | adet |
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil: A Savannah Story by John Berendt;Vintage Books; Reprint edition;;;978-0679751526;; | 1 | adet |
The Professor and the Madman: A Tale of Murder, Insanity and the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary bySimon Winchester;Harper Perennial;;;978-0060839789;; | 1 | adet |
Bonk: The Curious Coupling of Science and Sex by Mary Roach;W. W. Norton & Company; Reprint Ed.;;;978-0393334791;; | 1 | adet |
Running with Scissors by Augusten Burroughs;Picador; 1st edition;;;978-0312422271;; | 1 | adet |
How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran ;Ebury press;;;978-0091940737;; | 1 | adet |
The Diary of a Young Girl byAnne Frank,Eleanor Roosevelt;Bantam Books;;;978-0553296983;; | 1 | adet |
Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything bySteven D. Levitt,Stephen J. Dubner ;William Morrow;;;978-0061234002;; | 1 | adet |
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer;Anchor;;;978-0385486804;; | 1 | adet |
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking byMalcolm Gladwell;Back Bay Books;;;978-0316010665;; | 1 | adet |
A Short History of Nearly Everything byBill Bryson;Broadway Books;;;978-0767908184;; | 1 | adet |
Night(The Night Trilogy #1) byElie Wiesel,Marion Wiesel;Hill and Wang;;;978-0374500016;; | 1 | adet |
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers byMary Roach;W. W. Norton & Compan;;;978-0393324822;; | 1 | adet |
A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail;Anchor;;;978-0307279460;; | 1 | adet |
Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling;Crown Archetype;;;978-0307886262;; | 1 | adet |
Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Promote Peace ... One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson , David Oliver Relin;PEnguin;;;978-0143038252;; | 1 | adet |
A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking;Bantam books;;;978-0553380163;; | 1 | adet |
Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom;Warner;;;978-0751529814;; | 1 | adet |
Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation;Gotham books;;;978-1592402038;; | 1 | adet |
Yes Please Paperback by Amy Poehler;Dey Street;;;978-0062268341;; | 1 | adet |
Dr Seuss's Beginner Book Collection (Cat in the hat/one fish two fish/green eggs and ham/hope and cope,fow in socks);Random House Books for Young Readers;;;978-0375851568;; | 1 | adet |
Roald Dahl: 15 books collection pack;Mass Market Paperback;;;978-3200327788;; | 1 | adet |
Jacqueline Wilson 10 Book Collection Set;Corgi (2011);;;978-1409601920;; | 1 | adet |
Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book Box Set: Books 1-4;Greenwillow Books;;;978-0062334206;; | 1 | adet |
Captain Underpants 10 Book Box Set;Scholastic Children's Books;;;978-1407157030;; | 1 | adet |
Horrid Henry's Ten Terrible Tales Box Set;Orion Special Sales;;;978-1407200088;; | 1 | adet |
Pippi And Friends Ten Books Box Set;Oxford Children's books;;;978-0192733917;; | 1 | adet |
Tom Gates Extra Special Box Set;Scholastic ;;;978-1407148779;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford Children's Classics World of Wonder box set;Oxford University Press;;;978-0192739810;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford Children's Classics World of Adventure box set;Oxford University Press;;;978-0192739827;; | 1 | adet |
Wickedly Funny Horowitz Box Set;Walkers Books;;;978-1406366242;; | 1 | adet |
Barry Loser 6 Books Collection Pack Set By Jim Smith;Jelly Pie (2013);;;978-3200330702;; | 1 | adet |
Harry Potter Box Set: The Complete Collection;Bloomsbury Childrens;;;978-1408856772;; | 1 | adet |
Horrible Histories: Blood-Curdling Box;Scholastic;;;978-1407108155;; | 1 | adet |
Horrible Geography Collection 12 Books Box Gift Set;Scholastic;;;978-1780487069;; | 1 | adet |
Murderous Maths Box Set;Scholastic;;;978-1407131948;; | 1 | adet |
Bulging Box of Books;Scholastic;;;978-1407110356;; | 1 | adet |
R L Stine Goosebumps Horrorland 10 Books Collection Pack Set ;Scholastic;;;ASIN: B00666QPFG;; | 1 | adet |
Alex Rider Collection Anthony Horowitz 10 Books Set;Walker Books;;;978-3200329188;; | 1 | adet |
Michael Morpurgo Collection Childrens 8 Books Set Boxed;Egmont and Harper;;;978-1780489490;; | 1 | adet |
Principles and practise in second language acquisition;Alemany Pr;;;978-0137100477;; | 1 | adet |
Discussions that work;Cambridge University Press;;;978-0521281690;; | 1 | adet |
Sound Foundation;MacMillan ELT;;;978-1405064088;; | 1 | adet |
Teaching English Pronunciation;Longman Publishing Group;;;978-0582746213;; | 1 | adet |
Teaching pronunciation audio casette : a reference for teachers of English to speakers of other languages;Cambridge University Press;;;978-0521406956;; | 1 | adet |
Vocabulary : description, acquisition and pedagogy;Cambridge University Press;;;978-0521585514;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford advanced American dictionar for learners of English;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194399661;; | 1 | adet |
The English verb: An explanation of structure and meaning;Heinle ELT;;;978-0906717400;; | 1 | adet |
Test based language learning and teaching with technology;Bloomsburry Academic;;;978-1441124012;; | 1 | adet |
The Assessment and Learning Pocketbook (Teachers' Pocketbooks) [Paperback];Management Pocketbooks;;;978-1903776759;; | 1 | adet |
Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary ;Houghton Mifflin;;;978-0618230143;; | 1 | adet |
The ELT Grammar Book: A Teacher-Friendly Reference;Alta English Publishers;;;978-1882483907;; | 1 | adet |
Pinocchio e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239530;; | 1 | adet |
The Magic Brocade e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239653;; | 1 | adet |
Beauty and the Beast e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239417;; | 1 | adet |
The Twelve Dancing Princesses e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239691;; | 1 | adet |
The Goose Girl e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239493;; | 1 | adet |
Cinderella e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239455;; | 1 | adet |
Rapunzel e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239745;; | 1 | adet |
The Little Mermaid e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239370;; | 1 | adet |
Thumbelina Activity Book and Play ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239196;; | 1 | adet |
Thumbelina e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239219;; | 1 | adet |
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239103;; | 1 | adet |
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse Activity Book and Play ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239110;; | 1 | adet |
Jack and the Beanstalk e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239011;; | 1 | adet |
Rainforest Boy NEW ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239806;; | 1 | adet |
Rainforest Boy Activity Book and Play NEW ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239868;; | 1 | adet |
Rainforest Boy e-Book and Audio Pack NEW ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239820;; | 1 | adet |
The Gingerbread Man Activity Book and Play ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239073;; | 1 | adet |
The Gingerbread Man e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239097;; | 1 | adet |
Lownu Mends the Sky Activity Book and Play ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194238519;; | 1 | adet |
Lownu Mends the Sky e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194238533;; | 1 | adet |
The Magic Cooking Pot ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194238748;; | 1 | adet |
The Lazy Grasshopper e-book and Audio Pack NEW ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194239837;; | 1 | adet |
The Little Red Hen Activity Book and Play ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194238717;; | 1 | adet |
The Enormous Turnip Activity Book and Play ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194238670;; | 1 | adet |
The Enormous Turnip e-Book and Audio Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194238694;; | 1 | adet |
Intermediate Get Smart: Our Amazing Brain (Book with Online Access);Cambridge University Press;;;978-1107650633;; | 1 | adet |
Intermediate Deep Blue: Discovering the Sea (Online only);Cambridge University Press;;;9781107664357;; | 1 | adet |
Intermediate Venice: The Floating City (Book with Online Access);Cambridge University Press;;;9781107621633;; | 1 | adet |
Low Intermediate Slice by Slice: The Story of Pizza (Book with Online Access);Cambridge University Press;;;9781107650374;; | 1 | adet |
Low Intermediate Medicine: Old and New (Online only);Cambridge University Press;;;9781139998048;; | 1 | adet |
High Beginning Slow Motion: Taking Your Time (Book with Online Access);Cambridge University Press;;;9781107691292;; | 1 | adet |
High Intermediate Trapped! The Aron Ralston Story (Book with Online Access);Cambridge University Press;;;9781107669987;; | 1 | adet |
Beginning Drink Up! (Online only);Cambridge University Press;;;9781107719002;; | 1 | adet |
Beginning Saved! Heroes in Everyday Life (Book with Online Access);Cambridge University Press;;;9781107647053;; | 1 | adet |
Beginning Wild Australia! (Book with Online Access);Cambridge University Press;;;9781107621657;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Jodie the Juggler Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007474219;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - I Want a Pet! Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007474257;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - The Magic Pen Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007474295;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Making Books Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007474356;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Big Cat Babies Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007474394;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Crunch and Munch Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007474424;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Too Hot to Stop Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473205;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Scary Hair Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473540;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Ella the Superstar Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473557;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Ive just had a Bright Idea Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473564;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Spines, Stings and Teeth Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473571;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - A Day at the Eden Project Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473588;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Super Sculptures Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473595;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Top Dinosaurs: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185719;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Talk Talk Talk: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185788;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Mojo and Weeza and the Funny Thing: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185795;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Funny Fish: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185801;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Berts Band: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185818;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Robots: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185825;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - The Fantastic Flying Squirrel: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185832;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Sounds: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185849;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Percy and the Badger: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185856;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Whats Underground: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007185863;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Mojo and Weeza and the New Hat: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007186624;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Colours: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007186631;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Harrys Garden: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007186761;; | 1 | adet |
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Collins Big Cat - The Lonely Penguin: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007412969;; | 1 | adet |
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Collins Big Cat - Recycling: Band 04/Blue;Collins ELT;;;9780007412990;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Tod and the Trumpet Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473809;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - The Steam Train Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473816;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Berts Band Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473854;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Mojo and Weeza and the Funny Thing Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473908;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Funny Fish Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473946;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - The Mermaid and the Octopus Workbook;Collins ELT;;;9780007473991;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - My Skateboard: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007185368;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Minibeasts: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007185375;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - In the Garden: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007185382;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - The Picnic: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007185399;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Dinosaur Rock: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007185405;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Pushing and Pulling: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007185412;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - The Very Wet Dog: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007185436;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Cars: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007185580;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - In the Boat: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007186464;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - How Many Animals: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007186471;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - The Guinea Pigs: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007186488;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Shapes: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007186495;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - The Farmers Lunch: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007329144;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - My Family Tree: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007329151;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Walking and Walking: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007412761;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Yum: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007412778;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Getting Dressed: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007412785;; | 1 | adet |
Collins Big Cat - Teeth: Band 01A/Pink A;Collins ELT;;;9780007412792;; | 1 | adet |
First Thousand Words in Italian (Usborne First 1000 Words) [Paperback];Usborne Publishing Ltd;;;978-0746037768;; | 1 | adet |
First Thousand Words in German (Usborne First Thousand Words) [Paperback];Usborne Publishing Ltd;;;978-0746023068;; | 1 | adet |
First Thousand Words in Russian (Usborne First Thousand Words) [Paperback];Usborne Publishing Ltd;;;978-0746064764;; | 1 | adet |
First Thousand Words in Chinese (Usborne First Thousand Words) [Paperback];Usborne Publishing Ltd;;;978-0746077627;; | 1 | adet |
Bookworms Club Stories for Reading Circles Teacher's Handbook -M.Furr;Usborne Publishing Ltd;;;9780194720106;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford Bookworms Library: Bestseller Pack: Stage 3 ;Oxford University Press;;;9780194791076;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford Bookworms Library: Bestseller Pack: Starter ;Oxford University Press;;;9780194234108;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford Bookworms Library: Activity Worksheets ;Oxford University Press;;;9780194790888;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford Bookworms Library: Teacher's Handbook ;Oxford University Press;;;9780194790895;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford Bookworms Library: Tests ;Oxford University Press;;;9780194790901;; | 1 | adet |
Red Dog Audio CD Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;9780194790451;; | 1 | adet |
Orca Audio CD Pack ;Oxford University Press;;;9780194234474;; | 1 | adet |
Lonely Planet Greek Islands (Travel Guide);Lonely Planet;;;9781742207278;; | 1 | adet |
Istanbul Turkish for Foreigners Beginner A1 Course Book with Audio Cd + Workbook Paperback;Kultur Sanat Basimevi; 2nd edition (2013);;;978-6056343698;; | 5 | adet |
Istanbul Turkish for Foreigners Elementary A2 Course Book with Audio Cd + Workbook Paperback;Kultur Sanat Basimevi; 2nd edition (2013);;;978-6056343674;; | 5 | adet |
Unlock Level 1 Reading and Writing Skills Teacher's Book with DVD (Cambridge Discovery Education Skills) [Paperback];Cambridge University Press;;;978-1107614017;; | 1 | adet |
Cambridge First Certificate in English 4 for Updated Exam Self-study Pack (Student's Book with answers and Audio CDs (2)): Official Examination Papers ... ESOL Examinations (FCE Practice Tests) [Paperback];Cambridge University Press;;;978-0521156974;; | 1 | adet |
Cambridge English First 5 Self-study Pack (Student's Book with Answers and Audio CDs (2): Authentic Examination Papers from Cambridge ESOL (FCE Practice Tests) [Paperback];Cambridge University Press;;;978-1107603349;; | 1 | adet |
EAP Essentials: Teacher's Book and CD-Rom: A Teacher's Guide to Principles and Practice [Teacher's Edition] [CD-ROM];Garnet Education;;;978-1859644195;; | 1 | adet |
Lecture Ready iTools 1;Oxford University Press;;;9780194417242;; | 1 | adet |
Listening & Notetaking Skills 3: Audio CDs ;Cengage Learning;;;9781133950561;; | 1 | adet |
Listening & Notetaking Skills 3: Classroom DVD;Cengage Learning;;;9781133950554;; | 1 | adet |
Listening & Notetaking Skills 2: Audio CDs ;Cengage Learning;;;9781133950592;; | 1 | adet |
Listening & Notetaking Skills 2: Classroom DVD;Cengage Learning;;;9781133950585;; | 1 | adet |
Listening & Notetaking Skills 1: Audio CDs;Cengage Learning;;;978-1133950998;; | 1 | adet |
Listening & Notetaking Skills 1: Classroom DVD;Cengage Learning;;;978-1133950981;; | 1 | adet |
Listening and Notetaking Skills 2: Noteworthy;Cengage Learning;;;978-1413003987;; | 1 | adet |
Listening and Notetaking Skills 2: DVD;Cengage Learning;;;978-1413006001;; | 1 | adet |
Listening and Notetaking Skills 2: Audio CDs ;Cengage Learning;;;978-1413005936;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Elementary E-book ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781285853710;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Pre-Intermediate IWB ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781133318354;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Pre-Intermediate E-book;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781285853727;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Intermediate IWB ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781133318361;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Intermediate E-book ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781285853734;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Upper Intermediate IWB ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781133318378;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Upper Intermediate E-book ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781285853741;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Advanced IWB ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781133315797;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Advanced E-book ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781285853758;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Beginner IWB ;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781133318330;; | 1 | adet |
Life BRE Beginner E-book;National Geographic Learning/Cengage;;;9781285853703;; | 1 | adet |
A framework for task-based learning;Addison Wesley Publishing;;;9780582259737;; | 1 | adet |
Principles and practice in second language acquisition;Prentince Hall;;;9780137100477;; | 1 | adet |
Intermediate communication games. ;Pearson PTR;;;9780175558728;; | 1 | adet |
Advanced communication games . A collection of games and activities .......;Addison Wesley Publishing;;;9780175556939;; | 1 | adet |
Role play (Love on Call);Mills and Boon;;;9780263787313;; | 1 | adet |
Discussions that work Task-centered fluency practice;Cambridge University Press;;;9780521281690;; | 1 | adet |
Teaching listening (Longman Handbooks for Language teachers);Longman Group UK;;;9780582746190;; | 1 | adet |
Introducing discourse analysis (Penguin English);Penguin Books;;;9780140813654;; | 1 | adet |
Teaching English pronunciation (Longman Handbooks for Language teachers);Longman Group UK;;;9780582746213;; | 1 | adet |
Teaching pronunciation: A reference for teachers of English to speakers of other languages ;Cambridge University Press;;;9780521406956;; | 1 | adet |
Vocabulary :Description, Acquisition and Pedagogy;Cambridge University Press;;;9780521585514;; | 1 | adet |
Oxford advanced learners dictionary of current English;Cambridge University Press;;;9780194315364;; | 1 | adet |
The English verb: An explanation of structure and meaning;Heinle ELT;;;9780906717400;; | 1 | adet |
Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary;Houghton Mifflin Co;;;978-0618230143 ;; | 1 | adet |
Open Forum Level 2 Student Book : Academic Listening and Speaking;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194361118;; | 1 | adet |
Instant PET Audio CD Set (2 CDs): Ready-to-Use Tasks and Activities (Cambridge Copy Collection) [Audiobook] [Audio CD];Cambridge University Press;;;978-0521611268;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Reading level 2 iTools;Oxford University Press;;;978-0-19-441638-2;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Reading level 3 iTools;Oxford University Press;;;978-0-19-441639-9;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Reading level 4 iTools;Oxford University Press;;;978-0-19-441640-5;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Introductory Student Book ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719049;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Level 1 Student Book ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719131;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Level 2 Student Book ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719230;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Level 3 Student Book ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719339;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Level 4 Student Book ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719438;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Introductory iTools ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719056;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Level 1 iTools ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719148;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Level 2 iTools ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719247;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Level 3 iTools ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719346;; | 1 | adet |
Inside Listening and Speaking Level 4 iTools ;Oxford University Press;;;978-0194719445;; | 1 | adet |
An A-Z of ELT (Methodology) by Scott Thomburry;McMillan Books;;;9781405070638;; | 1 | adet |
TU ES LİBRE by Dominique Torres;EGMONT EASY READERS;;;9788723907271;; | 1 | adet |
BRUNO ET L'AMOUR by Jerome Talou;EGMONT EASY READERS;;;9788723907356;; | 1 | adet |
URGENCE by Christian Grenier;EGMONT EASY READERS;;;9788723905260;; | 1 | adet |
SANS FAMİLLE;HACHETTE;;;9782253149774;; | 1 | adet |
MAİGRET ET LE FANTOME by George Simenon;EGMONT EASY READERS;;;9782258096837;; | 1 | adet |
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ATTERRİSAGE FORCE by Stephanie Kervel;EGMONT EASY READERS;;;9788723904256;; | 1 | adet |
L'AMOUR PAR İNTERNET by Jerome Talou;EGMONT EASY READERS;;;9788723905789;; | 1 | adet |
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