İhale No | 2020/418305 |
Sektör | Matbaa, Yayıncılık Hizmet ve Kırtasiye Malzemeleri |
İdare | ANADOLU ÜNİVERSİTESİ İdari ve Mali İşler Daire Başkanlığı |
Şikayet Bedeli | 39.403,00 TL |
Yaklaşık Bedel | 6.573.254 TL'den küçük |
İhale Tipi | Mal Alımı |
İhale Usulü | Açık İhale |
İhale İli | Eskişehir |
İşin İli | Eskişehir |
Yayın Tarihi | 18 Ağustos 2020 |
İhale Tarihi | 14 Eylül 2020 14:30 |
(KDV Hariç...)
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(KDV Hariç...)
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1988 adet Basılı Yayın alımı 4734 sayılı Kamu İhale Kanununun 19 uncu maddesine göre açık ihale usulü ile ihale edilecektir. İhaleye ilişkin ayrıntılı bilgiler aşağıda yer almaktadır:
İhale Kayıt Numarası | : | 2020/418305 |
1-İdarenin | ||
a) Adresi | : | Anadolu Üniversitesi Rektörlügü Yunusemre Kampüsü 26470 TEPEBAŞI/ESKİŞEHİR |
b) Telefon ve faks numarası | : | 2223206858 - 2223208767 |
c) Elektronik Posta Adresi | : | idaridb@anadolu.edu.tr |
ç) İhale dokümanının görülebileceği internet adresi (varsa) | : | https://ekap.kik.gov.tr/EKAP/ |
2-İhale konusu malın
a) Niteliği, türü ve miktarı | : | 1988 adet Basılı Yayın Ayrıntılı bilgiye EKAP’ta yer alan ihale dokümanı içinde bulunan idari şartnameden ulaşılabilir. |
b) Teslim yeri | : | Anadolu Üniversitesi Merkez Kütüphanesi |
c) Teslim tarihi | : | Yüklenici ihale konusu basılı yayınları sözleşmenin imzalanmasını müteakip 15.12.2020 tarihine kadar tek partide yada partiler halinde teslim edecektir. |
3- İhalenin
a) Yapılacağı yer | : | Anadolu Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Rektörlük Binası 3. Kat 408 Nolu İhale Odası Yunusemre Kampüsü 26470 Tepebaşı ESKİŞEHİR |
b) Tarihi ve saati | : | 14.09.2020 - 14:30 |
4. İhaleye katılabilme şartları ve istenilen belgeler ile yeterlik değerlendirmesinde uygulanacak kriterler:
4.1. İhaleye katılma şartları ve istenilen belgeler:
4.1.2. Teklif vermeye yetkili olduğunu gösteren imza beyannamesi veya imza sirküleri; Gerçek kişi olması halinde, noter tasdikli imza beyannamesi, Tüzel kişi olması halinde, ilgisine göre tüzel kişiliğin ortakları, üyeleri veya kurucuları ile tüzel kişiliğin yönetimindeki görevlileri belirten son durumu gösterir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesi, bu bilgilerin tamamının bir Ticaret Sicil Gazetesinde bulunmaması halinde, bu bilgilerin tümünü göstermek üzere ilgili Ticaret Sicil Gazeteleri veya bu hususları gösteren belgeler ile tüzel kişiliğin noter tasdikli imza sirküleri,
4.1.3. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen teklif mektubu.
4.1.4. Şekli ve içeriği İdari Şartnamede belirlenen geçici teminat.
4.1.5 İhale konusu alımın tamamı veya bir kısmı alt yüklenicilere yaptırılamaz.
4.2. Ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler: |
İdare tarafından ekonomik ve mali yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir. |
4.3. Mesleki ve Teknik yeterliğe ilişkin belgeler ve bu belgelerin taşıması gereken kriterler: |
İdare tarafından mesleki ve teknik yeterliğe ilişkin kriter belirtilmemiştir. |
5.Ekonomik açıdan en avantajlı teklif sadece fiyat esasına göre belirlenecektir.
6. İhale yerli ve yabancı tüm isteklilere açıktır.
7. İhale dokümanının görülmesi:
7.1. İhale dokümanı, idarenin adresinde görülebilir.
7.2. İhaleye teklif verecek olanların ihale dokümanını EKAP üzerinden e-imza kullanarak indirmeleri zorunludur.
8. Teklifler, ihale tarih ve saatine kadar Anadolu Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Rektörlük Binası 3. Kat 408 Nolu İhale Odası Yunusemre Kampüsü 26470 Tepebaşı ESKİŞEHİR adresine elden teslim edilebileceği gibi, aynı adrese iadeli taahhütlü posta vasıtasıyla da gönderilebilir.
9. İstekliler tekliflerini, mal kalem-kalemleri için teklif birim fiyatlar üzerinden vereceklerdir. İhale sonucu, üzerine ihale yapılan istekliyle her bir mal kalemi miktarı ile bu mal kalemleri için teklif edilen birim fiyatların çarpımı sonucu bulunan toplam bedel üzerinden birim fiyat sözleşme imzalanacaktır.
Bu ihalede, kısmı teklif verilebilir.
10. İstekliler teklif ettikleri bedelin %3’ünden az olmamak üzere kendi belirleyecekleri tutarda geçici teminat vereceklerdir.
11. Verilen tekliflerin geçerlilik süresi, ihale tarihinden itibaren 60 (altmış) takvim günüdür.
12. Konsorsiyum olarak ihaleye teklif verilemez.
13. Bu ihalede elektronik eksiltme yapılmayacaktır.
14. Diğer hususlar:
İhale, Kanunun 38 inci maddesinde öngörülen açıklama istenmeksizin ekonomik açıdan en avantajlı teklif üzerinde bırakılacaktır.
Cetvel Adı | Miktar | Birim |
10. Yılında Möhuk Sempozyumu ( 7 - 8 Aralık 2017, Ankara ) | 1 | adet |
1958 Tarihli New York Sözleşmesi Çerçevesinde Yabancı Hakem Kararlarının Tanınması ve Tenfizi | 1 | adet |
1960 Sonrası Almanya'da Türk Sanatçılar: Göç ve Kültürel Kimlik | 1 | adet |
1982 Anayasası Döneminde Türkiye Anayasa Mahkemesi’Nin Siyasi Partilerin Kapatılması, Siyasi Partilere İhtar Verilmesi Ve Siyasi Partilerle İlgili Diğer Kararları (8 Cilt) | 1 | adet |
21.Yüzyılda Sanat..? | 1 | adet |
24 Soruda Dijital Dönüşüm | 1 | adet |
24 Soruda Dijital Dönüşüm. | 1 | adet |
5.Türkiye-Bosna Hersek-Hırvatistan Hukuk Günleri | 1 | adet |
6754 Sayılı Bilirkişilik Kanunu Kapsamında Bilirkişinin Disiplin Sorumluluğu | 1 | adet |
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Acısız Bilim | 1 | adet |
Açıklamalı Düzlükle | 1 | adet |
Adım Adım Çocuklarda Cinsel Eğitim | 1 | adet |
Adli tıp ve adli bilimler | 1 | adet |
Aile Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Aile Hukuku Derneği Mal Rejimi Çalıştayı | 1 | adet |
Akaryakıt Kaçakçılığı Suçları | 1 | adet |
Akılcıl Tedavi Yönünden Tıbbi Farmakoloji 1-2 | 1 | adet |
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Alerji Dostu Tarifler | 1 | adet |
Aleyhe Değiştirme Yasağı | 1 | adet |
Anadolu Doğasından Yansımalar | 1 | adet |
Anadolu Kent Modelinin Yayılımı | 1 | adet |
Anadolu Kerpiç Mimarlığı | 1 | adet |
Anadolu'nun Tadı Tuzu Kardeş Mutfaklar | 1 | adet |
Anayasa Başlangıçlarının Sembolik ve Hukuki Değeri | 1 | adet |
Anayasa Candır | 1 | adet |
Anayasa Hukukundaki Çağdaş Eğilimler Işığında Parlamenter Dokunulmazlıklar | 1 | adet |
Anayasa Mahkemesi'ne Bireysel Başvuru Yolunda İhlal Kararlarının İcrası | 1 | adet |
Anayasa ve Özel Hukuk | 1 | adet |
Anayasa Ve Türk Anayasa Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Anayasa Yargısı | 1 | adet |
Anayasa Yargısısnın Siyasi Kökenleri ve Demokratik Meşruluğu Sorunu | 1 | adet |
Aphrodisias’ın Büyülü Dünyası – İzzet Keribar Fotoğraflarıyla | 1 | adet |
Arap Mutfağı | 1 | adet |
Arkaik Dönem Tapınakları Anıtsal Hellen Mimarlığına Giriş | 1 | adet |
Avokadolu Türk Yemekleri | 1 | adet |
Avrupa Birliği Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Avrupa Birliği Hukukuna Giriş | 1 | adet |
Avrupa Birliği Hukukuyla Mukayeseli Olarak 6698 Sayılı Kanun Çerçevesinde Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Avrupa Birliği İlkeleri Işığında Türk İş Hukukunda Toplu İş Sözleşmesi Yapma Yetkisi | 1 | adet |
Avrupa Birliği Sosyal Güvenlik Sistemi ve Türkiye | 1 | adet |
Avrupa Birliği Temel Kurum ve Değerleri | 1 | adet |
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ve Uygulaması | 1 | adet |
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesinin Milletlerarası Özel Hukuka Etkisi | 1 | adet |
Ayaküstü İzmir | 1 | adet |
Azize'Nin Ölüsü | 1 | adet |
Banka Zimmeti | 1 | adet |
Basın İş Hukukunda Ücret | 1 | adet |
Bebeklik Döneminde Gelişim ve Eğitim | 1 | adet |
Bedenin Tarihi 3 - Bakıştaki Değişim | 1 | adet |
Belge Ceza Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Belgede Sahtecilik Suçları | 1 | adet |
Beni O Uysal Kuyuda Unutmayacaktın | 1 | adet |
Bil Bakalım Seni Ne Kadar Seviyorum | 1 | adet |
Bilgi ve Bilgenin Yönetimi | 1 | adet |
Bir Dünya Börek Böreğin Tarihsel Yolculuğu 337 Tarif | 1 | adet |
Bir Zamanlar Toroslarda Sagalassos. Meanwhile in the Mountains: Sagalassos | 1 | adet |
Bireysel Başvuruların Kabul Edilebilirlik Bakımından İncelenmesi | 1 | adet |
Bireysel İş Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Bireysel İş Hukukunda Arabuluculuk | 1 | adet |
Bireysel İş Hukukunda Zorunlu ve Zorlayıcı Nedenler | 1 | adet |
Bireysel İş Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk | 1 | adet |
Birlikte Velayet Kurumu ve Birlikte Velayete İlişkin Yabancı Mahkeme İlamlarının Tanınması ve Tenfizi | 1 | adet |
Boğazlar Meselesi | 1 | adet |
Bona Fides (Dürüstlük Kuralı) | 1 | adet |
Borcun İfa Edilmediği Defi (Ödemezlik Defi) | 1 | adet |
Borcun İfasında Borçlunun Rolü | 1 | adet |
Borçlar Hukuku : Genel Hükümler | 1 | adet |
Borçlar Hukuku Dersleri (Özel Hükümler) | 1 | adet |
Borçlar Hukuku Genel Hükümler (Fikret Eren) | 1 | adet |
Borçlar Hukuku Özel Hükümler | 1 | adet |
Boşanma Davalarında İspat ve Deliller | 1 | adet |
Brexit Sonrası Yeni Avrupa Birliği Düzeni ve Türkiye'ye Etkisi | 1 | adet |
Bütün Konularıyla Anayasa Yargısı Dersleri | 1 | adet |
BÜYÜK İSKENDER | 1 | adet |
Caz Felsefesi | 1 | adet |
Cevat Başaran'a 60. Yaş Armağanı | 1 | adet |
Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler | 1 | adet |
Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler Dersleri | 1 | adet |
Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler Temel Bilgiler | 1 | adet |
Ceza Hukuku Özel Hükümler | 1 | adet |
Ceza Hukuku Özel Hükümler Dersleri | 1 | adet |
Ceza Hukukunda Hümanizm İlkesi Açısından Kastrasyon Yaptırımı | 1 | adet |
Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku Dersleri | 1 | adet |
Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku Temel Bilgiler | 1 | adet |
Ceza Muhakemesi Hukukunda Yargılamanın Yenilenmesi | 1 | adet |
Ceza Muhakemesinde İstinaf Kanun Yolu | 1 | adet |
Ceza Yargılamasında Uzlaştırma | 1 | adet |
Cezaların İnfazı ve İnfaz Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Chef Duygu Tuğcu'yla Butik Pastacılık | 1 | adet |
CISG Danışma Kurulu Görüşleri | 1 | adet |
Cinsel Eğitim & Çocukluktan Ergenliğe | 1 | adet |
Cinsel Saldırı Suçu | 1 | adet |
Crowdsourcing (Kalabalıkların gücü, bir işin geleceğine nasıl şekil verilebilir?) | 1 | adet |
Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sisteminde İdarenin Bütünlüğü İlkesi | 1 | adet |
Cumhuriyet Savcısı ve Soruşturma | 1 | adet |
Çağdaş Sanat Nedir? | 1 | adet |
Çalışanların İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Yükümlülükler | 1 | adet |
Çalışmayan Kişilerin Vefatında Destekten Yoksun Kalma Zararı | 1 | adet |
Çeviri Bilinci. Çevirenler, Çevirmeyenler, Çeviriverenler | 1 | adet |
Çeviri Üzerine Gözlemler | 1 | adet |
Çeviribiliminde Araştırmalar | 1 | adet |
Çin Mutfağı | 1 | adet |
Çocuk Düşürtme Suçu | 1 | adet |
ÇOCUK EDEBİYATI | 1 | adet |
ÇOCUK HAKLARI | 1 | adet |
ÇOCUK VE MÜZİK | 1 | adet |
ÇOCUK VE OYUN | 1 | adet |
Çocukla Kişisel İlişki Kurma Hakkı Bağlamında Devletin Pozitif Yükümlülükleri | 1 | adet |
Çocuklarımızla Cinsellik Hakkında Nasıl Konuşalım? | 1 | adet |
Çoğulculuk Demokrasi Kuramı | 1 | adet |
D.Bakır ve Mardin'in İslami Dönem Dini Mimarisinde Geometrik Süsleme: "Geometric Ornamentations of Diyarbakir and Mardin's Religious Architecture in Islamic Period" (Turkish Edition) | 1 | adet |
Damağımdaki Tat | 1 | adet |
Defteri Dervişan | 1 | adet |
Demlikten Süzülen Kültür ÇAY | 1 | adet |
Demokrasinin Nesi Var? | 1 | adet |
Deneysel Edebiyat Yönüyle Divan Şiiri | 1 | adet |
Derin Basitlik | 1 | adet |
Dijital Halkla İlişkiler Kavram ve Araçları | 1 | adet |
Dijital Halkla İlişkiler Kavram ve Araçları. | 1 | adet |
Dijital Halkla İlişkiler ve Online Kurumsal İtibar Yönetimi | 1 | adet |
Dijital Halkla İlişkiler ve Online Kurumsal İtibar Yönetimi. | 1 | adet |
Dijital Oyunlar Seti-5 Kitap Takım | 1 | adet |
Dijital Oyunlar Seti-5 Kitap Takım. | 1 | adet |
Dijital Savaşlar | 1 | adet |
Divan-I Hikmet | 1 | adet |
Doğudan Batıya 70.Yaşında Serap Yaylalı'ya Sunulan Yazılar | 1 | adet |
Doğumunun 100. Yılında Hannah Arendt | 1 | adet |
Dua Çiçeği | 1 | adet |
Duyum ve Algı | 1 | adet |
Ebeveyn İzni ve Yarım Çalışma Ödeneği | 1 | adet |
Eğitimde Ahlak ve Etik | 1 | adet |
Ekmek, Tuz, Kitap ve Şekere SaygıGünlükler 2017-2018 | 1 | adet |
Engellilerde Cinsel Gelişim ve Cinsel Eğitim Programları | 1 | adet |
Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Gelişim (36-72 Ay) | 1 | adet |
Erken Çocukluk Döneminde Gelişim ve Eğitim | 1 | adet |
ERKEN MÜDAHALE | 1 | adet |
Escrow Sözleşmesi | 1 | adet |
Eser Sözleşmesinde İş Sahibinin Vadeden Önce İşi Başkasına Yaptırma Hakkı (TBK m. 473 f.2) | 1 | adet |
Eser Sözleşmesinde İşsahibinin Edimin İfasına Katılımı | 1 | adet |
Eski Anadolu Mimarlığı | 1 | adet |
Eski Çağ'da Lahitler | 1 | adet |
Eski Mezopotamya Dini Ritüeller ve Kullanılan Objeler | 1 | adet |
Eski Mezopotamya'da Ekonomik Hayat | 1 | adet |
Eşya Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Eşya hukuku (Zilyetlik -Tapu Sicili- Mülkiyetin Genel Hükümleri- Taşınır Mülkiyeti- Rehin Hakları) | 1 | adet |
Evlerimizin Bülbülleri Seyyar Satıcılarımız | 1 | adet |
Fantezi | 1 | adet |
Farmakoterapi El Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Fikir Ve Sanat Eserleri Hukukunda Mimari Eserlerin Korunması | 1 | adet |
Fikri Haklar | 1 | adet |
Gece Maymunu Ve Gündüz Maymunu | 1 | adet |
Gelişime Uygun Eğitim Programı Erken Çocukluk Eğitiminde En İyi Uygulamalar | 1 | adet |
Genel Haciz Yoluyla Takipte Ödeme Emrine İtiraz | 1 | adet |
Genel İşlem Koşullarında Saydamlık Denetimi | 1 | adet |
Goodman & Gilman'ın Farmakoloji ve Tedavi El Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Göç kimlik çok kültürlülük: Türk sinemasında Almanya'ya göç | 1 | adet |
Görevi Kötüye Kullanma Suçu | 1 | adet |
Görsel Düşünme | 1 | adet |
Görsel İletişim ve Grafik Tasarım | 1 | adet |
Hakikat Sonrası Çağ | 1 | adet |
Hammaddeden Ustalara Tarihöncesi Arkeolojisinde Malzeme - Yontmataş-Sürtmetaş-Kemik-Boynuz-Diş-Kil-Çanak Çömlek | 1 | adet |
Hannibal | 1 | adet |
Hatıralar Fırını | 1 | adet |
Hava ve Uzay Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Hava ve Uzay Hukukunda Ticari Hizmetlerden Doğan Hukuki Sorumluluk | 1 | adet |
Hellenistik ve Roma Dönemlerinde Anadolu. Krallar, İmparatorlar, Kent Devletleri | 1 | adet |
Her Şey Tabakta Başlar | 1 | adet |
Her Yönüyle Pastacılık Temel Bilgiler, Tarifler, Püf Noktaları | 1 | adet |
Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu'nda Tahkim | 1 | adet |
Hukuk Tarihinde Vatandaşlık - Yabancılık Statüsü | 1 | adet |
Hukuk Uyuşmazlıklarında Arabuluculuk | 1 | adet |
Hukukçu Ve Siyaset Bilimci Kimliğiyle İbn Haldun Toplum Ve Devlet Kuramının Hukuk, Adalet Ve İnsan Hakları Boyutu | 1 | adet |
Hükmün Açıklanmasının Geri Bırakılması | 1 | adet |
Hüküm Kurma Sanatı | 1 | adet |
Hüküm Kurma ve Cezanın Belirlenmesi | 1 | adet |
İcra Hukukunda Borç Ödemeden Aciz Belgesi ve Bu Nitelikteki Haciz Tutanakları (İİK M. 143, 105) | 1 | adet |
İcra Hukukunda Rehin Açığı Belgesi | 1 | adet |
İcra Hukukunda Taşınmaz Malların Haczi ve Paraya Çevrilmesi | 1 | adet |
İcra ve İflas Hukukunda Banka Alacaklarının Korunması | 1 | adet |
İddianame ve İddianamenin İadesi | 1 | adet |
İhtiyati Haciz | 1 | adet |
İletişim Hakkı ve Yeni Medya | 1 | adet |
İlkokul ve Ortaokullarda Sosyal Bilgiler Eğitimi | 1 | adet |
İnanç Konusunun Üçüncü Kişilerden Elde Edildiği İnançlı İşlemler | 1 | adet |
İnsan Hakları Kavram, Kaynaklar ve Koruma Sistemleri | 1 | adet |
İnsan Onuru ve İnsana Saygı Sempozyumu | 1 | adet |
İnsanın Prehistorik Dönemde Kullandığı Hammaddeler | 1 | adet |
İnşaat Sözleşmeleri Hukuku ve Endüstri Yatırım Sözleşmeleri | 1 | adet |
İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzeleri Lydia Sikkeleri Kataloğu | 1 | adet |
İstanbul Şerhi - Türk Borçlar Kanunu & Yürürlük Kanunu (4 Kitap - 8 Cilt Takım) | 1 | adet |
İstanbul’un Eski İkramları | 1 | adet |
İstanbullu Rum Bir Ailenin Mutfak Serüveni | 1 | adet |
İstanbul'un Eski İkramları | 1 | adet |
İş Davaları | 1 | adet |
İş Hukuku | 1 | adet |
İş Hukuku Dersleri | 1 | adet |
İş Hukuku Uygulaması | 1 | adet |
İş Hukukunda Alt İşveren Asıl İşveren ile Muvazaa | 1 | adet |
İş Hukukunda Cezai Şart | 1 | adet |
İş Hukukunda Şüphe Feshi | 1 | adet |
İş Sağılığı ve Güvenliğinde Risk Yönetimi | 1 | adet |
İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliği Hukukunda Endüstri 4.0 Problemleri ve Çözümleri | 1 | adet |
İş Sağlığı ve Güvenliğinde Psikososyal Yaklaşımlar | 1 | adet |
İş Sözleşmelerinin Süreli Feshi ve Sonuçları | 1 | adet |
İş Sözleşmesi Kapsamında İşçinin İş Görme Borcu | 1 | adet |
İş Sözleşmesinin Devri | 1 | adet |
İş ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukukunda Analık | 1 | adet |
İş Yargılaması Usulü | 1 | adet |
İş Yerinde Psikolojik Taciz Konulu Hukuk Davaları Üzerine Keşfedici Bir Araştırma | 1 | adet |
İşe İade Davasında Karar ve Kararın İcrası | 1 | adet |
İşletmelerde Dijital Dönüşümün Yansımaları | 1 | adet |
İşletmelerde Dijital Dönüşümün Yansımaları. | 1 | adet |
İşverenin Yönetim Hakkı | 1 | adet |
İşverenin Yönetim Hakkı Çerçevesinde İtiraz Edilebilir İş Kavramı | 1 | adet |
İtiraz Kanun Yolu | 1 | adet |
Kadın Hakları Bağlamında Türkiye'de Pozitif Ayrımcılık İlkesi | 1 | adet |
Kahve Topraktan Fincana | 1 | adet |
KahveFincandan Lezzete | 1 | adet |
Kamu Davasına Katılma | 1 | adet |
Kamuda Dijital Dönüşüm | 1 | adet |
Kamuda Dijital Dönüşüm. | 1 | adet |
Kanunlar İhtilafı Hukukunda Ticari Sırların İhlali | 1 | adet |
Karşılaştırmalı Anayasa Hukukunda Kanun Kavramı | 1 | adet |
Karşılaştırmalı Hukuk Muhameleri Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Karşılaştırmalı Hukukta Borcun İfa Edilmemesi | 1 | adet |
Kasten Adam Öldürme Suçu | 1 | adet |
Katarakt | 1 | adet |
Kavşaklar. Prehistorik Çağ'dan Bizans Dönemine Konya Ovası | 1 | adet |
Kırmızı Karanfil | 1 | adet |
Kısmi Süreli İş Sözleşmeleri | 1 | adet |
Kıymetli Evrak Hukukunun Esasları | 1 | adet |
Kişiler Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Kişiler Hukuku Cilt: 1 | 1 | adet |
Kişilere Karşı Suçlar | 1 | adet |
Kişiliğin Korunması Hükümleri Çerçevesinde Mobbing Davaları | 1 | adet |
Kişisel Verilerin Korunması ve Büyük Veri | 1 | adet |
Klasik Müzik Rehberi | 1 | adet |
Kokulu Ot ve Baharat Ansiklopedisi | 1 | adet |
Komünist Ufuk | 1 | adet |
Konkordato ve Yeniden Yapılandırma Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Konuşmalar Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Konut ve Çatılı İşyeri Kira Sözleşmelerinde Kira Bedeli | 1 | adet |
Konya Mutfağı Mutfak Kültürü ve Yemekleri İşletme ve Eğitim Rehberi | 1 | adet |
Koşullu Salıverilme ve Koşullu Salıverilmede Süreler | 1 | adet |
Kozmopolisten Küreselleşen Dünyanın Devletine-Küresel Devlet | 1 | adet |
Kriminoloji | 1 | adet |
Kuzey Troas'ta Yeni Araştırmalar - Neolitik Çağ'dan Demir Çağı Sonuna Kadar Çanakkale Merkez Yüzey Araştırması | 1 | adet |
Kültür İmleri/Cultural Sıgns | 1 | adet |
Küresel Diasporalar | 1 | adet |
Latince Dil Bilgisi ve Antik Terimler Sözlüğü | 1 | adet |
Latince Sözlük | 1 | adet |
Liberal Anayasal Sistemlerde Parlamento İçi Muhalefetin Rolü | 1 | adet |
Mağaradaki Zihin | 1 | adet |
Mağdur Hakları | 1 | adet |
Mahremiyet: Dijital Toplumda Özel Hayat | 1 | adet |
Malvarlığına Karşı Suçlar | 1 | adet |
Marka Hakkının İhlalinden Doğan Cezai Sorumluluk | 1 | adet |
Marka Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Marka İhlali | 1 | adet |
Marka İletişimi ve Dijital Stratejiler | 1 | adet |
Marka İletişimi ve Dijital Stratejiler. | 1 | adet |
Matbaacılık ve Basım Süreci | 1 | adet |
Mavi Kartlı Yabancılar | 1 | adet |
Medeni Hukuk | 1 | adet |
Medeni Hukuk Alanındaki Güncel Yargıtay Kararlarının Değerlendirilmesi Sempozyumları Aile Hukuku Cilt II | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukuku Ders Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Medenî Usul Hukuku Ders Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukukunda Asli Müdahale | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukukunda Cevap Dilekçesi Verilmemesinin Sonuçları | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukukunda Dava Konusu | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukukunda Gider ve Delil Avansı | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukukunda Hakimin Davayı Aydınlatma Ödevi | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukukunda Hakimin Hukuku Re'sen Uygulaması İlkesi | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukukunda Keşif | 1 | adet |
Medeni Usul Hukukunda Mahkemelerin Yetkisi | 1 | adet |
Medeni Yargılama Hukukunda İspat Hakkı ve Sınırlamaları | 1 | adet |
Medeni Yargılama Hukukunda Kişisel Verilerin ve Sırların Korunması | 1 | adet |
Memento Mori Ölüm ve Ölüm Uygulamaları | 1 | adet |
Meslek Edinilmiş Geçici İş İlişkisi | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Derdestlik (Lis Pendens) | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Mal Satımına İlişkin Sözleşmeler Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşması'na ( CISG'e ) Göre Sözleşmenin Kurulması | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bağlama Kuralları | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Bakımından Mal Rejimleri (Uygulanacak Hukuk-Milletlerarası Yetki-Tanıma ve Tenfiz) | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk El Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk Mevzuatı | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk ve Usul Hukuku Hakkında Kanun | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukuk ve Usul Hukuku Temel Bilgiler | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukukta Arabuluculuk | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukukta Güncel Meseleler Sempozyumu | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukukta Kamu Düzeni Müdahalesi | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Özel Hukukta Sözleşmesel Meseleler | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Tahkim Hukukunda Tahkim Anlaşmasının Esastan Geçerliliğine Uygulanacak Hukuk | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Tahkimde Tahkim Anlaşmasının Varlığı Geçerliliği ve Etkileri | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Ticaret Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Ticari Tahkim Hukukunda Sulh | 1 | adet |
Milletlerarası Usul Hukukunda Tebligat | 1 | adet |
Milli Şerh - 6502 Sayılı Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun Şerhi | 1 | adet |
Modern Hayatın Ressamı Charles Baudelaire | 1 | adet |
Modernleşmenin Zihniyet Dünyası Bir Tanpınar Fetişizmi | 1 | adet |
Mustafa Büyükkolancı'ya Armağan / Essays in Honour of Mustafa Büyükkolancı | 1 | adet |
Mübadele Romanlarında Kimlik ve Ulusçuluk | 1 | adet |
Mükemmel Ve Mufassal Aş Ustası | 1 | adet |
Mülteci Hukuku ve Silahlı Çatışma Kaynaklı Sığınmacılar | 1 | adet |
Müsadere Kurumu | 1 | adet |
Müzik Ve Yemek | 1 | adet |
Negatif Diyalektik | 1 | adet |
Nitel Verileri Yorumlama | 1 | adet |
Normlar Hiyerarşisi | 1 | adet |
Nöropsikofarmakoloji - Akılcı Nöropsikiyatrik İlaç Kullanımı | 1 | adet |
Okul Öncesi Eğitim Programları | 1 | adet |
Okul Öncesi Eğitimde Bir Erken Okuryazarlık Becerisi: Fonolojik Farkındalık (kuramdan Etkinlik Uygulamalarına) | 1 | adet |
Olağanüstü Kitlesel Yanılgılar Ve Kalabalıkların Çılgınlığı | 1 | adet |
Olağanüstü Tavsiyeler | 1 | adet |
Olmazsa Olmaz Kahvaltı | 1 | adet |
Ortaklıklar Hukuku ciltli | 1 | adet |
Ortaklıklar Hukuku I | 1 | adet |
Ortaklıklar Hukuku II | 1 | adet |
Osmanlı Borç Yönetimi Düyün-I Umumiyye 1879-1891 (Takım) | 1 | adet |
Öğreti ve Uygulama Işığında Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler | 1 | adet |
Öğretim Tasarımı Kuramlar, Modeller Ve Uygulamalar | 1 | adet |
Ölesiye Sanat-Yeni Faltaşlari 2008 - 2013 | 1 | adet |
Ölüm Gelir ve Aylıkları | 1 | adet |
Ölümsüzleştirme Kurulu | 1 | adet |
Ölünceye Kadar Bakma Sözleşmesi | 1 | adet |
Önalım Hakkı | 1 | adet |
Özel İstihdam Büroları Aracılığıyla Geçici İş İlişkisi | 1 | adet |
Pasta Yapmak Bir Harika (Ciltli) | 1 | adet |
Patara V.2 - Patara Metal Buluntuları | 1 | adet |
Patara VII.1 Kum'dan Kent'e Patara Kazılarının 25 Yılı / From Sand Into a City 25 Years of Patara Excavations | 1 | adet |
Peynir Aşkına | 1 | adet |
Prof. Dr. Ömer Özyiğit'e Armağan / Studies in Honour of Ömer Özyiğit | 1 | adet |
Prof. Dr. Sabih Arkan'a Armağan | 1 | adet |
Prof. Dr. Savaş Taşkent'e Armağan | 1 | adet |
Prof. Dr. Zafer Gören Armağanı | 1 | adet |
PROFESYONEL AŞÇILIK 8. Baskıdan Çeviri | 1 | adet |
Psikolojiye Giriş: Psikoloji ve Yaşam | 1 | adet |
Psikopolitika | 1 | adet |
Rehin Hukuku Dersleri | 1 | adet |
Roma Hukukunda Rehin Akti | 1 | adet |
Roma İmparatorları | 1 | adet |
Roma İmparatorluğu’nun Gerileyiş ve Çöküş Tarihi 2.Cilt | 1 | adet |
Roma İmparatorluğu'nun Gerileyiş ve Çöküş Tarihi 1.Cilt | 1 | adet |
Roma Savaş Sanatı | 1 | adet |
Roma Tarihi | 1 | adet |
Roma Tarihinin Özeti | 1 | adet |
Saklı Limandan Hikayeler Yenikapı'Nın Batıkları | 1 | adet |
Sanatı Yaşamak | 1 | adet |
Sanatta Anlamın Görüntüsü | 1 | adet |
Savcılık Kurumu | 1 | adet |
Seçim Demokrasi ve Seçim Sistemleri Sempozyumu | 1 | adet |
Selçuklu Anadolu'Sunda Beslenme Ve Yemek Kültürü | 1 | adet |
Sendika Özgürlüğünün Güvencesi | 1 | adet |
Sendika Özgürlüğünün Güvencesi Bağlamında Sendikal Tazminat | 1 | adet |
Sendikal Kuruluşların İşleyişi ve Denetim | 1 | adet |
Seri Muhakeme ve Basit Yargılama Usulleri | 1 | adet |
SIRADIŞI TURİZM | 1 | adet |
Sigorta Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Sigorta Hukuku Ders Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Sigorta Tahkiminde Yargılama Usulü | 1 | adet |
Sivil Havacılık Hukukunda Güncel Gelişmeler Sempozyumu | 1 | adet |
Siyasal veya Askeri Casusluk Suçu | 1 | adet |
Siyaset Bilimine Giriş | 1 | adet |
Somut Olmayan Kültürel Miras : Yöresel Yemelerimiz Çanakkale-Ayvacık Yemekleri | 1 | adet |
Sorularla Adi Konkordato | 1 | adet |
Sorularla ve Örnek Vakalarla Öfke Kontrolü | 1 | adet |
Soruşturma Evresinin Sona Ermesi | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Bilgilerde Güncel Okumalar 1 | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Dersleri | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku'nda Asıl İşveren–Alt İşveren İlişkisinden Doğan Sorumluluk | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Güvenlik Hukukunda Denetim Usulleri ve Uygulama Sorunları | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Haklarda Uyrukluk Sorunu | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Medya Kullanımının İş Sözleşmesine Etkisi | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Sigorta Prim Borçlarından Şahsi Sorumluluk | 1 | adet |
Sosyal Sigortalar Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Sözleşmenin Yorumu | 1 | adet |
Sulh Ceza Hakimliği Uygulamaları | 1 | adet |
Sulh Sözleşmesi | 1 | adet |
Şehirlerle Yanar Dünya | 1 | adet |
Şirketler Hukuku (Tamer Bozkurt) | 1 | adet |
Tâbiiyet Hukuku (Gerçek Kişiler - Tüzel Kişiler - Şeyler) | 1 | adet |
Tahkim Hukukunda Tahkim Anlaşması Hakem Kurulu ve Tahkim Yargılaması (Fransız Tahkim Reformuna Dair Kararname ve Uluslararası Tahkim Kuralları İle Karşılaştırılması) | 1 | adet |
Tarih Boyunca Batı Anadolu'da İsyanlar ve Direnişler | 1 | adet |
Tasarrufun İptali Davaları | 1 | adet |
Tatil Sözleşmeleri | 1 | adet |
TCK ve Özel Ceza Yasalarında Suçlar | 1 | adet |
Teldeki Kız | 1 | adet |
Temmuz Sağanakları | 1 | adet |
The Sanat Çağı | 1 | adet |
Ticari İşletme Hukuku Ciltli | 1 | adet |
Toplam Kalite Yönetimi ve Empati Açısından Çeviri Etkinliği | 1 | adet |
Toplu İş Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Toplu İş Hukuku Dersleri | 1 | adet |
Toplu İş Sözleşmesinin Uygulama Alanı | 1 | adet |
Türk Anayasalarında Egemenlik Anlayışının Dönüşümü | 1 | adet |
Türk Borçlar Hukuku - Özel Borç İlişkileri (Sözleşmeler Hukuku) | 1 | adet |
Türk Borçlar Hukukunda Reklam Yapım Sözleşmesi | 1 | adet |
Türk Borçlar Kanunu & 818 Sayılı Borçlar Kanunu İsviçre Borçlar Kanunu (OR) | 1 | adet |
Türk Borçlar Kanunu Çerçevesinde Sözleşmenin Haksız Olarak Sona Erdirilmesi | 1 | adet |
Türk Hukukunda İşyeri Hekimi | 1 | adet |
Türk Hukukunda ve Karşılaştırmalı Hukukta Telif Hakkına İlişkin Sözleşmelere Uygulanacak Hukuk | 1 | adet |
Türk Hukukunda Yabancıların İkamet İzinleri | 1 | adet |
Türk İş Hukukunda Deneme Süreli İş Sözleşmesi | 1 | adet |
Türk İş Hukukunda Kadın İşçilerin Korunması | 1 | adet |
Türk İş Hukukunda Yabancıların Çalışma İzinlerinin İş Sözleşmelerine Etkileri | 1 | adet |
Türk Milletlerarası Aile Hukukunda Ortak Velayet | 1 | adet |
Türk Özel Hukuku Cilt: 1 | 1 | adet |
Türk Özel Hukuku Cilt: 2 | 1 | adet |
Türk Özel Hukuku Cilt: 3 | 1 | adet |
Türk Özel Hukuku Cilt: 4 | 1 | adet |
Türk Özel Sigorta Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Türk Sosyal Sigortalar Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Türk Ticaret Kanunu Şerhi Altıncı Kitap: Sigorta Hukuku- Cilt V - Yargı Kararları | 1 | adet |
Türk Toplu İş Hukukunda İşkolu Kavramı | 1 | adet |
Türk Vatandaşlığı Kanunu Tasarısı Sempozyumu (29 Şubat 2008) Bildiriler | 1 | adet |
Türk Vatandaşlık Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Türk Vatandaşlık Hukukunda İlgilinin İstemi Gerekmeksizin Türk Vatandaşlığıyla İlişkisinin Kesilmesi | 1 | adet |
Türk Yabancılar Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Türkçe İletişim Gelişimi Envanteri El Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Türkiye'de Kamu İşveren Sendikacılığının Gelişimi | 1 | adet |
Türkiye'de Sözlü Çeviri. Eğitim, Uygulama ve Araştırmalar | 1 | adet |
Türkiye'de Uygulanan Hükümet Sistemleri | 1 | adet |
Türkiye'nin Anayasa Gündemi | 1 | adet |
Türkiye'nin Eskiçağ Tarihi 2 - Demir Devri ve Pers Hakimiyeti Dönemi | 1 | adet |
Türkiye'nin Eskiçağ Tarihi 3 - Hellenistik Dönem | 1 | adet |
Türkiye'nin Vicdani Ret Pratiği | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Antlaşmalarının Türk Marka Hukukunun Esasına İlişkin Etkileri | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Ceza Mahkemesinin Devlet Egemenliğine Etkisi | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Hukukta Adalet | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Hukukta Yargı Bağışıklığı ve AİHM | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Hukukun Esasları | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası hukukuta temel kavramlar | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Özel Hukuk Andlaşmaları | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Sivil Havacılık Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Şirket Birleşmeleri | 1 | adet |
Uluslararası Ticari Akitlerin Hazırlanması ve Uyuşmazlıkların Çözüm Yolları | 1 | adet |
Ulusötesi Sinema: Kavramlar Yaklaşımlar ve Film Okumaları | 1 | adet |
Uygarlık Anadolu'dan Doğdu (Genişletilmiş 2. Basım) | 1 | adet |
Uygulamadan Kurama AÇIKve UZAKTAN ÖĞRENME | 1 | adet |
Uygulamalı Ceza Hukuku Genel Hükümler | 1 | adet |
Uygulamalı Ceza Hukuku Özel Hükümler | 1 | adet |
Uygulamalı Ceza Muhakemesi Hukuku Pratik Çalışma Kitabı | 1 | adet |
Uygulamalı Davranış Analizi | 1 | adet |
Uyuşturucu ve Uyarıcı Madde Suçları | 1 | adet |
Ünlü Kişilerin Yaşamları | 1 | adet |
Vakalarla Diyabet 2018 | 1 | adet |
Vatandaşlık Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Vegan Sağlık | 1 | adet |
Vergi Davalarında Bireysel Başvuru | 1 | adet |
Vergi Kaçakçılığı Suçu ve Yargılama Usulü | 1 | adet |
Viyana Satım Antlaşması (CISG) | 1 | adet |
Y Kuşağının Yaşlı ve Yaşlılık Algısı | 1 | adet |
Yabancı Yatırımcıların Korunmasında Uluslararası Hukukun Rolü | 1 | adet |
Yabancılar ve Uluslararası Koruma Kanunu Kapsamında Mülteci ve Sığınmacıların Sorunları | 1 | adet |
Yabancıların Çalışma Hakkı (Hürriyeti) ve Yabancılara Çalışma İzni Verilmesinde İdarenin Takdir Yetkisi | 1 | adet |
Yabancıların Türkiye'de Taşınmaz Mal Edinimi | 1 | adet |
Yağma Suçu | 1 | adet |
Yağmur Kalıntısı | 1 | adet |
Yaralama ve Öldürme Suçları | 1 | adet |
Yargı Mensuplarının Disiplin Sorumluluğu | 1 | adet |
Yargılamanın Yenilenmesi | 1 | adet |
Yargıtay Kararları Işığında Güncel Medeni Hukuk Problemleri Sempozyum Tebliğleri | 1 | adet |
Yargıtay Kararları Işığında Sorularla 4857 Sayılı İş Yasası | 1 | adet |
Yargıtay’ın İş Hukuku ve Sosyal Güvenlik Hukuku Kararlarının Değerlendirilmesi Semineri 2017 | 1 | adet |
Yemek Pişirmenin Temelleri for Dummies - Cooking Basics for Dummies | 1 | adet |
Yeni Bir Bakışla Derrida | 1 | adet |
Yeni İş Mahkemeleri Kanunu Üzerine | 1 | adet |
Yeni Medya ve İletişimsel Yaklaşımlar | 1 | adet |
Yeni Türk Konkordato Hukuku | 1 | adet |
Yenikapı Mevlevihanesi | 1 | adet |
Yerel Tarihçilik, Kent, Sivil Girişim | 1 | adet |
Yeşil Mutfak Vegan - Vejetaryen Yemek Tarifleri ve Yemek Kültürü Kitabı | 1 | adet |
yiyelim içelim, okuyalım yazalım...Günlükler 2013-2016 | 1 | adet |
Yokoluş Bir Sözcükse | 1 | adet |
Yoksulluk ve Sosyal Hizmet | 1 | adet |
Yumurta Nasıl Kırılır? Bilgiler, Anılar, Tarifler, Ukalalıklar | 1 | adet |
Yusuf / Sabahattin Ali | 1 | adet |
Zevk Veren Yemekler | 1 | adet |
„… übersetzt von Peter Handke“ – Philologische und translationswissenschaftliche Analysen" | 1 | adet |
10 Most Expensive Stamps | 1 | adet |
100 Arpeggio Exercises for Ukulele | 1 | adet |
12 papillons multicolores | 1 | adet |
12 Strings Toccata | 1 | adet |
12 Traditional Tunes for Fingerstyle Ukulele | 1 | adet |
13 Ways of Looking at 12 Strings | 1 | adet |
13 Ways of Looking at 12 Strings - CD | 1 | adet |
15 Etudes | 1 | adet |
15 Sonates | 1 | adet |
1968-2068. La justice administrative en mutation | 1 | adet |
3 peças | 1 | adet |
3 terres | 1 | adet |
3 valses | 1 | adet |
30,000 Years of Art, New Edition, Mini Format | 1 | adet |
32 Probleme aus dem Strafrecht | 1 | adet |
4 Pièces | 1 | adet |
4 Spanish Pieces | 1 | adet |
5 Épisodes | 1 | adet |
5 Songs, vol. 1 | 1 | adet |
50 fantastic ideas for maths outdoors | 1 | adet |
6 Capricen | 1 | adet |
6 couleurs pour 6 cordes | 1 | adet |
6 Suites a Violoncello Solo senza Basso | 1 | adet |
8 fées d'aujourd'hui | 1 | adet |
8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art short guide | 1 | adet |
9 obras para mandolin | 1 | adet |
9 Pièces faciles | 1 | adet |
9/11: Mental Health in the Wake of Terrorist Attacks | 1 | adet |
A Brief History of Pharmacy: Humanity's Search for Wellness | 1 | adet |
A Catalogue of the Muhammadan Coins in the British Museum - Arab Byzantine and Post-Reform Umaiyad | 1 | adet |
A Collector's Fortune: Islamic Art from the Collection of Edmund de Unger | 1 | adet |
A Concise Restatement of Torts, 3d (American Law Institute) | 1 | adet |
A Critical Introduction to the Philosophy of Language | 1 | adet |
A Cultural History of Money: Volumes 1-6 | 1 | adet |
A Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care | 1 | adet |
A Different Way to Move Minimalismes, New York, 1960–1980 | 1 | adet |
A Film-Philosophy of Ecology and Enlightenment | 1 | adet |
A History of Arab Graphic Design | 1 | adet |
A History of Medieval Coinage: 1066-1485 | 1 | adet |
A History of Six İdeas: An Essay in Aesthetics | 1 | adet |
A Little Gay History | 1 | adet |
A Model for Intelligence | 1 | adet |
A Nice Place to Visit: Tourism and Urban Revitalization in the Postwar Rustbelt (Urban Life, Landscape and Policy) | 1 | adet |
A Practitioner's Guide to European Patent Law | 1 | adet |
A Primer for Spatial Econometrics: With Applications in R | 1 | adet |
A Queer Little History of Art | 1 | adet |
A short film : audio only | 1 | adet |
A Study Of The Circulation Of Ceramics İn Cyprus From The 3RD Century Bc To The 3RD Century Ad | 1 | adet |
A Syllabus for Listening: Decoding | 1 | adet |
A Taste for Green: A global perspective on ancient jade, turquoise and variscite exchange | 1 | adet |
Abraham in Medieval Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Art (The Index of Christian Art) | 1 | adet |
Abschiebung Verfolgter Aus Sicherheitsgründenwissenschaftliche Schriften Der Wwu Münster. Reihe 3 ; Band 29 | 1 | adet |
Ace of Hearts | 1 | adet |
Action for Social Justice in Education: Fairly Different | 1 | adet |
Adélaïde -Valses nobles et sentimentales | 1 | adet |
Adolescents and Constitutional Law | 1 | adet |
Adrian Villar Rojas | 1 | adet |
Aegean Interactions Delos and its Networks in the Third Century | 1 | adet |
Agent-Based and Individual-Based Modeling: A Practical Introduction, Second Edition | 1 | adet |
Agent-Based Modelling and Geographical Information Systems: A Practical Primer | 1 | adet |
Agent-Based Models, Second Edition | 1 | adet |
Ai Weiwei | 1 | adet |
Albermarle | 1 | adet |
Algebraic Model Theory | 1 | adet |
Algebras and Orders | 1 | adet |
Algorithms and Order | 1 | adet |
Ali for Flying | 1 | adet |
Alicja Kwade In Aporie | 1 | adet |
All About Trademarks: Everything You Need to Know About Trademarks From a Former USPTO Trademark Examining Attorney | 1 | adet |
Almost Alive: Hyperrealistische Skulptur in der Kunst | 1 | adet |
Alto En Zuko | 1 | adet |
American Constitutional Law: Governmental Powers And Democracy | 1 | adet |
An Archaeology of Interaction Network Perspectives on Material Culture and Society | 1 | adet |
An Edge in the Kitchen | 1 | adet |
An Illustrated History of the Islamic Art & Design: An expert introduction to Islamic art, from calligraphy, tiles, costumes and carpets to pottery, woodcarvings and metalwork | 1 | adet |
An Introduction to Early Childhood Studies | 1 | adet |
An Introduction to Law | 1 | adet |
An Introduction to Popular Culture in the US: People, Politics, and Power | 1 | adet |
An Introduction to the Philosophy of Logic | 1 | adet |
An Introduction to the Science of Phonetics | 1 | adet |
An Unamendable Constitution? | 1 | adet |
Ana Mendieta. Earth Body Sculpture and Performance, 1972-1985 | 1 | adet |
Analysis For Financial Management | 1 | adet |
Analysis of Happiness | 1 | adet |
Ananta (cd inclus) | 1 | adet |
Anarchism, Organization and Management | 1 | adet |
Anatomy of Facial Expression | 1 | adet |
Anatomy: Exploring the Human Body | 1 | adet |
Andalucìa | 1 | adet |
Andante «al dente» | 1 | adet |
Animals (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art) | 1 | adet |
Animals in Film Şubat 2004 | 1 | adet |
Animal-Shaped Vessels From The Ancient World: Feasting With Gods, Heroes, And Kings | 1 | adet |
Annual Editions: The Family | 1 | adet |
Another World: Nineteenth-Century Illustrated Print Culture | 1 | adet |
Anthologie | 1 | adet |
Anthony James Morphic Fields | 1 | adet |
Aphasia Rehabilitation: Clinical Challenges | 1 | adet |
Applied Econometrics | 1 | adet |
Ararat | 1 | adet |
Arbitration of International Business Disputes | 1 | adet |
Archaeology of SaltApproaching an invisible past | 1 | adet |
Archaic and Classical Western Anatolia: Current Research and Future Directions | 1 | adet |
Archaic and Classical Western Anatolia: New Perspectives in Ceramic Studies In memoriam Prof. Crawford H. Greenewalt Jr. Proceedings of the Second KERAMOS International Conference at Ege University, Izmir, 3-5 June, 2015 | 1 | adet |
Architectural Sculpture in the Byzantine Negev: Characterization and Meaning (Archaeology of the Biblical Worlds) | 1 | adet |
Architectural Theory From Renaissence To Present | 1 | adet |
ARMENIA’S TREASURES AND EXQUISITE ART: Ceramics, Tiles, Pottery, Coinage, Janyag and Metal Work Kindle Edition | 1 | adet |
Armenia: Art, Religion, and Trade in the Middle Ages | 1 | adet |
Arrangements of other composers, Vol. 3 | 1 | adet |
Arrêt sur image | 1 | adet |
Ars Electronica 2018 | 1 | adet |
Art & Queer Culture | 1 | adet |
Art = | 1 | adet |
Art Attack: The Midnight Politics Of A Guerrilla Artist | 1 | adet |
Art Et Civilisations De L'Orient Hellénisé | 1 | adet |
Art Since 1900: Modernism · Antimodernism · Postmodernism | 1 | adet |
Arts of the City Victorious: Islamic Art and Architecture in Fatimid North Africa and Egypt | 1 | adet |
Assessing and Treating Dysphagia A Lifespan Perspective | 1 | adet |
Assessing Ouality in Early Childhood Education and Care | 1 | adet |
Athènes, La Cité Archaique Et Classique Du Vııı À La Fin Du V Siècle | 1 | adet |
Athlete's Cookbook | 1 | adet |
Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minorities in Post-reunification Germany | 1 | adet |
Atypische Kausalverläufe in objektiver Zurechnung und subjektivem Tatbestand | 1 | adet |
Au bord des flots | 1 | adet |
Au fil de l'eau | 1 | adet |
Au-delà des étoiles | 1 | adet |
Auhoritarian Constitutionalism | 1 | adet |
Autism Spectrum Disorder in the First Years of Life Research, Assessment, and Treatment | 1 | adet |
Autism Spectrum Disorder in the First Years of Life Research,Assessment, and Treatment | 1 | adet |
Avatar and Nature Spirituality | 1 | adet |
Ave Carlinus | 1 | adet |
Ave Maria | 1 | adet |
Bachmann-Handbuch | 1 | adet |
Bad Language | 1 | adet |
Balkan puzzle | 1 | adet |
Balkan Songs | 1 | adet |
Ballot Battles | 1 | adet |
Band 1.Präambel,Artikel1-19 | 1 | adet |
Band 2.Artikel 20-82 | 1 | adet |
Basic Cinematography : A Creative Guide to Visual Storytelling | 1 | adet |
Basic Reading İnventory, Kindergarten Through Grade 12, And Early Literacy Assesment | 1 | adet |
Bau Z.Architektur und Wanddekor. [Building Z: Architecture and Wall Decoration] | 1 | adet |
Beauty (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art) | 1 | adet |
Becoming an Actor’s Director : Directing Actors for Film and Television | 1 | adet |
Berceuse Slovaque | 1 | adet |
Best Practice in Professional Supervision: A Guide For The Helping Professions | 1 | adet |
Best Practices İn Writing Instruction | 1 | adet |
Beteiligung an organisatorischen Machtapparaten | 1 | adet |
Beteiligung bei Fahrlässigkeit | 1 | adet |
Between Islam and Byzantium: Aght`amar and the Visual Construction of Medieval Armenian Rulership | 1 | adet |
Between Two Continents - Location | 1 | adet |
Beyond the Cyclades: Early Cycladic Sculpture in Context from Mainland Greece, the North and East Aegean | 1 | adet |
BGB - Schuldrecht (Cilt 1 - Cilt 2) | 1 | adet |
Bibliometrics and citation analysis: from the Science citation index to cybermetrics | 1 | adet |
Bioarchaeology and Behavior: The People of the Ancient Near East (Bioarchaeological Interpretations of the Human Past: Local, Regional, and Global) | 1 | adet |
Bioarchaeology and Identity Revisited (Bioarchaeological Interpretations of the Human Past: Local, Regional, and Global Perspectives) | 1 | adet |
Bis | 1 | adet |
Blended Learning in Practice: A Guide for Practitioners and Researchers | 1 | adet |
Blickwechsel – Interkulturelle Wahrnehmung im translatorischen Handeln | 1 | adet |
Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps | 1 | adet |
Blockchain Basics: A Non-Technical Introduction in 25 Steps. | 1 | adet |
Blockchain Physics: Quantum Computing, Distributed Ledgers, Machine Learning, and Other Smart Network Technologies (Between Science and Economics) | 1 | adet |
Blockchain Physics: Quantum Computing, Distributed Ledgers, Machine Learning, and Other Smart Network Technologies (Between Science and Economics). | 1 | adet |
Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy | 1 | adet |
Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy. | 1 | adet |
Body of Art | 1 | adet |
Book of Gifts and Rarities | 1 | adet |
Book of Ideas - a journal of creative direction and graphic design - volume 1 | 1 | adet |
Botanical Inspiration: Nature in art and illustration | 1 | adet |
Brainstorm The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain | 1 | adet |
Brasses, Bronze And Silver Of The Islamic Lands Volume XI Part 1 | 1 | adet |
Brasses, Bronze And Silver Of The Islamic Lands Volume XI Part 2 | 1 | adet |
Brasses, Bronze And Silver Of The Islamic Lands Volume XI Part 3 | 1 | adet |
Brasses, Bronze And Silver Of The Islamic Lands Volume XI Part 4 | 1 | adet |
Brexit and Intellectual Property Law | 1 | adet |
Britain by Numbers: A Visual Exploration of People and Place Graphic approaches, solutions, and inspiration | 1 | adet |
Bronzi Antichi: Catalogo della mostra. Padova 2000/2001. 17 dicembre-28 febbraio. Piano Nobile dello Stabilimento Pedrocchi. | 1 | adet |
Buddenbrooks-Handbuch | 1 | adet |
Building Better Citizens: A New Civics Education for All | 1 | adet |
Building Executive Function: The missing link to student achievement | 1 | adet |
Building Proportional Reasoning Across Grades and Math Strands, K-8 | 1 | adet |
Business and Institutional Translation. New Insights and Reflections | 1 | adet |
Business in Action | 1 | adet |
Byzantinischer Schmuck des 9. bis frühen 13. Jahrhunderts: Untersuchungen zum metallenen dekorativen Körperschmuck der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit anhand datierter Funde | 1 | adet |
Byzantium in the Eleventh Century: Being in Between (Publications of the Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies Book 19) Kindle Edition | 1 | adet |
Byzas 19 - Harbors and Harbor Cities in the Eastern Mediterranean from Antiquity to the Byzantine Period: Recent Discoveries and Current Approaches | 1 | adet |
Byzas 24 - Natur und Kult in Anatolien | 1 | adet |
Caderno de personagens | 1 | adet |
Calles de Granada | 1 | adet |
Cambridge Handbook of Intellectual Property in Central and Eastern Europe | 1 | adet |
Camo Mania: New Disruptive Patterns in Design | 1 | adet |
Cancion | 1 | adet |
Carcasswing | 1 | adet |
Carl Schmitt's State and Constitutional Theory | 1 | adet |
Carriage of Goods by Sea, Land and Air: Uni-modal and Multi-modal Transport in the 21st Century | 1 | adet |
Cases And Materials On The Eu Private International Law | 1 | adet |
Cass Sculpture Foundation 20 Years of Commissioning Large-Scale Sculpture | 1 | adet |
Catalogue des poteries byzantines et anatoliennes du Musée de Constantinople | 1 | adet |
Catalyzing Change in High School Mathematics | 1 | adet |
Categories for the Working Philosopher | 1 | adet |
Central Auditory Processing Disorder: Strategies For Use With Children And Adolescents | 1 | adet |
Ceramics in Transition: Production and Exchange of Late Byzantine-Early Islamic Pottery in Southern Transjordan and the Negev | 1 | adet |
Césarée Maritime | 1 | adet |
Cha Cha Prayer | 1 | adet |
Changing Direction: A Practical Approach to Directing Actors in Film and Theatre | 1 | adet |
Chant retrouvé | 1 | adet |
Chemistry and Lithography | 1 | adet |
Chiaroscuro | 1 | adet |
Child Development İn Educational Settings | 1 | adet |
Children and Childhood in Bioarchaeology: Bioarchaeological Interpretations of the Human Past: Local, Regional, and Global Perspectives | 1 | adet |
Children With Hearing Loss: Developing listening and talking | 1 | adet |
Children's Early Understanding of Mind: Origins and Development | 1 | adet |
Choral, BWV 659 | 1 | adet |
Chromaphilia: The Story of Color in Art | 1 | adet |
Cindy Sherman Untitled Horrors | 1 | adet |
Circulation of Academic Thought Rethinking Translation in the Academic Field | 1 | adet |
Citizen Journalism as Conceptual Practice : Postcolonial Archives and Embodied Political Acts of New Media | 1 | adet |
City Walls in Late Antiquity: An Empire Wide Perspective | 1 | adet |
Civilization and Arts of Armenia from Pre-History to the Present Day: Its Culture, Society, Stars, Artists and Celebrities. Vol. 2 (Armenia: Cradle of Civilization) Kindle Edition | 1 | adet |
Claims for Secession and Federalism | 1 | adet |
Classroom Assessment For Student Learning: Doing It Right - Using It Well (2Nd Edition) (Assessment Training Institute, Inc.)2Nd Edition | 1 | adet |
Classroom Discussions: Seeing Math Discourse İn Action, Grades K-6 | 1 | adet |
Clinical Assessment Workbook for Communication Sciences and Disorders | 1 | adet |
Clinical Phonetics | 1 | adet |
Clinical Social Work Supervision | 1 | adet |
Clinical Supervision A Systems Approach | 1 | adet |
Clinical Supervision in the Helping Professions: A Practical Guide | 1 | adet |
Clocking The Mind: Mental Chronometry and Individual Differences | 1 | adet |
Close relationships : key readings | 1 | adet |
Cognition and bilingual speech: Psycholinguistic aspects of language production, processing, and inhibitory control | 1 | adet |
Cognitive Rehabilitation Manual: Translating Evidence-Based Recommendations into Practice | 1 | adet |
Coinage of the Artaxiads of Armenia | 1 | adet |
College Geometry: An Introduction to the Modern Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle | 1 | adet |
Color by Betty Edwards: A Course in Mastering the Art of Mixing Colors | 1 | adet |
Comenius | 1 | adet |
Comme un blues, Comme un prélude | 1 | adet |
Comme un papillon au jardin des belles-dames | 1 | adet |
Comme un songe | 1 | adet |
Commerce Et Distribution : Prospectives Et Stratégies | 1 | adet |
Common mistakes in System Dynamics | 1 | adet |
Community Living and Participation for People With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities | 1 | adet |
Comparative Constitution Making | 1 | adet |
Complete Sonatas for Pianoforte I | 1 | adet |
Complete Sonatas for Pianoforte II | 1 | adet |
Complete Sonatas for Pianoforte III | 1 | adet |
Complete Works for Keyboard (Organ) I | 1 | adet |
Complete Works for Keyboard (Organ) II | 1 | adet |
Comprehensive Multicultural Education: Theory and Practice | 1 | adet |
Conceptions and Misconceptions of Legislation | 1 | adet |
Conceptualising the Digital University: The Intersection of Policy, Pedagogy and Practice. | 1 | adet |
Concertino facile | 1 | adet |
Concertino For Guitar (Score) | 1 | adet |
Concerto | 1 | adet |
Concerto for Guitar and Strings | 1 | adet |
Concerto For Piano (2 Pnos / 2 Perc.) (Score) | 1 | adet |
Concerto For Trombone (Score) | 1 | adet |
Concerto For Trumpet Op. 43 (Score) | 1 | adet |
Concerto in B minor BWV 1056 | 1 | adet |
Concerto No.1 | 1 | adet |
Concerto Op 51 (Fl., Part. Chef/Score) | 1 | adet |
Concise Compendium of the World's Languages | 1 | adet |
Conducting Classic Grounded Theory for Business and Management Students | 1 | adet |
Confiance et droit public | 1 | adet |
Conflict of Laws in Intellectual Property | 1 | adet |
Constitutional Asymmetry in Multinational Federalism | 1 | adet |
Constitutional Democracy in Crisis? | 1 | adet |
Constitutionalism | 1 | adet |
Constitution-Making and Transnational Legal Order Part of Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy | 1 | adet |
Constitutions in Times of Financial Crisis | 1 | adet |
Constructing monuments, perceiving monumentality and the economics of building Theoretical and methodological approaches to the built environment | 1 | adet |
Contacts, boundaries and innovation in the fifth millennium Exploring developed Neolithic societies in central Europe and beyond | 1 | adet |
Contemporary Intellectual Assessment Fourth Edition Theories, Tests, and Issues | 1 | adet |
Contemporary Intellectual Property | 1 | adet |
Contemporary Perspectives on Turkey’s EU Accession ProcessA Reluctant European? | 1 | adet |
Contemporary Sculpture Artists' Writings and Interviews | 1 | adet |
Contentieux de la commande publique | 1 | adet |
Contes de la forêt | 1 | adet |
Contract Law | 1 | adet |
Cooking For Fitness: Eat Smart, Train Better | 1 | adet |
Cool Blues | 1 | adet |
Corpus of Byzantine Church Mosaic Pavements in Israel and the Palestinian Territories | 1 | adet |
Couleur Salsa | 1 | adet |
Couleur Swing | 1 | adet |
Court and Cosmos: The Great Age of the Seljuqs | 1 | adet |
Court and Craft: A Masterpiece from Northern Iraq (The Courtauld Gallery) | 1 | adet |
Cowkeeper's Tune, Op. 63 | 1 | adet |
Craft (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art) | 1 | adet |
Création Et Droits Fondamentaux | 1 | adet |
Créer, Organiser, Gérer Un Groupe De Pme 2016 | 1 | adet |
Critical Mass: Printmaking Beyond the Edge | 1 | adet |
Croissant de lune | 1 | adet |
Cultural Tourism Research Methods | 1 | adet |
Curating and Politics | 1 | adet |
Current Developments in Grounded Theory | 1 | adet |
Customer Relationship Marketing | 1 | adet |
CyberArts 2017 Prix Ars Electronica | 1 | adet |
CyberArts 2018 Prix Ars Electronica | 1 | adet |
CyberArts 2019 Prix Ars Electronica. STARTS Prize ’19 | 1 | adet |
Dance of the Eagle and the Elk | 1 | adet |
Dancer in Black | 1 | adet |
Danto on Scully | 1 | adet |
Darstellungen Aus Der Sittengeschichte Roms In Der Zeit Von Augustus Bis Zum Ausgang Der Antonine | 1 | adet |
Das Elbgermanische Gräberfeld Großromstedt İn Thüringen Eine Bestandsaufnahme | 1 | adet |
Das unionsrechtliche Verbraucherleitbild | 1 | adet |
Das WIE des Übersetzens: Beiträge zur historischen Übersetzerforschung | 1 | adet |
Data Visualization Handbook | 1 | adet |
David Altmejd: The Flux and the Puddle | 1 | adet |
David Hilbert and the Axiomatization of Physics | 1 | adet |
De Aquaeductu atque Aqua Urbium Lyciae Pamphyliae Pisidiae / The Legacy of Sextus Julius Frontinus | 1 | adet |
De L'Assurance De Responsabilité À L'Assurance Directe | 1 | adet |
Deathways At Lepenski Vir:Patterns İn Mortuary Practise | 1 | adet |
Debates in Citizenship Education (Debates in Subject Teaching) | 1 | adet |
Debating Legal Pluralism and Constitutionalism | 1 | adet |
Del Albaicín al Sacromonte | 1 | adet |
Dementia: Person-Centered Assessment and Intervention | 1 | adet |
Democracy When The People are Thinking | 1 | adet |
Democratic Discord in Schools: Cases and Commentaries in Educational Ethics | 1 | adet |
Der Konflikt zwischen Eigenverantwortung und Mitverantwortung im Strafrecht | 1 | adet |
Der Schutz des Einfältigen durch den Betrugstatbestand | 1 | adet |
Der Tatbegriff im Strafrecht | 1 | adet |
Der Umayyadische Palast Des 8. Jahrhunderts in Hirbat Al-Minya Am See Von Tiberias: Bau Und Baudekor (Studien Zur Islamischen Kunst Und Archaologie) | 1 | adet |
Der Versicherungsprozess: Ansprüche und Verfahren | 1 | adet |
Dessert: Dessert Recipes from Le Champignon Sauvage | 1 | adet |
deutsch als Zweitsprache | 1 | adet |
Deutsche Grammatik Verstehen und unterrichten | 1 | adet |
Developing and Supporting Effective Staff Supervision: A Reader to Support the Delivery of Staff Supervision Training for those Working with Vulnerable Children, Adults and their Families | 1 | adet |
Developing Essential Understanding of Addition and Subtraction for Teaching Mathematics in Pre-K-Grade 2 | 1 | adet |
Developing Essential Understanding of Geometry and Measurement for Teaching Mathematics in Grades 3–5 | 1 | adet |
Developing Essential Understanding of Geometry and Measurement for Teaching Mathematics in Pre-K-Grade 2 | 1 | adet |
Developing Essential Understanding of Geometry for Teaching Mathematics in Grades 9-12 | 1 | adet |
Developing Essential Understanding of Mathematical Reasoning for Teaching Mathematics in Grades Pre-K-8 | 1 | adet |
Developing Essential Understanding of Number and Numeration for Teaching Mathematics in Pre-K-2 | 1 | adet |
Developing Essential Understanding of Statistics for Teaching Mathematics in Grades 6-8 | 1 | adet |
Developing Essential Understanding of Statistics for Teaching Mathematics in Grades 9-12 | 1 | adet |
Dew on a Flower | 1 | adet |
Dıscontınue - Dıscontınued | 1 | adet |
Dıscontınué - Dıscontınued | 1 | adet |
Did They Like Me? | 1 | adet |
Die Abwertung des Anderen mittels Sprache im Amateurfußball | 1 | adet |
Die Bedeutung von Criminal-Compliance-Maßnahmen für die strafrechtliche und ordnungswidrigkeitenrechtliche Ahndung | 1 | adet |
Die Byzantinischen Goldschmiedearbeiten Im Romisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseum (Romisch Germanisches Zentralmuseum / Kataloge VOR- Und Fruhg) (German Edition) | 1 | adet |
Die Byzantinischen Hafen Konstantinopels | 1 | adet |
Die Christianisierung des Kaukasus. The Christianisation of Kaukasus (Armenia, Georgia, Albania) | 1 | adet |
Die Erfolgszurechnung im Falle mittelbarer Rechtsgutsverletzung | 1 | adet |
Die Fälle: Grundrechte :Verfassungsbeschwerdeund mehr :30Fälle mit Lösungsskizzen und Formulierungsvorschlägen | 1 | adet |
Die Freiheit des Beschuldigten vom Zwang zur Selbstbelastung | 1 | adet |
Die Frühchristlichen Mosaiken Von Ravenna. Bild Und Bedeutung | 1 | adet |
Die Kfz-Versicherung: Ein Praxisorientierter Grundriss | 1 | adet |
Die Klavierbüchleinfür Anna Magdalena Bach | 1 | adet |
Die Lebensleistung des Täters als Strafzumessungserwägung | 1 | adet |
Die Legitimation einer originären Verbandsstrafe | 1 | adet |
Die Münzen des Byzantinischen Reiches 491 - 1453: Mit einem Anhang: Die Münzen des Kaiserreichs von Trapezunt (Deutsch) | 1 | adet |
Die Nekropolen von Limyra Bauhistorische Studien zur klassischen Epoche | 1 | adet |
Die Panagia-Kirche und die Erzengelkirche in Kakodiki | 1 | adet |
Die prozessuale Stellung des Unternehmens bei der Festsetzung einer Unternehmensgeldbuße nach § 30 OWiG | 1 | adet |
Die Sozialadäquanz im Strafrecht | 1 | adet |
Die Unterbrechung des Kausalzusammenhanges durch willentliches Dazwischentreten eines Dritten | 1 | adet |
Digital Learning: The Challenges of Borderless Education | 1 | adet |
Digital Literacy : A Primer on Media, Identity, and the Evolution of Technology | 1 | adet |
Digital Luxury Transforming Brands and Consumer Experiences | 1 | adet |
Digital Printmaking | 1 | adet |
Digitising Democracy | 1 | adet |
Diversifying Digital Learning: Online Literacy and Education Opportunity. | 1 | adet |
Divertimento | 1 | adet |
Divertimento in D, KV 270 | 1 | adet |
Divertissement mélancolique | 1 | adet |
Divided Consciousness: Multiple Controls İn Human Thought And Action | 1 | adet |
Dix mythes du droit public | 1 | adet |
Doing Philosophy: From Common Curiosity to Logical Reasoning | 1 | adet |
Doing Research in the Business World | 1 | adet |
Donald Judd: Cor-ten | 1 | adet |
Doxology | 1 | adet |
Droit administratif | 1 | adet |
Droit Administratif | 1 | adet |
Droit administratif 2019-2020 | 1 | adet |
Droit administratif des obligations | 1 | adet |
Droit administratif général | 1 | adet |
Droit Anglais Des Affaires | 1 | adet |
Droit Bancaire | 1 | adet |
Droit Commercial | 1 | adet |
Droit De La Concurrence | 1 | adet |
Droit De La Propriété İntellectuelle | 1 | adet |
Droit De L'Entreprise | 1 | adet |
Droit Des Affaires | 1 | adet |
Droit Des Assurances | 1 | adet |
Droit Des Sociétés Et Des Groupements | 1 | adet |
Droit Des Sociétés Et Des Groupes | 1 | adet |
Droit Du Commerce İnternationa | 1 | adet |
Droit Européen De La Concurrence | 1 | adet |
Droit Européen De L'İnternet | 1 | adet |
Droit Européen Des Affaires | 1 | adet |
Droit Fiscal Des Affaires | 1 | adet |
Droit İnternational Et Européen Des Sociétés | 1 | adet |
Drom Drum | 1 | adet |
Duchamp’s Last Day | 1 | adet |
Duotone: Limited Colour Schemes in Graphic Design | 1 | adet |
Dyes in History and Archaeology 20 | 1 | adet |
Dynamic Econometrics for Empirical Macroeconomic Modelling | 1 | adet |
Early Childhood Education History, Philosophy and Experience | 1 | adet |
Early Childhood Mental Health: Empirical Assessment And Intervention From Conception Through Preschool, An Issue Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America | 1 | adet |
Early Childhood Theories and Contemporary Issues An Indtroduction | 1 | adet |
Early Islamic Ceramics: Ninth to Late Twelfth Centuries | 1 | adet |
Ecocinema in the City | 1 | adet |
Ecocriticism: The Essential Reader | 1 | adet |
Ecocultural Ethics: Critical Essays | 1 | adet |
Ecology and Contemporary Nordic Cinemas: From Nation-building to Ecocosmopolitanism | 1 | adet |
Ecology of a Tool: The ground stone axes of Irian Jaya (Indonesia) | 1 | adet |
Economic Evaluation in Education: Cost-Effectiveness and Benefit-Cost analysis. | 1 | adet |
Economics for the Common Good | 1 | adet |
Ecopiety: Green Media and the Dilemma of Environmental Virtue | 1 | adet |
Ecosee: Image, Rhetoric, Nature | 1 | adet |
Edition Of Study Scores Chopin 2010 | 1 | adet |
Edition und Übersetzung | 1 | adet |
Education for Social Justice: Achieving wellbeing for all | 1 | adet |
Education for Sustainable Citizenship in Early Childhood | 1 | adet |
Effective Leadership, Management and Supervision in Health and Social Care | 1 | adet |
Effective Supervision for the Helping Professions | 1 | adet |
Effektive Selbstverteidigung und Notwehrrecht | 1 | adet |
Effektiver Kundenschutz bei Finanzdienstleistungen: unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung der VVG Novelle und des Informationsmodells | 1 | adet |
Effets De Commerce Et Entreprises En Difficulté | 1 | adet |
Effi Briest-Handbuch | 1 | adet |
Egyptian Faience And Glass (Shire Egyptology) | 1 | adet |
Eigennamen in der deutschen und polnischen Kinderliteratur unter textlinguistischem und translatorischem Aspekt | 1 | adet |
Eine Allgemeine integrative Translationstheorie | 1 | adet |
Einführung in die Liguistik für DAF/DAZ | 1 | adet |
El Picaflor | 1 | adet |
Election Systems and Gerrymandering Worldwide | 1 | adet |
Electrum And The Invention Of Coinage | 1 | adet |
Elementary Geometry for College Students | 1 | adet |
Elementary Geometry from an Advanced Standpoint. | 1 | adet |
Elmgreen & Dragset Sculptures | 1 | adet |
Embracing Bell Beaker Adopting new ideas and objects across Europe during the later 3rd millennium BC (c. 2600-2000 BC | 1 | adet |
Emergency Child And Adolescent Psychiatry, An Issue Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America | 1 | adet |
Emperors of Rome | 1 | adet |
Empirical Bayes Methods | 1 | adet |
Employment, Labour and Industrial Law in Australia | 1 | adet |
Enamels and Glass : Medieval Objects in the Museum of Fine Arts Boston | 1 | adet |
Encounters for Guitar Ensemble | 1 | adet |
Encuentro en Granada | 1 | adet |
Environment, Media and Communication: Edition 2 | 1 | adet |
Environmental Ethics and Film | 1 | adet |
Enviro-Toons: Green Themes in Animated Cinema and Television | 1 | adet |
Ephyalomene keramike hysterovyzantinon chronon apo te Thrake : apopeira anagnoses anaskaphikon heurematon | 1 | adet |
Epistemologies of the South: Justice Against Epistemicide | 1 | adet |
Erfolgszurechnung in der Strafzumessung | 1 | adet |
Ergänzungen und Angaben und sonst nichts? Die syntaktische Umgebung des deutschen Verbs und ihre Gliederung | 1 | adet |
Error facti et error iuris | 1 | adet |
Erwin Wurm One Minute Sculptures 1997–2017 | 1 | adet |
Escrito para María Luisa Anido | 1 | adet |
Essays on Frege's Foundations of Arithmetic | 1 | adet |
Essentials of Marketing, 7/E | 1 | adet |
Et si je demandais à la lune... | 1 | adet |
Ethics in Qualitative Research: Controversies and Contexts | 1 | adet |
Ethnomathematics: Challenging Eurocentrism in Mathematics Education | 1 | adet |
Etude Comparative Des Ventes Aux Enchères Publiques Mobilières (France Et Angleterre | 1 | adet |
Études À La Mémoire De Philippe Neau-Leduc | 1 | adet |
EU Digital Law | 1 | adet |
Europa | 1 | adet |
European Archaeology: Identities & Migrations Archéologie européenne: Identités & Migrations | 1 | adet |
European Yearbook of Constitutional Law 2019 | 1 | adet |
Europe's Functional Constitution | 1 | adet |
Evaluating Educational Interventions Second Edition Single-Case Design for Measuring Response to Intervention | 1 | adet |
Evaluating Educational Interventions Second EditionSingle-CaseDesign for Measuring Response to Intervention | 1 | adet |
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Voice Therapy (2nd edition) | 1 | adet |
Evaluating the Evaluator. A Novel Perspective on Translation Quality Assessment | 1 | adet |
Evaluation of Employer's Right of Termination in Construction Contracts Due to Default of the Contractor Within the Ambit of Provisions of FIDIC Contracts and Contracts for Work as Part of Turkish | 1 | adet |
Event Management Simplified | 1 | adet |
Events Management (CABI Tourism Texts) | 1 | adet |
Évocations I-X | 1 | adet |
Évocations XI-XX | 1 | adet |
Excavating The Mind: Cross-Sections Through Culture, Cognition & Materiality | 1 | adet |
Exclusivité Et Garanties De Paiement | 1 | adet |
Executive Function in Education: Second Edition: From Theory to Practice | 1 | adet |
Exemplars of Curriculum | 1 | adet |
Exercises for VoiceTherapy (3rd edition) | 1 | adet |
Exeutive Function: Development across the lifespan | 1 | adet |
Experimetrics: Econometrics for Experimental Economics | 1 | adet |
Exploring a Terra Incognita on Crete: Recent Research on Bronze Age Habitation in the Southern Ierapetra Isthmus | 1 | adet |
Facing Gaia: Eight Lectures on the New Climatic Regime | 1 | adet |
Fake Love Letters, Forged Telegrams, and Prison Escape Maps: Designing Graphic Props for Filmmaking | 1 | adet |
Fantaisie cervantine | 1 | adet |
Fantasia-Capricho | 1 | adet |
Fantasie u¨ber ein ganz bestimmtesThema fu¨r 2 Mandolinen | 1 | adet |
Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan European Perspective on Neolithisation | 1 | adet |
Fatih Akin's Cinema and the New Sound of Europe | 1 | adet |
Feast: Food of the Islamic World | 1 | adet |
Feck Perfuction: Dangerous Ideas on the Business of Life | 1 | adet |
Felix Gonzalez-Torres: Specific Objects Without Specific Form | 1 | adet |
Festschrift für Karsten Schmidt zum 80. Geburtstag | 1 | adet |
Fiducie-Sûreté Et Droit Des Entreprises En Difficulté | 1 | adet |
Field Methods and Post-Excavation Techniques in Late Antique Archaeology Expanded Edition | 1 | adet |
Figurations and Exercises for Piano. | 1 | adet |
Figurine Makers of Prehistoric Cyprus: Settlement and Cemeteries at Souskiou | 1 | adet |
Film on Video : A Practical Guide to Making Video Look like Film | 1 | adet |
Financial Planning&Analysis and Performance Management | 1 | adet |
Finite and Infinite Combinatorics in Sets and Logic | 1 | adet |
First Course İn Applied Behavior Analysis | 1 | adet |
First Textiles: The Beginnings of Textile Manufacture in Europe and the Mediterranean | 1 | adet |
Five Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis: Phenomenological Psychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis, Narrative Research, and Intuitive Inquiry | 1 | adet |
Five Ways of Doing Qualitative Analysis: PhenomenologicalPsychology, Grounded Theory, Discourse Analysis, NarrativeResearch, and Intuitive Inquiry | 1 | adet |
Flexicurity Capitalism: Foundations Problems, and Perspectives | 1 | adet |
Focus in High School Mathematics: Reasoning and Sense Making in Algebra | 1 | adet |
Food and beverage management | 1 | adet |
Food Waste at Consumer Level: A Comprehensive Literature Review | 1 | adet |
Form, Matter, Substance | 1 | adet |
Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies | 1 | adet |
Foundations of Geometry: Euclidean, Bolyai-Lobachevskian, and Projective Geometry | 1 | adet |
Foundations of Intellectual Property (Foundations of Law) | 1 | adet |
Four Short Pieces | 1 | adet |
Fragile Biography: The Life Cycle of Ceramics and Refuse Disposal Patterns in Late Antique and Early Medieval Palestine (Babesch Supplements) | 1 | adet |
Fredonnements | 1 | adet |
Fritz Kahn. Infographics Pioneer | 1 | adet |
From Caesar to Augustus (c. 49 BC–AD 14) | 1 | adet |
From Grammar to Grammaring | 1 | adet |
From 'LUGAL.GAL' TO 'Wanax': Kingship and Political Organisation in the Late Bronze Age Aegean | 1 | adet |
From Stasis To Mobility: Arab Muslim Feminists And Travelling Theory | 1 | adet |
From Stuttering to Fluency | 1 | adet |
Fugue on a Famous Rock Anthem | 1 | adet |
Fundamentals of Management, Global Edition, 11/E | 1 | adet |
Fustat Glass of the Early Islamic Period | 1 | adet |
Game Theory and Pragmatics | 1 | adet |
Geißenklösterle: Chronostratigraphy, Paleoenvironment and Subsistence during the Middle and Upper Paleolithic of the Swabian Jura | 1 | adet |
Gemstones İn The First Millennium Ad: Mines, Trade, Workshops And Symbolism | 1 | adet |
Gender Transformations in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies | 1 | adet |
Geometry by Construction: Object Creation and Problem-solving in Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries | 1 | adet |
Geometry for College Students | 1 | adet |
Geometry: A Comprehensive Course (Dover Books on Mathematics) | 1 | adet |
Gerasa and the Decapolis: A "Virtual Island" in Northwest Jordan | 1 | adet |
Gerichts- Und Behördendolmetschen: Prozessrechtliche Und Translatorische Perspektiven | 1 | adet |
German Expressionist Prints: The Marcia and Granvil Specks Collection at the Milwaukee Museum of Art | 1 | adet |
Germanistische Linguistik, 4. Aufl. | 1 | adet |
Gestion Des Risques | 1 | adet |
Gilbert & George: The Great Exhibition | 1 | adet |
Glass, Wax and Metal: Lighting Technologies in Late Antique, Byzantine and Medieval Times | 1 | adet |
Global Media Literacy in a Digital Age : Teaching Beyond Borders : 16 | 1 | adet |
Global Private International Law - Adjudication without Frontiers | 1 | adet |
Glosas | 1 | adet |
Gondeliera | 1 | adet |
Goodness of Fit: Clinical Applications, From Infancy through Adult Life | 1 | adet |
Gottlob Frege: Basic Laws of Arithmetic | 1 | adet |
Götter Am Nil Ägyptische Mythologie Für Einsteiger | 1 | adet |
Graphesis: Visual Forms of Knowledge Production | 1 | adet |
GRAPHIC FEST: Spot-on identities for festivals & fairs | 1 | adet |
Graphic Design for Art, Fashion, Film, Architecture, Photography, Product Design and Everything in Between | 1 | adet |
Graphic Design For Everyone: Understand the Building Blocks so You can Do It Yourself | 1 | adet |
Graphic Design Handbook | 1 | adet |
Graphic Design Play Book: An Exploration of Visual Thinking | 1 | adet |
Graphics for Architecture: Archigrafika | 1 | adet |
Greek Paideia and Local Traditions in the Graeco-Roman East | 1 | adet |
Grenzen des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts? | 1 | adet |
Grit: The Power of Passion andPerseverance | 1 | adet |
Grundlagen strafrechtlicher Zurechnung | 1 | adet |
Guide des procédures d'urgence 2019-2020 | 1 | adet |
Guide du contentieux du droit des étrangers 2019-2020 | 1 | adet |
Guide To Narrative Language | 1 | adet |
Guitarchestra no. 10 | 1 | adet |
Guitarchestra No. 6 | 1 | adet |
Guitarchestra no. 9 | 1 | adet |
Gunfight at the Eco-Corral: Western Cinema and the Environment | 1 | adet |
Habeas Corpus in Wartime | 1 | adet |
Habitus? The Social Dimension of Technology and Transformation | 1 | adet |
Handbook of Applied Behavior Analysis Second Edition | 1 | adet |
Handbook of Clinical Social Work Supervision | 1 | adet |
Handbook of Competence and Motivation Second Edition Theory andApplication | 1 | adet |
Handbook of Green Economics | 1 | adet |
Handbook Of Mindfulness: Theory, Research And Practice | 1 | adet |
Handbook of Pediatric Neuropsychology | 1 | adet |
Handbook of Vowels and Vowel Disorders | 1 | adet |
Handbuch Der Europäischen Grundrechte | 1 | adet |
Handbuch des Softwarerechts | 1 | adet |
Handbuch Komparatistik: Theorien, Arbeitsfelder, Wissenspraxis | 1 | adet |
Hans Haacke All Connected | 1 | adet |
Happily Ever After | 1 | adet |
Healing Sketches | 1 | adet |
Health And Wellbeing İn Childhood | 1 | adet |
Health Information Technology For Child And Adolescent Psychiatry, An Issue Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America | 1 | adet |
Hector, L'Apprenti Musicien Volume 3 | 1 | adet |
Hector, L'Apprenti Musicien Volume 4 | 1 | adet |
Heiliger Luxus Der Römische Silberschatz Von Berthouville | 1 | adet |
Heterodox Macroeconomics: Models of Demand, Distribution and Growth | 1 | adet |
Hier, Aujourd'Hui, Plus Jamais | 1 | adet |
Hierapolis di Frigia VIII 1-2 Le Attivita delle Campagne di Scavo Restauro 2007-2011 | 1 | adet |
Hierapolis di Frigia XI Il Ninfeo dei Tritoni | 1 | adet |
Hierapolis di Frigia XII Le abitazioni dell'insula 104 a Hierapolis di Frigia | 1 | adet |
Hierapolis di Frigia XIII - Virtual Hierapolis. Virtual Archaeology and Restoration Project (2007-2015) | 1 | adet |
High Dimensional Econometrics and Identification | 1 | adet |
Higher Education and the Future of Graduate Employability: | 1 | adet |
History of Information Graphics --multilingual (Multilingual Edition) | 1 | adet |
Holyoak and Torremans Intellectual Property Law | 1 | adet |
Hommage | 1 | adet |
Homosexuality in Islam: Critical Reflection on Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims | 1 | adet |
Houses of the Dead? | 1 | adet |
How to Be Human in the Digital economy | 1 | adet |
How to Care for Aging Parents | 1 | adet |
How to Write a Phenomenological Dissertation | 1 | adet |
How's Life?: Living Conditions in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BCE | 1 | adet |
Human Bonding: The Science of Affectional Ties | 1 | adet |
Human Capital and Economic Growth: The Impact of Health, Education and Demographic | 1 | adet |
Human Rights and Universal Child Primary Education. | 1 | adet |
Hunger and Fury | 1 | adet |
Identity Designed: The Definitive Guide to Visual Branding | 1 | adet |
Il y a de l'art en Sor... | 1 | adet |
Imaginaries Out of Place: Cinema, Transnationalism and Turkey | 1 | adet |
Impeachment: What Everyone Needs to Know | 1 | adet |
Implementing Solve It! A Proffessional Development Guide for Facilitators | 1 | adet |
In the Swarm: Digital Prospects | 1 | adet |
Incipit et Tarentelle | 1 | adet |
Incognito | 1 | adet |
Individual Differences in ArithmeticImplications for Psychology, Neuroscience and Education | 1 | adet |
Infant And Early Childhood Mental Health, An Issue Of Child And Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics Of North America | 1 | adet |
Infinity, Causation, and Paradox | 1 | adet |
Infographic Guide To Life, The Universe And Everything | 1 | adet |
Information, Haftung und Prüfungsqualität: Eine fallstudienbasierte Wirkungsanalyse | 1 | adet |
Innovation Et Droit | 1 | adet |
Innovation in Byzantine Medicine: The Writings of John Zacharias Aktouarios (c.1275-c.1330) | 1 | adet |
Institutional Translation for International Governance. Enhancing Quality in Multilingual Legal Communication | 1 | adet |
Instruments De Crédit Et De Paiement | 1 | adet |
Integrative Approaches to Supervision | 1 | adet |
Intellectual Property and Private International Law | 1 | adet |
Intellectual Property and the New International Economic Order | 1 | adet |
Intellectual Property Law, Text, Cases, and Materials | 1 | adet |
Intellectual Property Law: Legal Aspects of Innovation and Competition (Coursebook) | 1 | adet |
Intellectual Property: Patents, Copyrights, Trademarks & Allied Rights | 1 | adet |
Interacting Or Interfering? Improving Interactions In The Early Years | 1 | adet |
Interactive Task Learning: Humas, Robots and Agents | 1 | adet |
Interchange in Pre- and Protohistory: Case Studies in Iberia, Romania, Turkey and Israel | 1 | adet |
Interdisciplinary research on close relationships: The case for integration. | 1 | adet |
Interkulturalität Und (Literarisches) Übersetzen | 1 | adet |
Intermediate Macroeconomics | 1 | adet |
Intermediate Macroeconomics: A Statistical Approach | 1 | adet |
Internal Theater | 1 | adet |
International Copyright Law U.S. and E.U. Perspectives: Text and Cases | 1 | adet |
International Sports Events: Impacts, Experiences and Identities (Advances in Tourism) | 1 | adet |
International Trade Law | 1 | adet |
Introduction & Rondo Capriccioso | 1 | adet |
Introduction to Byzantium, 602–1453 | 1 | adet |
Introduction to Cinematography | 1 | adet |
Introduction to Computational Economics Using Fortran | 1 | adet |
Introduction to Quantitative Macroeconomics Using Julia: From Basic to State-of-the-Art Computational Techniques | 1 | adet |
Islam and Muslims in Germany | 1 | adet |
Islamic Art: Architecture, Painting, Calligraphy, Ceramics, Glass, Carpets | 1 | adet |
Islamic Glass in The Corning Museum of Glass, Vol. 1 | 1 | adet |
IT Agreements in Germany | 1 | adet |
Italian Populism and Constitutional Law | 1 | adet |
IT-Recht | 1 | adet |
IT-Recht von A-Z | 1 | adet |
Jan Battke Regional Governance in The EU | 1 | adet |
Japanese Papermaking: Traditions, Tools, Techniques | 1 | adet |
Japan's Green Monsters: Environmental Commentary in Kaiju Cinema | 1 | adet |
Jardin Secret | 1 | adet |
Jazzy Princess | 1 | adet |
Jewel City: Art from San Francisco's Panama-Pacific International Exposition | 1 | adet |
Journal D’Une Creation (Dvd Double) | 1 | adet |
Journalism and Translation in the Era of Convergence | 1 | adet |
Judicial Activisim and The Democratic Rule of Law | 1 | adet |
Judicial Power | 1 | adet |
Judicial Power in a Globalized World | 1 | adet |
Judicial Reform and Land Reform in the Roman Republic | 1 | adet |
Jukebox | 1 | adet |
Julius Caesar | 1 | adet |
June Wayne, the Art of Everything: A Catalogue Raisonné, 1936-2006 | 1 | adet |
Jurisdiction and Cross-Border Collective Redress | 1 | adet |
Kanatha Von Hellenistischer Bis Spätantiker Zeit Band I: Die Heiligtümer | 1 | adet |
Kartellrecht der Softwareverträge | 1 | adet |
Kausalität und Rechtsverletzung | 1 | adet |
Key Concepts in Creative Industries | 1 | adet |
Keyboard Works I-IV | 1 | adet |
Kimono | 1 | adet |
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur 1933-1945. Ein Handbuch, Band 1: Bibliographischer Teil mit Registern | 1 | adet |
Kinder- und Jugendliteratur 1933–1945. Ein Handbuch. Band 2: Darstellender Teil | 1 | adet |
Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung- 2014/2015: Mit einer Gesamtbibliografie der Veröffentlichungen des Jahres 2014 | 1 | adet |
Klimagewalten Treibende Kraft Der Evolution | 1 | adet |
Komana Small Finds | 1 | adet |
Komparatistik | 1 | adet |
Komparatistik: Einführung in die vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft | 1 | adet |
Konzernstrafrecht Handbuch für die Unternehmens- und Anwaltspraxis | 1 | adet |
Kopanitsa | 1 | adet |
Kopanitsa II | 1 | adet |
Korean Art From 1953:…. | 1 | adet |
Koreni | 1 | adet |
Kreativität und Hermeneutik in der Translation | 1 | adet |
Künstliche Intelligenz und Robotik | 1 | adet |
Kyrie | 1 | adet |
L’incoronazione celeste nel mondo Bizantino: Politica, cerimoniale, numismatica e arti figurative (Italian Edition) | 1 | adet |
La biométrie saisie par le droit public | 1 | adet |
La Céramique Grecque - Vol. 4. La Céramique D'Italie Méridionale Et De Sicile | 1 | adet |
La Colonne Trajane | 1 | adet |
La Concurrence Entre Les Sûretés | 1 | adet |
La Distribution De L'Assurance Par Les Associations | 1 | adet |
La Gmbh & Co. Kg Allemande Et La "Commandite À Responsabilité Limitée" Française | 1 | adet |
La magistrature d'influence des autorités administratives indépendantes | 1 | adet |
La maison du Saint-Laurent (CD inclus) | 1 | adet |
La maison du Saint-Laurent (CD non-inclus) | 1 | adet |
La Notion De Clause Abusive | 1 | adet |
La nouvelle question territoriale | 1 | adet |
La police administrative | 1 | adet |
La Qualification Générique De Contrat D'Entremise | 1 | adet |
La Recherche D'Un Statut De L'Oeuvre Transformatrice | 1 | adet |
La Responsabilité Civile Et Pénale Des Administrateurs Et Membres Du Comité De Direction Des Sociétés Anonymes | 1 | adet |
La responsabilité de l'État du fait des lois déclarées contraires à la Constitution | 1 | adet |
La Responsabilité Des Dirigeants Dans Les Sociétés Anonymes En Droit Français Et Droit Alleman | 1 | adet |
La route de l'espoir | 1 | adet |
La scène juridique : harmonies en mouvement | 1 | adet |
La sécurité en droit public | 1 | adet |
La Stravaganza op. 4 I | 1 | adet |
La Stravaganza op. 4 II | 1 | adet |
La Vie En Rose | 1 | adet |
La vihuéla en Espagne, vol. 2 | 1 | adet |
Labour Migration in the European Union: The Policy-Making Process | 1 | adet |
Landmark Cases in Intellectual Property Law | 1 | adet |
L'Art Romain - Vol. 3. L'Art Romain D'Auguste À Constantine | 1 | adet |
L'Art Romain - Vol. 5. L'Art Romain Tardif Et Paléochrétien | 1 | adet |
Laryngeal Endoscopy & Voice Therapy | 1 | adet |
Laryngeal Function and Voice Disorders: Basic Science to Clinical Practice | 1 | adet |
Late Talkers: Language Development, Interventions, and Outcomes (CLI) | 1 | adet |
Law and Democracy in Contemporary India | 1 | adet |
LAW ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: Essential Legal Terms Explained You Need To Know About Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets! | 1 | adet |
Le Conseil d'Etat, juge de cassation | 1 | adet |
Le contrat administratif résilient | 1 | adet |
Le critère organique en droit administratif français | 1 | adet |
Le Domaine Privé Des Personnes Publiques | 1 | adet |
Le droit administratif au défi du numérique | 1 | adet |
Le dualisme juridictionnel en matière de propriété publique | 1 | adet |
Le futur du droit administratif - The future of administrative law | 1 | adet |
Le Juge Administratif Et Les Revirements De Jurisprudence | 1 | adet |
Le Manuel Pratique Du Dirigeant De La Sa | 1 | adet |
Le marché des autorisations administratives à objet économique | 1 | adet |
Le Monopole De L'Etat Sur L'Expropriation | 1 | adet |
Le Paiement De L'Obligation Monetaire En Droit Prive İnterne | 1 | adet |
Le parfum des choses | 1 | adet |
Le Principe D'İndisponibilité Du Corps Humain | 1 | adet |
Le rapport du droit administratif national aux droits administratifs étrangers | 1 | adet |
Le Régime Contractuel De Défaut Des États Débiteurs Européens | 1 | adet |
Le Sport Dans L'Antiquité | 1 | adet |
Le tour du monde en 6 jours, vol. 2 | 1 | adet |
Le Traitement Judiciaire Des Entreprises En Difficulte | 1 | adet |
Le(S) Droit(S) Selon & Avec Jean-Arnaud Mazeres | 1 | adet |
Leadership in Leisure Services: Making a Difference | 1 | adet |
Leading And Managing Early Childhood Settings | 1 | adet |
Learn ggplot2 using shiny app | 1 | adet |
Learning Innovation and the Future of Higher Education | 1 | adet |
Learning Technology | 1 | adet |
Learning Though Play For Babies, Toddlers and Young Children | 1 | adet |
Learning Trajectories for Teachers: Designing Effective Professional Development for Math Instruction | 1 | adet |
lease Understand Me: Character and Temperament Types | 1 | adet |
Lebanese Cuisine | 1 | adet |
Lebenswelten Zwischen Archäologie Und Geschichte Festschrift Für Falko Daim Zu Seinem 65. Geburtstag | 1 | adet |
Lectures Critiques Du Code Des Relations Entre Le Public Et L'Administration | 1 | adet |
Lectures on Infinitary Model Theory | 1 | adet |
L'Effectivité Des Décisions Qpc Du Conseil Constitutionnel | 1 | adet |
L'effectivité des droits | 1 | adet |
Legal Tech, Die Digitalisierung des Rechtsmarkts | 1 | adet |
Legal Tech, How Technology is Changing the Legal World | 1 | adet |
Legitimizing European Criminal Law | 1 | adet |
Lernaufgaben für die Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenzen im bilingualen Geographieunterricht | 1 | adet |
Les Engagements Dans Le Droit Français Des Concentrations | 1 | adet |
Les Engagements En Matière De Pratiques Anticoncurrentielles | 1 | adet |
Les frères méduses, signature - still life CD | 1 | adet |
Les grands arrêts politiques de la jurisprudence administrative | 1 | adet |
Les Holdings | 1 | adet |
Les İncapacités Et Le Droit Des Sociétés | 1 | adet |
Les İnterventions Des Tiers Porteurs D'İntérêts Collectifs Dans Les Contentieux Constitutionnels İncidents Français Et İtalien | 1 | adet |
Les Modes Alternatifs De Règlement Des Litiges En Droit Administratif | 1 | adet |
Les politiques de l'eau | 1 | adet |
Les Principales Clauses Des Contrats D'Affaires | 1 | adet |
Les principes communs de la procédure administrative : essai d'identification | 1 | adet |
Les référés | 1 | adet |
Les Sociétés Commerciales | 1 | adet |
Les Temps De La Construction | 1 | adet |
Les théories jurisprudentielles en droit administratif | 1 | adet |
Les Trésors Monétaires Byzantins Des Balkans Et D'Asie Mineure (491-713) | 1 | adet |
Les Usages De La Notion De Concurrence En Droit | 1 | adet |
Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten (LRS)im Fremdsprachenunterricht | 1 | adet |
L'essentiel des principes fondamentaux de droit constitutionnel | 1 | adet |
Let’S Play Together - Latino | 1 | adet |
L'État Actionnaire | 1 | adet |
Letters From A Life: The Selected Letters Of Benjamin Britten, Volume Three 1946-1951 | 1 | adet |
L'Histoire Du Rock (2 Cahiers) | 1 | adet |
Life in Ancient Rome People and Places | 1 | adet |
Life, Myth, and Art in Ancient Rome | 1 | adet |
Linking Urban and Rural Tourism: Strategies in Sustainability | 1 | adet |
L'interprétation des écritures des parties par le juge administratif français | 1 | adet |
L'İntervention De L'Assureur Au Procès Pénal | 1 | adet |
Literarische Übersetzung als Universum der Differenz (Ost-West-Express. Kultur und Übersetzung) | 1 | adet |
Literatur für Kinder und Jugendliche: Eine Einführung in Grundbegriffe der Kinder- und Jugendliteraturforschung | 1 | adet |
Literaturanspruch und Unterhaltungsabsicht. Studien zur Entwicklung der Kinder- undJugendliteratur im späten 20. und frühen 21. Jahrhundert | 1 | adet |
Little Suite Pentatonic for Children | 1 | adet |
Lives of the Romans | 1 | adet |
Local Economies?: Production and Exchange of Inland Regions in Late Antiquity (Late Antique Archaeology) Expanded Edition | 1 | adet |
L'ode à Pat | 1 | adet |
Logic: From Foundations to Applications | 1 | adet |
Logo Modernism (English, French and German Edition) | 1 | adet |
Looking Closely Excavations at Monjukli Depe, Turkmenistan, 2010 – 2014 | 1 | adet |
L'Ordre Public En Droit National Et En Droit De L'Union Européenne | 1 | adet |
L'Ordre Public İmmatériel En Droit Public Français | 1 | adet |
Los Cuatro Muleros | 1 | adet |
Lost in Media: Migrant Perspectives and the Public Sphere | 1 | adet |
Louis XIV | 1 | adet |
Louise Bourgeois: I Have Been to Hell and Back | 1 | adet |
Lyric Pieces, Op. 71 | 1 | adet |
Machine Translation & Global Research: Towards improved machine translation literacy in the scholarly community | 1 | adet |
Macroeconomics | 1 | adet |
Mafia Organizations | 1 | adet |
Making & Tinkering with STEM Solving Design Challenges with Young Children | 1 | adet |
Making One's Way in the World: The Footprints and Trackways of Prehistoric People | 1 | adet |
Mamlukische Minbare: Islamische Predigtkanzeln in Agypten, Syrien, Libanon, Israel Und Den Palastinensischen Autonomiegebieten Zwischen 1250 Und 1517 (Mamluk Studies) | 1 | adet |
Management Information Systems | 1 | adet |
Management of Art Galleries | 1 | adet |
Manual of Aphasia and Aphasia Therapy (3rd edition) | 1 | adet |
Marcel Duchamp's Last Readymade | 1 | adet |
Mare Nostrum | 1 | adet |
Marken und andere Kennzeichen | 1 | adet |
Marketing A Relationship Perspective | 1 | adet |
Marketing Communications | 1 | adet |
Marketing Management: European Edition | 1 | adet |
Marxism : Karl Marx’s Fifteen Key Concepts for Cultural and Communication Studies | 1 | adet |
Massacred By Mother Nature: Exploring the Natural Horror Film | 1 | adet |
Mastering Social Work Supervision | 1 | adet |
Material Culture and Well-Being in Byzantium (400-1453) | 1 | adet |
Material Culture Consumption and Materiality on the Coast of Precolonial East Africa | 1 | adet |
Math That Matters: Targeted Assessment and Feedback for Grades 3 to 8 | 1 | adet |
Mathematical Structuralism | 1 | adet |
Mathematics for Economics | 1 | adet |
Matters of Belonging: Ethnographic Museums in a Changing Europe | 1 | adet |
Meaning in Linguistic Interaction | 1 | adet |
Medallion with Christ: 5x8 Journal Notebook (Byzantium Journals) | 1 | adet |
Media & Entertainment Law | 1 | adet |
Media Law in Ireland | 1 | adet |
Medical Anthropology: A Biocultural Approach | 1 | adet |
Medical Setting Considerations for the Speech-Language Pathologist | 1 | adet |
Medical Speech-Language Pathology A Practitioner's Guide | 1 | adet |
Medieval and Post-Medieval Ceramics in the Eastern Mediterranean: Fact and Fiction : Proceedings of the First International Conference on Byzantine ... and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology) | 1 | adet |
Medieval Coins and Seals: Constructing Identity, Signifying Power | 1 | adet |
Medieval Coins of Bohemia, Hungary and Poland | 1 | adet |
Medieval European Coinage: Volume 6 | 1 | adet |
Mediterranean Street Food | 1 | adet |
Mediterraneo | 1 | adet |
Megalithic monuments and social structures Comparative studies on recent and Funnel Beaker societies | 1 | adet |
Menuetto | 1 | adet |
Menuhin : Presence | 1 | adet |
Menuhin : Presence, Je Me Souviens Dvd | 1 | adet |
Messy Maths A playful, Outdoor Approach for Early Years | 1 | adet |
Methods İn Educational Research: From Theory To Practice, 2nd Edition | 1 | adet |
Mid-Century Modern Graphic Design | 1 | adet |
Migration, Education and Translation | 1 | adet |
Migration, Identity, and Belonging: Defining Borders and Boundaries of the Homeland | 1 | adet |
Militant Democracy and Its Critics | 1 | adet |
Milonga | 1 | adet |
Milonga De Paludes | 1 | adet |
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success | 1 | adet |
Mithras Kult Und Mysterium | 1 | adet |
Mix It Up: Popular Culture, Mass Media, and Society (Second Edition) | 1 | adet |
Modalities in Medieval Philosophy | 1 | adet |
Modern Human Origins and Dispersal | 1 | adet |
Modern Japanese Prints: | 1 | adet |
Modinha - Choro | 1 | adet |
Moholy-Nagy and the New Typography: A-Z | 1 | adet |
Money in the Western Legal Tradition: Middle Ages to Bretton Woods | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 1 Die römischen Funde aus Bein im Landesmuseum Mainz. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 10 Die römischen Bronzegefäße in Noricum. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 11 Regionality in dress accessories in the late Roman West | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 12 Iron, Blacksmiths and tools. Ancient European Crafts | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 13 Le Plomb en Gaule romaine. Techniques de fabrication et produits. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 14 Archéologie des textiles des origines au Ve siècle. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 15 Goldschmiedekunst und Bronzetechnik | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 16 Lampes antiques d'Algérie | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 17 Bibliographie Instrumentum | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 18 Les bronzes antiques de Corseul (Côtes-d'Armor) | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 19 Los Cinturones romanos en la Hispania del Bajo Imperio. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 2 Les Maisons en terre de la Gaule méridionale. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 20 L'Artisanat romain. Evolutions, continuité | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 21 I bronzi antichi. Produzione e tecnologia | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 22 L'outre et le tonneau dans l'Occident romain | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 24 Echanges et commerce du verre dans le monde antique. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 25 Les Graffites antiques de la cité des Aulerques Cénomans | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 26 Forges et forgerons dans les habitats laténiens de la Grande Limagne d'Auvergne | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 27 Le tournage, des origines à l'an Mil | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 28 L'Artisanat dans l'économie de la Gaule Belgique romaine à partir de la documentation archéologique | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 29 Image, Craft and the Classical World | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 3 El Armamento ibérico. Estudio tipológico, geográfico, funcional, social y simbólico de las armas en la Cultura Ibérica | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 30 Archaeometallurgy in Sardinia from the origin to the beginning of Early Iron Age | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 31 Lychnological Acts 1. Actes du Ier Congrès International d'études sur le luminaire antique | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 32 Artisanat et économie romaine. Italie et provinces occidentales de l'Empire | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 33 Etude stylistique de la sculpture ibérique du Cerro de los Santos Albacete | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 34 Le travail de l'os, du bois de cerf et de la corne à l'époque romaine : un artisanat en marge ? | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 35 Lampes antiques d'Algérie, II | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 36 Styling the body in Late Iron Age and Roman Britain. A contextual approach to toilet instruments | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 37 Artisanat et économie du fer en France méditerranéenne de l'Antiquité au début du Moyen Age | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 38 Luminaire et cultes isiaques | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 39 Dépôts votifs d'armes et d'équipements militaires dans le sanctuaire gaulois et gallo-romain des Flaviers à Mouzon | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 4 Recherches sur l'économie du fer en Méditerranée nord-occidentale | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 40 Das Römerzeitliche Handwerk İn Der Schweiz | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 41 Meules, Moulins Et Meulières En Gaule Méridionale | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 42 Le Verre En Lorraine Et Dans Les Régions Voisines | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 43 El Armamento De İnfluencia La Tène En La Península Ibérica | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 44 Le Luminaire Antique. Lychnological Acts 3 | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 45 La Verrerie Romaine En Haute-Normandie | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 46 Les Couvertures De Tuiles En Terre Cuite En Gaule Du Centre-Est (Iıe S. Av. - Iııe S. Ap. J.-C.) | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 47 Pistrina Hispaniae. Panaderías, Molinerías Y El Artesanado Alimentarioen La Hispania Romana | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 48 The Roman Water Pump. Unique Evidence For Roman Mastery Of Mechanical Engineering | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 49 Le Verre Antique Dans Les Chefs-Lieux De Cités De La Moyenne Vallée Du Rhône | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 5 Paléométallurgie des cuivres. Actes du coll. de Bourg-en-Bresse et Beaune | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 50. Early Iron İn Europe | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 51 Actualité De La Recherche Sur Les Mobiliers Non Céramiques De L'antiquité Et Du Haut Moyen-Age | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 52 Proceedings Of The Xvııth International Congress On Ancien Bronzes, Izmir | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 53 Le Verre À Lyon, Production Et Consommation Durant Le Haut-Empire (Lugdunum) | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 54 Graffites En Gaule Lyonnaise | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 55 La Vaısselle Métallıque De Gaule Septentrıonale A La Veılle De La Conquête : Typologie, Fonction Et Diffusion | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 56 Bronze Age Metallurgy On Medıterranean Islands | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 57 Les Verres Antiques D'alésia | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 58 Romanısatıon Et Vıe Quotıdıenne. L’ınstrumentum De Type Italıque En Gaule Interne (Iıe S. Av. J.-C. – Ier S. Ap. J.-C.) | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 59 Ancıent Lamps From Balkans And Beyond | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 6 Les Métaux antiques : travail et conservation. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 60 Studies İn Experimental Archaeometallurgy: Methodological Approaches From Non-Ferrous Metallurgies | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 61 Activités Économiques Et Vie Domestique D'un Quartier Du Vicus De Horbourg-Wihr | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 62 Militaria De Lugdunum | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 63 Greek, Roman And Byzantıne Lamps From The Medıterranean To The Black Sea | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 64 Mobiliers Et Sanctuaires Dans Les Provinces Romaines Occidentales | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 7 Les cachets à collyres dans le monde romain. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 8 Lucernas romanas en la región septentrional de la península ibérica. | 1 | adet |
Monographies Instrumentum Vol. 9 Artisanat et productions artisanales en milieu rural dans les provinces du nord-ouest de l’Empire romain | 1 | adet |
Monstrous Nature: Environment and Horror on the Big Screen | 1 | adet |
MOOC Learning Platform Development | 1 | adet |
MOOCs in Higher Education: Institutional Goals and Paths Forward | 1 | adet |
Moonlight Shadow | 1 | adet |
More Constitutional Dimensions of Contract Law | 1 | adet |
Motherlands | 1 | adet |
Motor Speech Disorders: Substrates, Differential Diagnosis and Management (3rd edition) | 1 | adet |
Moving Environments: Affect, Emotion, Ecology, and Film | 1 | adet |
Museum of Childhood A Book of Childhood Things | 1 | adet |
Muslim Women, Transnational Feminism and the Ethics of PedagogyContested Imaginaries in Post-9/11 Cultural Practice, 1st Edition | 1 | adet |
Münchner Entwurf eines Verbandssanktionengesetzes | 1 | adet |
My Toddler Talks | 1 | adet |
My Toddler's first words | 1 | adet |
Nachtleben İm Alten Rom | 1 | adet |
Nadia Boulanger And The Stravinskys | 1 | adet |
Nairi Lands: The Identity of the Local Communities of Eastern Anatolia, South Caucasus and Periphery During the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age. A Reassessment of the Material Culture and the Socio-Economic Landscape | 1 | adet |
National Space Legislation | 1 | adet |
Nationalism on the Internet : Critical Theory and Ideology in the Age of Social Media and Fake News | 1 | adet |
Nationaux et étrangers en droit public français | 1 | adet |
Navigating through Algebra in Grades 9–12 (with CD-ROM) | 1 | adet |
Navigating through Mathematical Connections in Grades 9-12 (with CD-ROM) | 1 | adet |
Navigating through Measurement in Grades 6–8 (with CD-ROM) | 1 | adet |
Navigating through Measurement in Grades 9–12 (with CD-ROM) | 1 | adet |
Navigating through Number and Operations in Grades 9-12 (with CD-ROM) | 1 | adet |
Navigating through Problem Solving and Reasoning Grade 6 (with CD-ROM) | 1 | adet |
Necessary Existence | 1 | adet |
Neolithic Bodies | 1 | adet |
Neptune | 1 | adet |
Netnography The Essential Guide to Qualitative Social Media Research | 1 | adet |
Network culture. Politics for the information age | 1 | adet |
Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer's Disease: The Role of Diabetes, Genetics, Hormones, and Lifestyle | 1 | adet |
New Empirical Perspectives on Translation and Interpreting | 1 | adet |
Newspaper Design: Editorial Design from the World's Best Newsrooms | 1 | adet |
nnion: Master of Roman Glass (Metropolitan Museum of ArtChristopher Lightfoot | 1 | adet |
Notstand und Strafe | 1 | adet |
Numbers and Stories: Using Children's Literature to Teach Young Children Number Sense | 1 | adet |
Numerical Methods and Optimization in Finance | 1 | adet |
Nuovo Atlante di Hierapolis di Frigia VII. Cartografia Archaeologica della Citta e delle Necropoli | 1 | adet |
Nutrition and Cancer Prevention | 1 | adet |
Objects: Nothing out of the Ordinary | 1 | adet |
Objektive Zurechnung und Tatherrschaft | 1 | adet |
obscura, intima | 1 | adet |
Observing and Developing Schematic Behaviour in Young Children | 1 | adet |
OFF THE WALL — Art of the Absurd | 1 | adet |
Offal: The Fifth Quarter | 1 | adet |
Office Du Juge Administratif Et Questions Préjudicielles | 1 | adet |
Olafur Eliasson: Experience | 1 | adet |
Omaggio a Leo Brouwer | 1 | adet |
On Becoming a Counselor: The basic guide for non-professionalcounsellors | 1 | adet |
On the Road to Variable: The Flexible Future of Typography | 1 | adet |
Ontology after Carnap | 1 | adet |
Open Source Software | 1 | adet |
Optimizing Cognitive Rehabilitatiom: Effective Instructional Methods | 1 | adet |
Organ and Keyboard Works | 1 | adet |
Organ and Keyboard Works I-IV | 1 | adet |
Organization and Decision | 1 | adet |
Organization outside Organizations | 1 | adet |
Orgel und Cembalowerke, Band 1 | 1 | adet |
Orgel und Cembalowerke, Band 2 | 1 | adet |
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Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language Volume 1 | 1 | adet |
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Painted Diagrams: Bauhaus, Art, and Infographics World's Best Newsrooms and Designers | 1 | adet |
Pa'l Raúl | 1 | adet |
Palaeolithic Italy Advanced studies on early human adaptations in the Apennine peninsula | 1 | adet |
Panel Data Econometrics: Empirical Applications | 1 | adet |
Panel Data Econometrics: Theory | 1 | adet |
Papermaking: The History and Technique of an Ancient Craft | 1 | adet |
Passacaglia | 1 | adet |
Past Landscapes The Dynamics of Interaction between Society, Landscape, and Culture | 1 | adet |
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Patterns: Inside the Design Library | 1 | adet |
Paul Rand: Inspiration and Process in Design | 1 | adet |
Performance Now: Live Art for the Twenty-First Century | 1 | adet |
Pergamon And The Hellenistic Kingdoms Of The Ancient World | 1 | adet |
Persian Ceramics: 9th - 14th Century | 1 | adet |
Personal Ornaments in Prehistory: An Exploration of Body Augmentation from the Palaeolithic to the Early Bronze Age | 1 | adet |
Perspectives on Lived Religion: Practices Transmission Landscape | 1 | adet |
Perspectives on Retranslation: Ideology, Paratexts, Methods | 1 | adet |
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Pessinus and Its Regional Setting Volume 2: Work in 2009-2013 | 1 | adet |
Petite suite valseuse | 1 | adet |
Phenomenal: California Light, Space, Surface | 1 | adet |
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Philosophy and Foundations of Mathematics: L. E. J. Brouwer | 1 | adet |
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Phonetics for Communication Disorders | 1 | adet |
Phrygia in Antiquity: From the Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period Proceedings of an International Conference 'The Phrygian Lands over Time: From Prehistory to the Middle of of the 1st Millennium AD', held at Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 2nd-8t | 1 | adet |
Piano Trios | 1 | adet |
Pièces de Clavecin | 1 | adet |
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Play It Easy! Livre du professeur | 1 | adet |
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Popular Culture: An Introductory Text | 1 | adet |
Popular Culture: Introductory Perspectives | 1 | adet |
Port State Jurisdiction and the Regulation of International Merchant Shipping - Hamburg Studies on Maritime Affairs | 1 | adet |
Postdigital Aesthetics: Art, Computation And Design | 1 | adet |
Pottery, Peoples And Places. Study And İnterpretation Of Late Hellenistic Pottery | 1 | adet |
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Practitioner Research in Early Childhood | 1 | adet |
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Prelúdio No. 2 | 1 | adet |
Preparing Teachers To Teach Glabal Education: A Handbook forTeacher Educators | 1 | adet |
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Primary Progressive Aphasia and Other Frontotemporal Dementias: Diagnosis and Treatment of Associated Communication Disorders | 1 | adet |
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Probability and Statistics for Data Science | 1 | adet |
Probability Models for Economic Decisions | 1 | adet |
Problem Solving in Groups | 1 | adet |
Procédure administrative et modes amiables de résolution des différends - CRFPA - Examen national Session 2019 | 1 | adet |
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Promoting Speech, Language, and Literacy in Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing (CLI Book 20) | 1 | adet |
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Psycholinguistik Eine Einführung | 1 | adet |
Psychology: A Very Short Introduction | 1 | adet |
Psychosocial perspectives on the Management of Voice Disorders | 1 | adet |
Public Archaeology: Theoretical Approaches & Current Practices | 1 | adet |
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Public Space in the Late Antique City: Streets, Processions, Fora, Agorai, Macella, Shops / Sites, Buildings, Dates (Late Antique Archaeology) Supplement Edition | 1 | adet |
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Qualitative Data Analysis from Start to Finish | 1 | adet |
Qualitative Research | 1 | adet |
Qualitative Research in Business and Management | 1 | adet |
Qualitative Research Methods | 1 | adet |
Qualitätssicherung in der Wirtschaftsprüfung: Praxisleitfaden zum Aufbau eines Qualitätssicherungssystems | 1 | adet |
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Raising Your Spirited Child, Third Edition: A Guide for Parents Whose Child Is More Intense, Sensitive, Perceptive, Persistent, and Energetic | 1 | adet |
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Recordações da Infância | 1 | adet |
Recreation conflict management. | 1 | adet |
Recreation Faciltiy Management with Web Resource | 1 | adet |
Recreation, Event, and Tourism Business With Web Resources: Start-Up and Sustainable Operations | 1 | adet |
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Regards croisés sur la procédure administrative contentieuse et la procédure civile | 1 | adet |
Regional History And The Coin Finds From Assur | 1 | adet |
Representing Translation: The Representation of Translation and Translators in Contemporary Media | 1 | adet |
Research Handbook on Human Rights and Digial Technology: | 1 | adet |
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology | 1 | adet |
Researching Cognitive Processes of Translation | 1 | adet |
Researching Translation in the Age of Technology and Global Conflict | 1 | adet |
Respecting Truth | 1 | adet |
Responsabilité contractuelle et responsabilité extra-contractuelle en droit administratif | 1 | adet |
Rethinking Comparison in Archaeology | 1 | adet |
Rethinking Research Methods in an Age of Digital Journalism | 1 | adet |
Revolutions in Communication: Media History from Gutenberg to the Digital Age | 1 | adet |
Rhapsodie “Mekanisk” | 1 | adet |
Rhetoric in Popular Culture | 1 | adet |
Richard Martin Honig (1890-1981) - Leben und Frühwerk eines deutschen Juristen jüdischer Herkunft | 1 | adet |
Rivages | 1 | adet |
Robot Ecology and the Science Fiction Film | 1 | adet |
Roman and Late Antique Wine Production in the Eastern Mediterranean: A Comparative Archaeological Study at Antiochia ad Cragum (Turkey) and Delos (Greece) (Archaeopress Roman Archaeology) | 1 | adet |
Roman Architecture and Urbanism. From the Origins to Late Antiquity | 1 | adet |
Roman Building Techniques | 1 | adet |
Routledge Handbook of Ecocriticism and Environmental Communication | 1 | adet |
Rum Seljuq Architecture, 1170-1220: The Patronage of Sultans (Edinburgh Studies in Islamic Art) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition | 1 | adet |
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Rural Settlement Relating buildings, landscape, and people in the European Iron Age | 1 | adet |
Rural Tourism And Sustaninable Business | 1 | adet |
Sage on the Screen: Education, Media, and How We Learn. | 1 | adet |
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Sagittarius A* | 1 | adet |
Sämtliche Clavierwerke, Band I-III | 1 | adet |
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Sasanidische Spuren in Der Byzantinischen, Kaukasischen Und Islamischen Kunst Und Kultur: Sasanian Elements in Byzantine, Caucasian and Islamic Art ... Orient Und Okzident) (German Edition) | 1 | adet |
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Scènes hivernales | 1 | adet |
Scholarly Editing and German Literature: Revision, Revaluation, Edition | 1 | adet |
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Schuldausschließungsgründe bei Täterschaft und Teilnahme | 1 | adet |
Science, Tools & Magic Part One: Body And Spirit Mapping The Universe Volume XII Part 1 | 1 | adet |
Science, Tools and Magic (The Nasser D. Khalili Collection of Islamic Art) | 1 | adet |
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Sculpture on the Move 1946–2016 | 1 | adet |
Sculpture Projects Muenster 07 | 1 | adet |
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Selected Works for Keyboard,Volume I-IV | 1 | adet |
Self-theories: Their Role in Motivation, Personality, and Development (Essays in Social Psychology) | 1 | adet |
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Sex on Show: Seeing the Erotic in Greece and Rome | 1 | adet |
Sexuality (Whitechapel: Documents of Contemporary Art) | 1 | adet |
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Siglo de oro vol. 3 | 1 | adet |
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Social Justice in Education: An Introduction | 1 | adet |
Social Media for Student Affairs in #HigherEducation: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities | 1 | adet |
Social Media for Student Affairs in #HigherEducation: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities. | 1 | adet |
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Social Media Marketing. | 1 | adet |
Social Media, Politics and the State : Protests, Revolutions, Riots, Crime and Policing in the Age of Facebook, Twitter and YouTube | 1 | adet |
Social Simulation: Computer Simulation of Societies | 1 | adet |
Social Work Supervision: Contexts and Concepts | 1 | adet |
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Sonata 44 | 1 | adet |
Sonata H op. 29 | 1 | adet |
Sonata III | 1 | adet |
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Sonata No. 4 | 1 | adet |
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Sonderwissen und Sonderfähigkeiten in der Lehre vom Straftatbestand | 1 | adet |
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Speech Science: An Integrated Approach to Theory and Clinical Practice | 1 | adet |
Sports Event Management (New Directions in Tourism Analysis) | 1 | adet |
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Staff Supervision in Social Care: Making a Real Difference for Staff and Service Users | 1 | adet |
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Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics | 1 | adet |
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Strafbarkeitsrisiken durch Compliance | 1 | adet |
Strafgesetzbuch Leipziger Kommentar. StGB. Band 1: Einleitung; §§ 1-18 | 1 | adet |
Strafgesetzbuch Leipziger Kommentar. StGB. Band 3: §§ 32-37 | 1 | adet |
Strafgesetzbuch Leipziger Kommentar. StGB. Band 4: §§ 38-55 | 1 | adet |
Strafprozessuale Angehörigenprivilegien im Rechtsvergleich | 1 | adet |
Strafprozessuale Probleme bei der Einführung einer Verbandsstrafe | 1 | adet |
Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil | 1 | adet |
Strategic Information Technology | 1 | adet |
Strategic Social Marketing For Behaviour and Social Change | 1 | adet |
Stratonikeia (Eskihisar) ve Kutsal Alanları | 1 | adet |
Stratonikeia Mimari, Heykel ve Küçük Buluntu Araştırmaları | 1 | adet |
String Instrument Setups | 1 | adet |
Strings in Blue, Op. 75 | 1 | adet |
Studien zum Gefahrurteil im Strafrecht | 1 | adet |
Studies & Duets, Vol. 2 | 1 | adet |
Studies İn The Antiquities Of Stobi, Volume 3 | 1 | adet |
Studies İn The Philosophy Of Logic And Knowledge | 1 | adet |
Studying Diversity, Migration and Urban Multiculture: Convivial Tools for Research and Practice | 1 | adet |
Subrâhmanya | 1 | adet |
Suite Brasileira No. 1 | 1 | adet |
Suite des rêves | 1 | adet |
Suite girafe | 1 | adet |
Suite parisienne | 1 | adet |
Suites, Partitas,Sonatas for violin Transcribed for Harpsichord | 1 | adet |
Summer Nights of Formosa | 1 | adet |
Supercharged Storytimes: An Early Literacy Planning And Assessment Guide | 1 | adet |
Supervision In The Helping Professions | 1 | adet |
Supervision in Social Work | 1 | adet |
Supervisor Training: Issues and Approaches | 1 | adet |
Supervisory Relationships: Exploring the Human Element | 1 | adet |
Sur Les Rives Du Saint-Maurice, Opus 78 | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Australia I, Australian Centre for Ancient Numismatic Studies. The Gale Collection of South Italian Coins | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Poland, Vol. I: The Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum in Lodz, Part 3, Bosporus - Cilitia | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, Poland. Vol. I: The Archaeological and Ethnographical Museum in Lodz, Part 4: Galatia - Zeugitana | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum. The American Numismatic Society 6: Palestine-South Arabia | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Great Britain 12. The Hunterian Museum University of Glasgow: Part 1 | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Great Britain 12. The Hunterian Museum University of Glasgow: Part 2. Roman provincial coins, Cyprus - Egypt. | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Great Britain 13. The collection of the Society of Antiquaries | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Great Britain 5. Ashmolean Museum (Oxford): Pt. 11, Caria to Commagene. | 1 | adet |
Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum: Great Britain 5. Ashmolean Museum (Oxford): Pt. 9, Bosporus-Aeolis. | 1 | adet |
Syrah | 1 | adet |
System Dynamics Fast Guide | 1 | adet |
System Dynamics Modelling with Vensim | 1 | adet |
Tabula Peutingeriana Die Einzige Weltkarte Aus Der Antike | 1 | adet |
Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades 6-8 | 1 | adet |
Taking Action: Implementing Effective Mathematics Teaching Practices in Grades 9-12 | 1 | adet |
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Tanaka 1587: Japan’s Greatest Unknown Samurai Battle | 1 | adet |
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Tangoriental | 1 | adet |
Täterschaft und Teilnahme als Handlungsunrechtstypen | 1 | adet |
Täterschaft von Verbänden | 1 | adet |
Teachers Learning: Professional Development and Educatio | 1 | adet |
Teachers, Schools, And Society: A Brief Introduction To Education | 1 | adet |
Teaching Design and Technology in Secondary Schools: AReader (OU Flexible PGCE) | 1 | adet |
Teaching for Active Citizenship: Moral values and personal epistemology in early years classrooms | 1 | adet |
Teaching Students With Special Needs İn Inclusive Classrooms | 1 | adet |
Teamwork and Collaboration in Early Years Settings | 1 | adet |
Temperament as a Regulator of Behavior: After Fifty Years of Research | 1 | adet |
Temperament: Theory And Practice (Basic Principles Into Practice) | 1 | adet |
Temples and Sanctuaries in the Roman East: Religious Architecture in Syria, Iudaea/Palaestina and Provincia Arabia | 1 | adet |
Terpsichore for 6 Strings | 1 | adet |
Terrakotten aus PergamonTonfiguren und -objekte aus der Wohnstadt am Südhang der Akropolis und von weiteren Fundorten[Terracottas from Pergamon: Clay Figures and Objects from the Residential Town on the Southern Slope of the Acropolis and Other Sites] | 1 | adet |
Territory and Power in Constitutional Transitions | 1 | adet |
Textiles and Textile Production in Europe: From Prehistory to AD 400 | 1 | adet |
The ABC's of Triangle, Square, Circle: The Bauhaus and Design Theory | 1 | adet |
The Adult Dysphagia Pocket Guide: Neuroanatomy to Clinical Practice | 1 | adet |
The Aesthetics of Emulation in the Visual Arts of Ancient Rome | 1 | adet |
The Age of the Horse: An Equine Journey Through Human History | 1 | adet |
The Age of the Seljuqs (The Idea of Iran) | 1 | adet |
The Ancient Romans | 1 | adet |
The Apocalypse in Film: Dystopias, Disasters, and Other Visions about the End of the World | 1 | adet |
The Art & Craft of Handmade Paper | 1 | adet |
The Art Museum | 1 | adet |
The Art of Legislating | 1 | adet |
The Art of the Erotic | 1 | adet |
The Arts of War Arms and Armour of the 7th to 19th centuries Volume XXI | 1 | adet |
The Baby Room Principles, Policy and Practice | 1 | adet |
The Barrios Method, Vol. 1 | 1 | adet |
The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology That Powers Them | 1 | adet |
The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains: An Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and the Technology That Powers Them. | 1 | adet |
The Beaker People: Isotopes, Mobility and Diet in Prehistoric Britain | 1 | adet |
The Big Book of Font Combinations: Hundreds of Typeface Pairing Ideas for Graphic Design & Typography Enthusiasts | 1 | adet |
The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies | 1 | adet |
The Book of Circles: Visualizing Spheres of Knowledge: | 1 | adet |
The Book of John | 1 | adet |
The Book: A Cover-to-Cover Exploration of the Most Powerful Object of Our Time | 1 | adet |
The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Family Law | 1 | adet |
The Cambridge Companion to Philosophical Methodology | 1 | adet |
The Camera Assistant's Manual | 1 | adet |
The Cesnola Collection of Cypriot Art: Ancient Glass | 1 | adet |
The Cities of Roman Africa | 1 | adet |
The Classical Ukulele Method | 1 | adet |
The Commercial and Cultural Climate of Japanese Printmaking (European Studies on Japan) | 1 | adet |
The Competition of Fibers: Early Textile Production in Western Asia, Southeast and Central Europe (10,000–500 BCE) | 1 | adet |
The Complete Cantatas, Chorales and Motets | 1 | adet |
The Complete Roman Emperor Imperial Life - at Court and on Campaign | 1 | adet |
The Constitution of European Democracy | 1 | adet |
The Consumer Revolution | 1 | adet |
The Cosmopolitan Constitution | 1 | adet |
The Cultural Indutries | 1 | adet |
The Democratic Organisation | 1 | adet |
The Developing Mind Third Edition How Relationships and the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are | 1 | adet |
The Development of Ink, Paper & Printing in Asia | 1 | adet |
The development of social knowledge- Morality&Convention | 1 | adet |
The Double-Facing Constitution | 1 | adet |
The Dragon in Medieval East Christian and Islamic Art : With a Foreword by Robert Hillenbrand | 1 | adet |
The Drug Book: From Arsenic to Xanax, 250 Milestones in the History of Drugs (SterlingMilestones) | 1 | adet |
The Empathic Screen: Cinema and Neuroscience | 1 | adet |
The Environmental Documentary: Cinema Activism in the 21st Century | 1 | adet |
The Evolution of Mind Fundamental Questions and Controversies | 1 | adet |
The Evolving Curriculum in Interpreter and Translator Education: Stakeholder Perspectives and Voices | 1 | adet |
The Expulsion of the Other | 1 | adet |
The Falling Rain | 1 | adet |
The Flavour Thesaurus | 1 | adet |
The Food of Spain | 1 | adet |
The Four Seasons | 1 | adet |
The Georgian Churches of Oski and Iskhani: Architecture and Ornament | 1 | adet |
The Graphic Design Reader | 1 | adet |
The Growth Mindset Coach: A Teacher'sMonth-by-Month Handbook forEmpowering Students to Achieve | 1 | adet |
The Guide to Managing Postproduction for Film, TV, and Digital Distribution | 1 | adet |
The Handbook of the Neuroscience of Multilingualism | 1 | adet |
The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 1, 1890–1959 | 1 | adet |
The History of Graphic Design. Vol. 2, 1960–Today | 1 | adet |
The Holy Apostles: A Lost Monument, a Forgotten Project, and the Presentness of the Past (Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Symposia and Colloquia) | 1 | adet |
The Imperialisation of Assyria: An Archaeological Approach | 1 | adet |
The ISLE Reader: Ecocriticism: 1993-2003 | 1 | adet |
The Landscape of Hollywood Westerns: Ecocriticism in an American Film Genre | 1 | adet |
The life cycle of structures in experimental archaeology An object biography approach | 1 | adet |
The Literature Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained | 1 | adet |
The Lithographs of Charles Banks Wilson | 1 | adet |
The Lives of Artsits | 1 | adet |
The Master's Degree in Education as Teacher Professional Development: Re-envisioning the Role of the Academy in the Development of Practicing Teachers | 1 | adet |
The Material Origin of Numbers: Insights from the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East | 1 | adet |
The Museum of Lost Art | 1 | adet |
The Narrow Corridor | 1 | adet |
The Nature of Cities: Ecocriticism and Urban Environments | 1 | adet |
The Night Sprite | 1 | adet |
The Nine Symphonies | 1 | adet |
The Odd, the Unusual, and the Strange: Bioarchaeological Explorations of Atypical Burials | 1 | adet |
The Origins of Art and Music: Ice Age Discoveries from the Caves of Southwestern Germany | 1 | adet |
The Oxford Handbook of Archaeological Ceramic Analysis | 1 | adet |
The Oxford Handbook of Archaeology of Death and Burial | 1 | adet |
The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics | 1 | adet |
The Oxford Handbook of Constitutional Law in Latin America | 1 | adet |
The Oxford Handbook of Ecocriticism | 1 | adet |
The Oxford Handbook of Human Motivation | 1 | adet |
The Planning and Management of Distance Education | 1 | adet |
The Political Dimension of Constitutional Law | 1 | adet |
The Political Economy of Communication | 1 | adet |
The Political Economy of Sustainability | 1 | adet |
The Political Foundations of Judicial Independence in Dictatorship and Democracy | 1 | adet |
The Politics of World Heritage: Negotiating Tourism and Conservation | 1 | adet |
The Power of Prints: The Legacy of William M. Ivins and A. Hyatt Mayor | 1 | adet |
The Religious Figural Imagery of Byzantine Lead Seals I: Studies on the Image of Christ, the Virgin and Narrative Scenes (Variorum Collected Studies) | 1 | adet |
The Rhetorical Power of Popular Culture: Considering Mediated Texts | 1 | adet |
The Roman Mother | 1 | adet |
The Routledge Companion to Cinema and Politics | 1 | adet |
The Routledge Handbook of Arabic Translation | 1 | adet |
The Routledge Handbook of Environment and Communication | 1 | adet |
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education | 1 | adet |
The SAGE Handbook of Contemporary Cross-Cultural Management | 1 | adet |
The SAGE Handbook of International Migration | 1 | adet |
The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration | 1 | adet |
The SAGE Handbook of Responsible Management Learning and Education | 1 | adet |
The SAGE Handbook of Visual Research Methods | 1 | adet |
The Seljuks of Anatolia: Court and Society in the Medieval Middle East (Library of Middle East History) Kindle Edition | 1 | adet |
The Seljuqs and Their Successors: Art, Culture and History | 1 | adet |
The Shredded Chef: 120 Recipes for Building Muscle, Getting Lean, and Staying Healthy | 1 | adet |
The Social Work Dictionary | 1 | adet |
The Story of the Design Museum | 1 | adet |
The Strategic Management of Information Systems | 1 | adet |
The Techniques Of Trombone Playing | 1 | adet |
The Temperaments and the Adult-Child Relationship | 1 | adet |
The Toledo Museum Of Art, Early Ancient Glass: Core-Formed, Rod-Formed, And Cast Vessels And Objects From The Late Bronze Age To The Early Roman Empire, 1600 Bc To Ad 50 | 1 | adet |
The Transition to Late Antiquity on the Lower Danube: Excavations and survey at Dichin, a Late Roman to early Byzantine Fort and a Roman aqueduct | 1 | adet |
The Transport Amphorae And Trade Of Cyprus | 1 | adet |
The two reformations in the 16th century Kindle Edition | 1 | adet |
The Universal Journalist | 1 | adet |
The Vine-fruit Carol | 1 | adet |
The Vine-fruit Carol - Partie de choeur | 1 | adet |
The Voice Clinic Handbook | 1 | adet |
Theories of Truth | 1 | adet |
Theories, Sites, Toposes: Relating and studying mathematical theories through topos-theoretic 'bridges' | 1 | adet |
Theory and Practical Exercises of System Dynamics | 1 | adet |
Three Renaissance Micropieces | 1 | adet |
Toccata | 1 | adet |
Toccata No 1 | 1 | adet |
Tourism and Urban Regeneraiton | 1 | adet |
Tourism Collaboration And Partner: Politics, Practice and Sustainability | 1 | adet |
Tourism Economics and Policy | 1 | adet |
Tracing Technoscapes The Production of Bronze Age Wall Paintings in the Eastern Mediterranean | 1 | adet |
Tracing the Indo-Europeans: New evidence from archaeology and historical linguistics | 1 | adet |
Trade Marks and Brands : An Interdisciplinary Critique | 1 | adet |
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights | 1 | adet |
Traditions techniques et production céramique au Néolithique ancien Étude de huit sites rubanés du nord est de la France et de Belgique | 1 | adet |
Training For Organizational Transformation | 1 | adet |
Transactions with the World: Ecocriticism and the Environmental Sensibility of New Hollywood | 1 | adet |
Transkulturelle Kommunikation | 1 | adet |
Translation Sites. A Field Guide | 1 | adet |
Translation: A Guide to the Practice of Crafting Target Texts | 1 | adet |
Translatorische Methodik | 1 | adet |
Transnational Migrations in the Asia-Pacific: Transformative Experiences in the Age of Digital Media | 1 | adet |
Transportation Law in Turkey | 1 | adet |
Trattado de Glosas | 1 | adet |
Trevor Paglen | 1 | adet |
Trio Pour Clarinette, Violoncelle Et Piano Op. 73 | 1 | adet |
Triptych | 1 | adet |
Trittico sul nome di Francesco Biamonti | 1 | adet |
Trois Prieres | 1 | adet |
Trois-Rivieres | 1 | adet |
Turkey-EC Association Law: Developments Since Ankara Agreement 1963 (The Rigths of EU Citizens in Turkey and of Turkish Citizens in The EU Countries) | 1 | adet |
Turkish Family Law | 1 | adet |
Turkish Origin Migrants and Their DescendantsHyphenated Identities in Transnational Space | 1 | adet |
Two Movements, Based on “Dies Irae” | 1 | adet |
Two pieces | 1 | adet |
Two-Dimensional Man | 1 | adet |
Type and Color: How to Design and Use Multicolored Typefaces | 1 | adet |
Type for Type: Custom type solutions for identity design | 1 | adet |
Typographic Knitting: From Pixel to Pattern | 1 | adet |
Un processus discret | 1 | adet |
Uncertainty Works | 1 | adet |
Understanding Child And Adolescent Behaviour İn The Classroom | 1 | adet |
Understanding Design in Film Production | 1 | adet |
Unmarketing | 1 | adet |
Unrechtsausschluss bei zeitlich gestreckten Notlagen | 1 | adet |
Unterlassungszurechnung bei drittvermittelten Rettungsgeschehen | 1 | adet |
Unternehmensverantwortlichkeit und -sanktionierung | 1 | adet |
Urban Sculpture | 1 | adet |
Urban Tourism and Urban Change | 1 | adet |
Urban Tourism in the Developing World: The South African Experience | 1 | adet |
Using Computers in the Translation of Literary Style | 1 | adet |
Values in Early Childhood Education | 1 | adet |
Variations sur l’air «Adieu Foulard» | 1 | adet |
Variations sur un thème Byzantin | 1 | adet |
Variations sur un thème de Jean-Claude Petit | 1 | adet |
Varieties of Continua: From Regions to Points and Back | 1 | adet |
Vart siretsi | 1 | adet |
Vensim Fast Guide | 1 | adet |
Vente De Fonds De Commerce | 1 | adet |
Verfassungs- und Menschenrechtsbeschwerde gegen richterliche Entscheidungen | 1 | adet |
Verordnung Über Die Geschäftsführung Der Konkursämter (Kov) | 1 | adet |
Versicherungsrecht | 1 | adet |
Versuch über die wahreArt das Clavier zu spielen | 1 | adet |
Video/Art: The First Fifty Years | 1 | adet |
Viral Marketing and Social Networks | 1 | adet |
Visoes Infantis, Op. 22 | 1 | adet |
Visual Environmental Communication | 1 | adet |
Voir l'ombre tomber | 1 | adet |
Vowels And Consonants | 1 | adet |
Voyage au pays du blues, folk et rag Vol. 2 | 1 | adet |
Voyage au pays du blues, folk et rag Vol. 3 | 1 | adet |
Voyage en Irlande | 1 | adet |
Walk Through Walls: A Memoir | 1 | adet |
Web Design. The Evolution of the Digital World 1990–Today (multilingual Edition) | 1 | adet |
Werke für Flöte | 1 | adet |
Western Constitutionalism | 1 | adet |
What Is Cultural Translation? | 1 | adet |
What It Means to Write About Art | 1 | adet |
What is Translation History? A Trust-Based Approach | 1 | adet |
When the Last Leaf Falls | 1 | adet |
Widerstandsrecht: Eine Rechtsphilosophische Und Völkerrechtliche Betrachtung | 1 | adet |
Wiederverwendung von Antike im Mittelalter: Die Sicht des Archäologen und die Sicht des Historikers | 1 | adet |
Wiki Works : Teaching Web Research and Digital Literacy in History and Humanities Classrooms | 1 | adet |
Wild Things 2: Further Advances in Palaeolithic and Mesolithic Research | 1 | adet |
Wissenschaftlich formulieren: ein Arbeitsbuch | 1 | adet |
Wolfgang Tillmans: What’s wrong with redistribution? | 1 | adet |
Women and Politics in Ancient Rome | 1 | adet |
Women in the Ancient World | 1 | adet |
WP Handbuch: Wirtschaftsprüfung und Rechnungslegung | 1 | adet |
Xié | 1 | adet |
Young Hands | 1 | adet |
Zilia | 1 | adet |
Zur Schutzfunktion des Wirtschaftsstrafrechts | 1 | adet |
Zweifelssatz und Verbandsstrafe | 1 | adet |
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